
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Nattering Nabobs of Negativity

Energies of Now: Saturation in the Virgo-Pisces Mysteries

In the spirit of the current Virgo-Mysteries saturation, it's perfectly timely (very Virgo) to revisit The Virgo Mysteries - Keepers of the Flame musing. Virgo's essence is wholeness, though other Virgoan qualities include: mindfulness, discernment, the power of the word,... Continue Reading →

The Evidence We Gather (and the Gifts of Appreciation & Gratitude)

Something that a mentor once said to me, years ago now, really stayed with me. He said: "Isn't it amazing how we humans find it so much easier to gather 'evidence for suffering' than we do to 'gather evidence for... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Turbulence & Center-Vision

We’re on the far-side, now, of the recent Solstice (21 December) - Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in the Southern - and the end-of-the-year holidays and ‘calendar New Year’. And that’s just the tip of that iceberg,... Continue Reading →

Reader Q: What is Sophiastrology? As Above, So Below.

I received a fabulous email from a new reader who was drawn by the word-morph Sophiastology and wanted to know how I came up with it ... and how it differs from traditional astrology First ... I love hearing from... Continue Reading →

The Believing Mirror Reflection

We’re born into this world already with just the blend of inherent traits, ancestral intelligence, and soul imperatives we need for this lifetime’s expedition. Some of this encoding is time-released, and some is latent until it’s activated by certain forces... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Fired Up, Wired Up and … Just Maybe, Magical.

Just when you thought it might be safe to go back into the water, another wave from the Zap Zone. As we know, though, where there's friction and agitation -- where there be monsters -- there's the potential for creativity... Continue Reading →

Be(a)ware the Catastrophobia and Nattering Nabobs

In yesterday's "Current Special Offerings" musing, I referred to the latest swirl of 'buzz' related to the Energies of Now for the coming weeks. Yes, it's got it all, complete with the usual servings of catastrophobia and missives from the... Continue Reading →

Ignore the Nattering Naysayers, and Hold to a Higher Vision.

Former Vice President, Spiro Agnew, called them "nattering nabobs of negativism." I've used the term "diminishing mirrors." But we all know what that is, and we know too well the effect it can have. This can apply to chronically discouraging... Continue Reading →

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