
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Energy Hygiene

MuseWorthy Reflection: Distress That Becomes Grace.

"Only when distress turns to remembrance and blame of others is erased, is pride extracted from our egos, humbleness settles in our hearts, and the door of grace opens." ~ A paraphrase from Kabir Dede. A heart-centering reflection for the... Continue Reading →

Dealing With Sanctimonious A**es (And What We Can Learn From Them)

Yes, I do mean what you think I mean by "sanctimonious a**es." It made sense to get right to it, rather than hedge with more gentle, round-about language, since I noticed a theme arising. 'Tis the season, in line with... Continue Reading →

Heartistry and Whole-Heartedness: Lùnastal, Edgy Energies, Pivot Points and Possibilities

"An awakened heart is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be honored, protected, and expressed, with all of the fierceness of the regal Lioness and Lion." In these days and times, an awakened heart -- individually... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: The Fiery Indie-Dragon Stirs (and Some Elemental Help)

It's Independence Day week in the U.S., and the Energies of Now feature the fiery electrical currents of the metaphorical fire-breathing Dragon, along with elemental support to soothe and ground. Depending on our awareness and discernment, of course. As always.... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Shifts, Mindfulness, and a ‘Way of Monk’ Quote

I'll begin with the Way of the Monk, Path of the Artist quote, because it came up, resonated, and intuitively seems timely: “One thing I keep coming back to is a sense of deep certainty that the way of the... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Fire in the Head, and Other Water-to-Fire Musings

Have you noticed a bit of a change in (inner and outer) atmosphere in recent days? For several weeks, we enjoyed (or not) a concentration of those flowing (or snowing) Piscean energies in the macro-sphere, as Venus and Mercury joined... Continue Reading →

Energy Hygiene, and a BlogShare: Why I Quit My Dream Job – Brennalea

It's been a wild few weeks, on the macro and micro, and life's kept me busier than usual in the local, interpersonal, in-the-thick-of-it realm. Even so, quite a few Sophia's Children musings have been brewing and incubating, so stay tuned.... Continue Reading →

Energy Hygiene: Sound Bath and Serendipity

There is a lot stirring, and stirred up, in the shared field in which we breathe, move, and have our being. My heart hurts for my friends and the First Responders in the fire zones in Ventura and Santa Barbara... Continue Reading →

Tips for Highly Sensitive People at the Holidays – Reblog from Linda at LiteBeing

Linda shares some good reminders and tips for empathic and highly sensitive people -- always good tips for staying centered and empowered, but particularly for those times and seasons that are a bit more frenzied and extroverted. "I am sensing... Continue Reading →

Keeping Heart Amidst the Bully Pits and Transformation Fatigue

Just now, we have the Full Moon (in Gemini), Mercury stationing retrograde (in Saj, at the Galactic Center); the now-waning agida-spiking, flame-throwing opposition between Uranus and Mars; a lovely, "spacious mind" alliance between Jupiter and Neptune, and the heightened electric... Continue Reading →

Galactic Center, Center Stage – Are You a G.C. Transmitter?

Once again, the Cosmic Symphony will feature some potent Galactic Center-empowered play as we move through this month and cross the threshold of the year-end Holy Days and into a fresh new calendar year. I've been receiving a flurry of... Continue Reading →

Florence Nightingale and Modern Science on Harmful Effects of Noise + Benefits of Quiet.

“Unnecessary noise is the most cruel absence of care that can be inflicted on sick or well.” ~ Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), social reformer and founder of modern nursing In a world and culture of increasing and relentless noise, the benefits... Continue Reading →

Valuable Boredom and Brain-Recovery Time

In her recent post, Nimue Brown writes about the value of being bored. "Big dreams come out of idle wondering. Big visions come out of empty days, if we use that space. The urge to make and do, to meet and... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Waves, Recalibrations, and NarciPath Management

I'm writing this on Day Two of our snow-infused Winter Wonderland here in New York, with at least two feet of fresh snow since the wee hours Tuesday. In case we were confused about it, Mother Nature has, once again,... Continue Reading →

Water Does Not Resist … and Other Water Wisdom

“Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and... Continue Reading →

Practice Proves Itself. And Flow Like Water.

