
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Dehumanizing + Rehumanizing

The Time for Heart Fullness: Lùnastal and the Lion’s Gate

How are you? We've had a pretty wild year or two, yes? While I've been on a bit of a sabbatical this last year or so from new writing here at Sophia's Children -- and social media and online time... Continue Reading →

Good Neighbors: The Good Things People Do – Le Soupe

In the Season of Lights posts that I've shared here over the years, many traditions include teachings about our Divine Spark -- "This Little Light of Mine" as the song goes (see yesterday's post for Bruce's amazing, smile-inducing rendition of... Continue Reading →

“Responding Creatively” as a Kind of Activism (and Coming Through Perfect Storms)

Ever wonder just what you can do, contribute, in the face of what often seems overwhelming odds, too much tragedy and suffering, and powerful pot-stirrers who seem to jones on and profit from the mess? I know I've mused and... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Delving To Reclaim the Deepest of Values

The Energies of Now feature a whole lot of potent energy currents, stirring the proverbial pot, disturbing the complacency of "normal," catalyzing energy (and temperature) shifts, extending yet another invitation to us, and all ... with what particular theme or... Continue Reading →

Dealing With Sanctimonious A**es (And What We Can Learn From Them)

Yes, I do mean what you think I mean by "sanctimonious a**es." It made sense to get right to it, rather than hedge with more gentle, round-about language, since I noticed a theme arising. 'Tis the season, in line with... Continue Reading →

It’s Time For Uncommon Skills and Islands of Sanity. Again.

"I know it is possible to create islands of sanity in the midst of disruptive seas. … And I have studied enough history to know that such leaders always arise when they are most needed. Now it’s our turn." ~... Continue Reading →

A Less-Mentioned (but Huge) “Ism.”

Jeff Japp, in his Stuff Jeff Reads blog, muses about another of the super-insidious yet not as often mentioned "isms" ingrained and "toxic-normalized" into our culture, alongside racism and sexism/misogyny, linking what we see now with what Shakespeare wrote about in... Continue Reading →

Who Made Breaches of “Social Conscience” Uncool (and “Reformation of Manners” Cool?)

“Social conscience" obliges the individual to act. Today we call for action all the time, but mostly from government, which is another way of excusing us and allowing us to get on with the distractions of the day." ~ Mark... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: The Fiery Indie-Dragon Stirs (and Some Elemental Help)

It's Independence Day week in the U.S., and the Energies of Now feature the fiery electrical currents of the metaphorical fire-breathing Dragon, along with elemental support to soothe and ground. Depending on our awareness and discernment, of course. As always.... Continue Reading →

Rediscovering Lost Values at the Border

"The thing that we need in the world today is a group of men and women who will stand up for right and to be opposed to wrong, wherever it is. A group of people who have come to see... Continue Reading →

Retrospective: Free Your Heart. Be As You Are.

Happy Protomagia, as my Greek friend Marinela says, a.k.a. Beltane or May Day (a traditional "thank God we survived the long Winter" celebratory and abundance-appreciating reference before 'May Day' got co-opted for martial purposes! Also connected with Persephone and her... Continue Reading →

The Wisdom of Water and Sacred Relationship

It's a fine time to sip from the deep well of inspiration and Wisdom, not just because we're in the Season of Lights and Twelve Days of Christmas, but also to re-inspire as we make the passage from one calendar... Continue Reading →

Dehumanizing Abuse of Power. And Rehumanizing …

“When power is used in a non-consensual situation, it is a wrong. Men who improperly harass or assault do not do so because they are gay or straight — that is a deflection. They do so because they have the... Continue Reading →

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