
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Erased Women

Mary Magdalene, Heroine of the Faith

July 22nd is designated as the 'feast day' for Mary Magdalene or Mariamene e Mara (which means Mariamne the Master) in the various traditions that observe calendared remembrances. While some Protestant communities don't do feast days, per se, Magdalene is... Continue Reading →

Un-Erasing Women Who Knew: Gladys West and the Origins of Your G.P.S.

A lot of people use GPS to help them get to where they're going, but how many know about  Gladys West, Ph.D., whose work was instrumental in creating GPS? Dr. West, a mathematician born in 1930, was a member of... Continue Reading →

Tribe of Invisible Mothers: A Trio of Women Whose Caring Made (or Makes) a Difference – #notinvisibletome

In my recent musing, Appreciation to the Tribe of Invisible Mothers, I promised to share a couple of examples that were in my mind and heart as I gestated and wrote that post. These are just a few of the... Continue Reading →

Remembering Mary Magdalene, and Meeting Her Anew

July 22nd is, traditionally, Mary Magdalene's feast day, and that's coming up soon. She has been spiraling back into our awareness and consciousness for more than one day a year, though, and for more than a few years. When something,... Continue Reading →

The Wise-Woman Way of Mary Magdalene

July 22 is the historical feast day of Mary Magdalene, so it's very fitting to share this updated post from the early days of Sophia's Children. Not that we need confine such celebrations and honorings to one day. After all,... Continue Reading →

Magdalene’s Feast Day – The Inner Way of Mary Magdalene (redux)

July 22 is the historical feast day of Mary Magdalene, so it's very fitting to share this updated post from the early days of Sophia's Children. Not that we need confine such celebrations and honorings to one day. After all,... Continue Reading →

New Moon: Deep Feminine Wisdom (aka Medusa) Back to Earth.

Are you tuning in at this Medusa-flavored new moon to receive Wisdom from the depths? For those with a two-second attention span, at this new moon you're invited to call Wisdom and heartfulness 'down to Earth' to illuminate and guide... Continue Reading →

Un-Erasing ‘Women Who Know’ – Restoring the Ancestral Lineage

In her excellent book, The Woman in the Shaman's Body*, Barbara Tedlock, Ph.D., shares this about the origin and meaning of the word shaman: "The term shaman itself comes from the Evenki language in Siberia, and means "the one who... Continue Reading →

Why Wasn’t Wisdom Taught, and Why is She Needed?

When we wander off the well-traveled path and begin to do a bit of deeper-digging, we realize pretty quickly that the foundational stories we've been taught and told are either incomplete -- key bits left out, you might say --... Continue Reading →

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