There's that old saying, "The proof is in the pudding." Riffing on that folk-wisdom saying, my own experience has shown me that "the proof is in the practice," as well. Anyone who has practiced anything for any period of time,... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Turbulence & Center-Vision

We’re on the far-side, now, of the recent Solstice (21 December) - Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice in the Southern - and the end-of-the-year holidays and ‘calendar New Year’. And that’s just the tip of that iceberg,... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Buzz, Sensitivity, and Harmony … or Not.

The beautiful moon is waxing into fullness, and that full, ripe moon occurs just past midnight on Sunday morning (EDT). Using the language of astrology for the energy and archetype signatures: This full moon joins Uranus in Aries ... fire... Continue Reading →

Empath-Sensitives and M-Fields

This 'empaths & energy fields' topic has been percolating for quite awhile, based on what I’ve noticed over recent years of experience, for better and for worse. More recently, I’ve revisited with a couple of different ‘works’ related to the... Continue Reading →

The Return of the Healing Feminine

“I swear by Apollo The Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the Gods and Goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.” The... Continue Reading →

Museworthy Quote: An Imagination Cleanse

"Imaginal hygiene is the inner art of self-managing the imagination, to defend it from forces that compromise, pollute, colonize, shrink, and sterilize it, and to cultivate those that illuminate, expand, and nourish it." ~ M. T. Xen, by way of... Continue Reading →

Here! Present and Back in the Body.

The topic of this musing is very much linked to the reminder that resurfaced recently -- that I shared in the most recent post, "In This Moment, I Begin Anew." The topic on the table? Being present and in the... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Live Wires, Mind Trips, Zap Zones + Mastery Practice

"The birds of negativity may flock around your head, but you don't have to let them nest there." Then again, Bird Whispering is an art that must be learned and practiced in the nesting season. Hint: It's a nesting season.... Continue Reading →

Transformation Fatigue and Keeping Heart

For many horizon-edge walkers and vision-seeders, transformation agents, and similar culture-shifters, or just people trying to be decent and kind in a culture and world that seems too-often indecent and insane, transformation fatigue, apathy, and burnout are occupational hazards, ever... Continue Reading →

Placebo Nocebo: Prediction and Word-Power

"Time-based prophecies that kept me from living, in the moment I am struggling to trust the divinity ... " ~ Nahko Bear This is a wee bit of a rant, though mild as possible rant-ampage can go. In recent weeks,... Continue Reading →

Energy Hygiene: Dispersing and Gathering Back

"Tell a wise person, or else keep silent; for the mass-man will mock it right away." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's The Holy Longing Many of us are conditioned to reach outward for confirmation, affirmation, approval, validation, and/or understanding from... Continue Reading →

Chiron Quest and Sensitivity to ‘Energy Gunk’

Though I'm writing about sensitivity to 'energy gunk' and why that's important, I'll start with Chiron, since I mention him, too. This insight from Brad Keeney speaks well to our Chirotic Quest, as it's sometimes called: “This is where the... Continue Reading →

The New Venus: Initiated Wise Women Rising

"The New Venus, New Woman, is Venus become one with Persephone her deeper nature. She emerges as the Woman of Revelation "clothed with the Sun" who brings new feminine consciousness, an artful mindfulness and imminent being that is here and... Continue Reading →

The Mission: Uncommon Skills

"As we accept what is, we become people who stand in contrast to what is, freed from the aggression, grasping, and confusion of this time." "With that clarity, we can contribute things of eternal importance no matter what's going on... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Fired Up, Wired Up and … Just Maybe, Magical.

Just when you thought it might be safe to go back into the water, another wave from the Zap Zone. As we know, though, where there's friction and agitation -- where there be monsters -- there's the potential for creativity... Continue Reading →

Empath-Sensitives and Psychic Pollution

"Just as there is physical pollution, so there is a type of psychic pollution in the world. And that is the psychic soup in which we live." "The more open and the more sensitive and the more evolved you are,... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Zap Zone, Cray Cray and Muck Waves

From what I'm feeling, experiencing, and hearing from a fair number of peeps, it's a fine time for an Energies of Now update. I've heard quite a few, "Oh thank God! I thought it was just me who was feeling... Continue Reading →

Angry People. Stay calm and keep on walking.

This is a good reminder from Laurie Rohner, since the Energies of Now may well stir up the ol' Hissy Fits and Tantrum Yoga outbursts, and the drama-drama-conflama moments. Full moon, lots of zap-zone energetics buzzing around, and the ups-and-downs... Continue Reading →

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