
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Right Livelihood

Discerning Vocation and Purpose

Early this morning, Bernard of Clairvaux popped into my awareness. It's said that he would wake up each morning and, as he rose from his pallet, would ask, “Bernard, Bernard, why have you come here?” In that spirit, it seemed... Continue Reading →

A Season of Focused Vision-Tending

Ahhhh, yes, we enter anew into the Season of Vision-Tending and renewal. It's always a fine time to renew, revitalize, regenerate, and re-vision, of course. But there are also times that are potent in their adding support to just that.... Continue Reading →

Quoteworthy: This is Your Time

“Many were born for a world that is just coming to be. If you have felt lost before and been frustrated in realizing your purpose here, this is your time.” ~ Steve Nelson, Gaiastrology, August 2014 It is a time... Continue Reading →

Living Right, Aiming True, and Courage.

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will do." ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland If you do have a notion or yearning, even if it's only a whisper of a gist, then interesting things can unfold... Continue Reading →

The Power of Taking a Stand

"The power of taking a stand centers us in something larger than our own life starring us. We start to realize that we have been “given” life and that it’s a gift. When we use our life as an instrument... Continue Reading →

Purpose-Clues and Sophia’s Mission for Us

Perhaps you're one of many who feels  called to greater authenticity, purpose, and heart-and-soul-aligned meaning for your own life and for the collective dream? What clues might be find about our Big Purpose, our dharma, if we clue-hunt and pattern-track in... Continue Reading →

“Now I Become Myself …”

 "Now I become myself. It's taken time, many years and places. I have been dissolved and shaken, Worn other people's faces. ..." May Sarton, Now I Become Myself* Over the years, I've noticed a pattern: A lot of astrologers, intuitives, and... Continue Reading →

Muse Food ~ What’s your song?

This is one of my favorite Muse Foods for my morning reflections, though it seems a lovely reflection for any time, doesn't it? "Let my song give blessing and insight to those who can’t see for themselves. And let your... Continue Reading →

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