
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Energy Weather

Energies of Now: Live Wires in the Muse Pool, and Timely Questions

As I write this, the Energies of Now are heavily spiced with Airy, Mental electrical currents and a beautiful now-waning Grand Water (Mystic, Imaginal) Trine, with a tiny bit of Earth and Fire on the side. Live wires in the... Continue Reading →

Inspiration on the Walls

I wrote recently on "The Hidden Meaning and Beauty" of vandalism, neglect, and graffiti -- including the graffiti that we might not see as beautiful or sacred, but as (and fairly so) an example of ugliness and desecration. Blog brother... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather Update: Fire and Honey (+ Seasonal Inspiration from a blog sister)

There are musings, themes, writings, and offerings in the creative cauldron, bubbling away and readying for emergence in these curious times ... stay tuned. For now ... Fire & Honey 'Medicine'. First, the Fire bit. That'd be one key theme... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Waves, Recalibrations, and NarciPath Management

I'm writing this on Day Two of our snow-infused Winter Wonderland here in New York, with at least two feet of fresh snow since the wee hours Tuesday. In case we were confused about it, Mother Nature has, once again,... Continue Reading →

Love, Belonging, Home, and Presence – John O’Donohue

There's a Fiery Phoenix (and Phoenixing update) musing brewing -- stay tuned. The recent and current 'energy weather' is fiery, and as we know (yawn), that always amps up the Hissy Fit, Tantrum Yoga & Psychic Spew potential. On a... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Buzz, Sensitivity, and Harmony … or Not.

The beautiful moon is waxing into fullness, and that full, ripe moon occurs just past midnight on Sunday morning (EDT). Using the language of astrology for the energy and archetype signatures: This full moon joins Uranus in Aries ... fire... Continue Reading →

Narrow Mind. Spacious Mind.

nar·row-mind·ed. adjective. "A person with a limited outlook who is unwilling to consider alternative ideas, perspectives or thoughts. An example of narrow minded is a person who has a strong political position and who will not even listen to debates... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Live Wires, Mind Trips, Zap Zones + Mastery Practice

"The birds of negativity may flock around your head, but you don't have to let them nest there." Then again, Bird Whispering is an art that must be learned and practiced in the nesting season. Hint: It's a nesting season.... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Fired Up, Wired Up and … Just Maybe, Magical.

Just when you thought it might be safe to go back into the water, another wave from the Zap Zone. As we know, though, where there's friction and agitation -- where there be monsters -- there's the potential for creativity... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Your Odyssey and Neptune (and Pals) Magic

The Energies of Now are taking on more Fire, where we've had an ocean of Water in recent weeks, though the sensitive, watery, tidal essence of the Neptunian-Piscean is still very much in play. That said, it's good to note... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Zap Zone, Cray Cray and Muck Waves

From what I'm feeling, experiencing, and hearing from a fair number of peeps, it's a fine time for an Energies of Now update. I've heard quite a few, "Oh thank God! I thought it was just me who was feeling... Continue Reading →

Mercury+Pluto: Tetchy, Combustible Muck or … the Golden Thread

“If you can keep your head when all about you people are losing theirs and blaming it on you…” ~ Rudyard Kipling You know how there are those times when people seem to be more on the edge than usual... Continue Reading →

Inspiration for the Season of Lights

'Tis the Season of Lights ... or we're on the cusp of it, anyway. It beckons. Though not without its challenges, it's a potentially delicious time and Season-Spirit of the year ... lights sparking our own Divine Spark, and various... Continue Reading →

Resources for Empaths and Sensitives Series

'Tis the season, given the 'thin time' of All Souls and Samhain days coming up at the end of the month and early November -- and the general Transformation Times Zap Zone energies we continue to live in and dance... Continue Reading →

Empaths, Energy Hazards, and Restorative Practices

It seems like a fine time for an update and re-feature of this 'evergreen' topic! Big Love (and Be Well), Jamie

Be(a)ware the Catastrophobia and Nattering Nabobs

In yesterday's "Current Special Offerings" musing, I referred to the latest swirl of 'buzz' related to the Energies of Now for the coming weeks. Yes, it's got it all, complete with the usual servings of catastrophobia and missives from the... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Sensitive, Inspired Empath Moon

Heightened sensitivity and discerning focus. Divine guidance and devoted practice. Big Love and attentive thought. Inspired vision and skillful action. Cosmic Intelligence and Indigenous Soul. Heavenly Wisdom and Earth Magic. These are some of the specific themes of this full... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Zap Zone, Cray Cray and Muck Waves

Oh yeah, it's been a doozy of a few days. Or week. Or more. Peep-reports from the field, which sync with my own experiences and/or observations of those around me, suggest a Zap-Zone with a very stirred up, mucky shared... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Jinn and Tonic Full Moon

I smiled when I saw that the insightful women of Mooncircles had, at some point in the past, referred to this full moon as 'Jinn full moon'. 'Jinn full moon' is particularly fitting given the wild, chaotic surges of elements... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather. Sacred Spaces. Black Madonna

I'm sharing a couple of things today - a bit about the current 'energy weather', plus my fellow blogger Anne Whitaker's musing and beautiful photographs from her recent 'travel therapy' visit to the cathedral of Salisbury, England. Anne's lovely post... Continue Reading →

Empaths, Energy Hazards, and Restorative Practices

[I wrote and published the original post way back on August 28, 2012, and have updated it several times a year since, including late-September 2015 ... because yes, it's a timeless "new normal" topic in our wild-energy times!] The energies... Continue Reading →

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