
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Good Work and Right Livelihood

A Happy News Bit: Ron Finley’s Victory Garden

“This is bigger than my garden. This is bigger than me, period. This problem is systemic,” he says. “It’s all kinds of things from gentrification to food injustice to just a lack of green spaces in certain neighborhoods, and all... Continue Reading →

Discerning Vocation and Purpose

Early this morning, Bernard of Clairvaux popped into my awareness. It's said that he would wake up each morning and, as he rose from his pallet, would ask, “Bernard, Bernard, why have you come here?” In that spirit, it seemed... Continue Reading →

Reclaiming Our Gifts and the Golden Thread of Destiny

“Our destiny is the golden thread that holds together the hearts of humanity and the heart of the world. We carry the heart of the world within our own heart, and through living our destiny we nourish the heart of... Continue Reading →

What Makes You Come Alive? #Blesstival-2016

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." So advised Howard Thurman, the philosopher and theologian who was... Continue Reading →

Creativity, Vision, Renewal, and Deep-Yin Time

Wherever we are, whether we're moving into the season of shorter days and longer nights, or easing from daylight to the dark of night, we move into the Deep Yin cycle of Nature. Ancient wise ones -- and some of... Continue Reading →

Focus, Energy, and Shifting Stories

It's more challenging than it sounds, isn't it? This work of shifting dominant stories, whether personal or cultural stories (and for most of us it's both)? The shifting, the uprooting from false ground, has tested me mightily, I admit, and brought... Continue Reading →

Finding Center in Simple Things

Seems like it's always a fine time to center into the everyday  magic of kindness, simple things (a.k.a. what Dorothy Day called 'the little work'), and other 'revolutionary acts'. See what stirs for you ... Big Love, Jamie

Quoteworthy: This is Your Time

“Many were born for a world that is just coming to be. If you have felt lost before and been frustrated in realizing your purpose here, this is your time.” ~ Steve Nelson, Gaiastrology, August 2014 It is a time... Continue Reading →

Living Right, Aiming True, and Courage.

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will do." ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland If you do have a notion or yearning, even if it's only a whisper of a gist, then interesting things can unfold... Continue Reading →

Visioning: Delve Into the Waters of Inspiration

"What do you yearn for? What vision stirs and beckons you from your inner depths?" At this point, it's no secret: Constant, frantic, frenzied 'busy' gets you more of the same, along with the stress and burnout that go with... Continue Reading →

Discerning Vocation and Purpose

"What a long time it can take to become the person one has always been. How often in the process we mask ourselves in faces that are not our own? How much dissolving and shaking of ego we must endure... Continue Reading →

A Time for Courageous Dreaming

Here's a theme that's been growing in strength: the importance of reclaiming the power of our focus from the myriad bling-bling distractions, reclaiming the power of our dreaming, so that we can direct more and more of it towards desirable... Continue Reading →

The Essential Adventure of Our Time

"Along with the Great Turning, the Great Unraveling is happening too, and there is no way to tell how the larger story will end. So we learn again that hardest and most rewarding of lessons: how to make friends with... Continue Reading →

“Now I Become Myself …”

 "Now I become myself. It's taken time, many years and places. I have been dissolved and shaken, Worn other people's faces. ..." May Sarton, Now I Become Myself* Over the years, I've noticed a pattern: A lot of astrologers, intuitives, and... Continue Reading →

Inspirited Leaders ~ Shadow, Light and Knowing Thy Self

"If we, as leaders, are to cast less shadow and more light, we need to ride certain monsters all the way down, explore the shadows they create, and experience the transformation that can come as we "get into" our own... Continue Reading →

‘Commitment Magic’ from Murray and Goethe

A quote often fully attributed to Goethe -- he of The Holy Longing *-- has its true origin in the writings of the Scottish mountaineer, William Hutchinson Murray, whose adventures would have no doubt required no shortage of both commitment... Continue Reading →

Hard Work, Good Work, And Zombies

Listening to various speeches from the Democratic National Convention over recent days, I noticed that in addition to the always-inspiring 'Founding Values' of our republic, there was another theme that was being hammered consistently from the very start: "Hard Work."... Continue Reading →

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