
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



How Can HeArtful Inquiry Be a Powerful Practice? (The Question Holds the Lantern)

Mindful inquiry. Sacred inquiry. Transformative inquiry. Affirmative inquiry. All of these point to a particular way of working with questions that's a little different from the same old, same old. This was one of the topics (or themes, or skill... Continue Reading →

Creativity as a Virtue, and Uniqueness as the Soul’s Code.

"Creativity is conceived as a reproductive act with a tangible result -- a child, a book, a monument -- that has a physical life going beyond the life of its producer." "Creativity, however, can be intangible in the form of... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Receive, Reflect, Restore … Love

In Dark-of-the-Moon-esque times, we rest into and align with the very Lunar, receptive, reflective energy of the coming New Moon in the very waters ruled by Luna. And then some. Tending, nurturing, slowing, receiving, rejuvenating, listening, dreaming, visioning, flowing, loving.... Continue Reading →

From Feeling Invisible and Unheard, to Deeply Seeing and Listening

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ~ Leo Buscaglia... Continue Reading →

Listening, Empathy and Shouted-Down Doubt

" ... it’s just a clear example of people not listening. They are just not listening. I want to say, “Read my lips. This is how I feel, and it is my experience. And it is my own, and it’s... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: The Golden Thread, Ikigai, and Raison d’etre

The symbol and metaphor of The Golden Thread resurfaces for me every once in awhile. It's a lovely image, and a beautiful reflection to work with. Though this is always a powerful and helpful metaphor when we need it, it's... Continue Reading →

The Power of Graceful Receiving – #Blesstival

"Life is infused with spirit. When we receive deeply we’re receiving not just from an individual but from spirit itself."~ Sobonfu Somé Receiving deeply. Sounds so simple, doesn't it? And yet in a culture where we're taught in many ways,... Continue Reading →

When We’re Still … The Gift of Presence

“There are times when our offering is not necessarily some tangible gift or helpful act, but rather simply a peaceful manner.  If we are clear and present, if we are quiet and centered, then others may be nourished simply by... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: Pilgrim, Gypsy, Wanderer Soul

"In each of us dwells a wanderer, a gypsy, a pilgrim. The purpose here is to call forth that spirit. What matters most on your journey is how deeply you see, how attentively you hear, how richly the encounters are... Continue Reading →

Being Present to Your Holy Self

I'm still listening to and gazing deeply at threads of integration that are weaving themselves together after the flurry of energy wildings, weirdings, and Eureka-moments of recent weeks. How about you? The waves of the intense energetics have continued to... Continue Reading →

Listening to Life and its Holy, Hidden Heart.

"Go where your best prayers take you. Unclench the fists of your spirit ...." “Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and... Continue Reading →

Home and the Radar of Your Heart

We learn and hear a lot of cliches about home - what it means, where it is, how we find it, when do we feel at home and when do we feel displaced, unmoored; what we do if our sense... Continue Reading →

A Luminous Knowing and Wisdom from the Underworld

"The women who have reconnected with their instinctual power have gone beyond the limits of ordinary-world success, whether they have been taken there through loss and suffering into the depths of their being and reborn through touching into their creative... Continue Reading →

Change and Senses: If you have these two things…

“If you have these two things - the willingness to change, and the acceptance of everything as it comes, you will have all you need to work with.” –Charlotte Selver (1901 - 2003), grand dame of 'experience through the senses'... Continue Reading →

Creative Awakening: Your Forgotten Wealth

"When you cease to fear your solitude, a new creativity awakens in you. Your forgotten or neglected inner wealth begins to reveal itself. You come home to yourself and learn to rest within." "That which is scattered has no unity,... Continue Reading →

Echoes of Forgotten Things

"History became legend. Legend became myth. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost." Galadriel, in Lord of the Rings We live in a time of deep remembering, perhaps made both necessary and more urgent by the ... Continue Reading →

If it’s difficult, is it the wrong path?

"A vocation is only possible under conditions that also block it or make it impossible." John Caputo in What Would Jesus Deconstruct That perspective flies straight in the face of the more contemporary notion that if you're experiencing obstacles on... Continue Reading →

“A Listening Life …” ~ a reflection from Adam McHugh

Okay, raise your hand if you resonate with this in your very heart and core (if you're a fellow introvert, the chances are excellent that your hand will be raised): "But in truth, there is no glory in listening. There is... Continue Reading →

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