
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


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Wu Wei: the blasphemy of ‘non doing’

“Industrious people build industry. Lazy people create civilization.” – Kaz Tanahashi Shocking, isn't it? And profound as well. The idea and practice of not doing is truly blasphemous in our do-aholic, workaholic culture. I mean, think 'not doing' and notice... Continue Reading →

Is it Better to Enlighten Than to Shine?

" is better to enlighten than merely to shine." ~ St. Thomas Aquinas, O.P., Summa Theologica,  II-II, q. 188, a. 6. That bit of wisdom from St. Thomas Aquinas caught my attention a few days ago, when I came across... Continue Reading →

Jackson Katz: ‘Women’s Issues’ and Men’s Leadership

What's up with men? That's what Jackson Katz asks, and shares a few perspectives on why these so-called "women's issues" are also men's issues -- and an opportunity for courageous men's leadership. Have a look (and listen): If you missed... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Honoring the Natural Flow

"When the going got really rough, I didn't stop. I didn't feel that I had the luxury of doing so. I was determined not to fail at the task of offering the world a woman of strength -- one who... Continue Reading →

Shining Headlights Into Complacency

I came across Ken Wilber's book, One Taste, more than a decade ago, and his "A Spirituality That Transforms" (What Is Enlightenment), among other writings. The following excerpt resonated strongly with me then -- I found it both a compelling invitation... Continue Reading →

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