Hebe Giving a Drink to Jupiter, 1767, by Gavin Hamilton. Public domain image (date precedes copyright).
Hebe Giving a Drink to Jupiter, 1767, by Gavin Hamilton. Public domain image (date precedes copyright).

“Life is infused with spirit. When we receive deeply we’re receiving not just from an individual but from spirit itself.”~ Sobonfu Somé

Receiving deeply. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it?

And yet in a culture where we’re taught in many ways, from early on, that “it’s better to give than to receive,” we might notice that both giving and receiving suffer.

If what we’re sharing or giving isn’t graciously received, or worse, not even acknowledged, we know how that feels, yes?

Or if we feel we somehow don’t deserve to receive … there’s another one.

Similarly, I’ve noticed that if what we’re giving is thoughtless, perhaps out of a sense of routine or obligation, it becomes dry, like a desert, which affects how it feels to be on the receiving end of whatever that is.

In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.
In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

But gracious, present, generous-hearted giving and receiving, sharing and acknowledging … like the believing mirror spirit, or sacred relationship spirit, taken into action … this is likely a most beautiful experience on both sides, and one that ripples out ‘good juju’ into the shared field as well.

This is one of those reflections that seems so simple on the surface — and it is — and yet it goes deep into the well of our being, and our sense of belonging, meaning, and even joy and our sense of wellbeing.

Perhaps it’s truly divine to give and receive, as if it’s a sacred art to cultivate, share, and stir alive. I’m guessing that’s a lot of fun, too.

You’ll find a musing from the Ivy Sea archives on Cultivating Receptivity here.

But sometimes all it takes is some attention, reflection, and I can feel the spirit of it stirring alive. You?

Big Love,



Browse the Blesstival Blessing-Garden … the Blesstival is wrapping up.

Browse through the Blessing Garden of Blesstival Participants’ blessing posts.