Jamie Walters, Transformation Guide, Inspiration Partner, and Creatrix & Curator of Sophia’s Children.

In a nutshell, I support, encourage, and guide fellow change catalysts, ‘creative nonconformists’, and transformation seeders-and-leaders as they (we) experience activation, move through transformation cycles, and emerge (or re-emerge) to share their (our) unique gifts in the world and corner of the world.

It’s an experiential more than an academic calling for me — I share from what I’ve walked, drawing deeply from the well of my experience, the research and ‘maps’ that I found helpful, wise guidance I’ve received from my teachers and mentors, and the work I’ve done with others before, during, and since.

Sophia’s Children is one pathway for this vocational calling of mine — as were the vessels I created before that (like my long-time change and communication consultancy, Ivy Sea, and its highly regarded online resource portal) and since.

I devote and focus my gifts, skills, and experience in support of both this purpose, and you wonderful people I’m honored to work with: my writing, mentoring, coaching, consulting, astrological and wisdom-tradition experience, speaking, listening, presencing, and myriad trainings along the way.

For the curious among us — and I’m such a one — here’s a bit more ‘intel’ on me (Jamie) and about the how-and-why of Sophia’s Children.

About Jamie

The ‘how-and-why’ of Sophia’s Children

Privacy Statement

For a more personalized conversation, send me an email (info ‘at’ sophias-children ‘dot’ com) or, if it’s more beneficial to you, schedule a consultation.

You’ll find some Current Featured Offerings here.

Thanks for stopping by!

Big Love & Wishing You Very Well!
