Magdalene with the Smoking Mirror, Georges De La Tour, 1640
Magdalene with the Smoking Mirror, Georges De La Tour, 1640

We enter into the Mysteries of Imbolc, Candlemas, or Fèill Bhrìghde.

As I mentioned in previous musings, Imbolc-Candlemas has long been considered a thin time and an  ancestral holy time traditionally celebrated during the first few days of February.

The mid-point of Imbolc occurs when the Sun is at 15 degrees of Aquarius.

In 2017 (and 2019), that’s February 3rd, give or take some hours based on whereon this beautiful Earth you are at the moment.

This also initiates what the late Mythic Astrologer Steve Nelson called the Candlemas Hora … a holy time. He said:

“This Mid-Aquarius “power gate” begins the Candlemas Hora, a 15-day period from Feb 3 to 18 when the nature of the New Year becomes illuminated and the vital energies of Nature stir to life.”

So it’s a special energy, a special time, and an opportunity as well to strengthen Feminine, right-brain, heart-sync’d gifts like intuition, seeing, visioning, heart-centeredness, and aligning with the Holy Divine and the energies of Life in all.

The Spirit & Origin of Imbolc – Candlemas

Imbolc, Candlemas, and/or Fèill Bhrìghde were some of the names given to this time of year by the Gaelic-Celtic ancestors, as they marked the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, and later is was called Candlemas (or Fèill Brìghde).

Market Girl by Candle Light, by Petrus Van Schendel (1806-1870)
Market Girl by Candle Light, by Petrus Van Schendel (1806-1870)

Other cultures and traditions celebrated and honored the turning of the Seasonal wheel by other names.

I feel a special affinity for this time of year, since I was born at Imbolc-Candlemas, with Sirius and Orion visible in the Winter night sky.

For some of our ancestors, that reminder of coming Spring (and fading Winter) was a pretty big deal, in a region where it got plenty cold, and a time when there wasn’t the ease of electricity, central heating, a gas stove and electric fridge, or a chock-full grocery store.

Yet it’s truly relevant in our high-tech times, too, where ‘modern conveniences’ and a ‘sense of urgency’ abound, but people are more depressed, anxious, and isolated than ever (despite being constantly ‘plugged in’), and a genuine sense of meaning and purpose are more confused than ever.

The name, Imbolc, referred to ‘in the belly’ — that which is born in the Spring is ‘in the belly’, gestating, readying itself for birth, whether Spring lambs or Spring itself.

Pia de Tolomei (1868-1880), by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Pia de Tolomei (1868-1880), by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

This was Bhrìghde’s time, too, both the Goddess and the Celtic-Christian Saint (Brigit, Brighid, Bridget, Bhríde, etc. – see below about name-spelling) of those who celebrated Imbolc.

Working with the Energies of Now

In the beginning of a new calendar year, with Imbolc and the Lunar New Year as well, it’s a perfect time for tuning into and envisioning (or inviting Divine guidance on) what’s ‘in the belly’, and asking:

What’s gestating?

What’s stirring for you?

What has heart, joy, and meaning for you?

What does Life want from you this year? (Hint: Those are the ‘sweet spot’ clues!)

To tap into the Holy Magic of the season, align with the energies of the season and of Bhrìghde Herself.

St. Brigid's Well, Kildare Cultural Heritage Center, Ireland
St. Brigid’s Well, Kildare Cultural Heritage Center, Ireland

To stir soul and ancestral spirit of Imbolc, peruse Bhrìghde and her “habit of the wildest bounty,” and the story of my own challenge of kindling my own ancestral connection to Bhrìghde, both in terms of my Gaelic-Celt ancestors generally and to Clan Douglas or Dubh Glais as well, for whom Bhrìghde was the patron saint.



Wisdom Apprentices and coaching clients also have access to several audio workshops on the Bhrìghde Mysteries, as well as an abundant garden of other audio-workshops on the Black Madonna, Cerridwen and her Creative Cauldron, the Goddesses of No Fear, and others to stir into the Mysteries and gifts of the deep, rich Feminine.


In recent years, we’ve seen the generational (and powerful)  shifting macro-energies marked by meetings between Uranus and Pluto, and the Neptune and Chiron in Pisces getting activation from Saturn in Sagittarius.

These are most stirring (or activating) for those with cardinal and mutable astro-chart placements (which mean “parts of who you be!”).

Detail from the 12th century Aberdeen Bestiary {PD-US} Wikimedia.

Generational soul-groups getting lit up:

Mid-Sixities-born Generation X Phoenixers and mid-Seventies-born folk with A Whole Lot of Libra (a cardinal sign) … and you if you’ve got strong placements in the cardinal or mutable zones.

See this post for more on key ‘life milestones’ affecting generational soul groups:

Life Milestone Cycles & Big Energy Activations Underway

To clarify and activate your role in these times, as a Wise Guide or Keeper of the Flame in these wild, transformative times, have a look at the current featured offerings or send me an email (info ‘at’ sophias-children ‘dot’ com).

Wishing you a wellspring of inspiration and creativity, and a bounty of well-being, in this Month of Bhrìghde and through the coming year.

Big Love,

* There are various spellings for Bhrìghde – this one from the Scottish Gaelic and pronounced Breed-jhuh. Other common spellings include Brighid, Bridget, Brigid, Brigit, and so on.