
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Virgo Mysteries

Energies of Now: Venus Earthing (and a Potent Activation Portal)

Happy Friday the 13th, and New Moon in Luna's Cancerian waters. Feeling the catalyzing energy streams flowing (or whirling) in and around and, maybe, beneath you? There are some shifts and fine-tunings occurring in the Symphony of the Spheres (aka... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Saturation in the Virgo-Pisces Mysteries

In the spirit of the current Virgo-Mysteries saturation, it's perfectly timely (very Virgo) to revisit The Virgo Mysteries - Keepers of the Flame musing. Virgo's essence is wholeness, though other Virgoan qualities include: mindfulness, discernment, the power of the word,... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: Real Spiritual Warriors

“Those who stand in the fires of uncertainty, despair and fear with presence, awareness and discernment are spiritual warriors. And in an age of digital distraction, emotional shaming and bypassing, we need all the spiritual warriors we can get.” ~... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Live Wires, Mind Trips, Zap Zones + Mastery Practice

"The birds of negativity may flock around your head, but you don't have to let them nest there." Then again, Bird Whispering is an art that must be learned and practiced in the nesting season. Hint: It's a nesting season.... Continue Reading →

Phoenixing Update: Jupiter and the Shapeshifting Wave

The momentum resumes. Or some of it, anyway, with Jupiter leading the way. Here's a fresh update on the 'great benefic', the Keepers of the Flame, and the Phoenixing Mission ... for those who choose to dive in and rise... Continue Reading →

Angry People. Stay calm and keep on walking.

This is a good reminder from Laurie Rohner, since the Energies of Now may well stir up the ol' Hissy Fits and Tantrum Yoga outbursts, and the drama-drama-conflama moments. Full moon, lots of zap-zone energetics buzzing around, and the ups-and-downs... Continue Reading →

The Alchemy of Now: Vision and Story, ‘Normal’ or Enlivened

New Moon, New Stories ... or the possibility seeds for just that, any time we're in need of the good remedy of rekindled vision. Our dominant stories can either grind us down and suck the lifeforce right out of us,... Continue Reading →

Special Offerings and Programs for September

There's a lot of 'buzz' swirling about particularly intense energies and 'waves' and myriad other things for September 2015. This, of course, includes the usual yet unfortunate supply of 'catastrophe addiction' and 'drama, drama, conflama' type stuff stirring the ol'... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Sensitive, Inspired Empath Moon

Heightened sensitivity and discerning focus. Divine guidance and devoted practice. Big Love and attentive thought. Inspired vision and skillful action. Cosmic Intelligence and Indigenous Soul. Heavenly Wisdom and Earth Magic. These are some of the specific themes of this full... Continue Reading →

Phoenixing Update: Jupiter and the Shapeshifting Wave

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." ~ Gospel of Thomas, Saying 70... Continue Reading →

Iris the Rainbow Goddess: A ‘Speaking Well’ Shamanic-Diplomat Archetype

There's a fun blog invitation afoot from Odie and OM and Sindy to 'go retro' and choose a post from the archives to re-feature. So here's a Sophia's Children retro post that's very timely right now, when we have the... Continue Reading →

Ignore the Nattering Naysayers, and Hold to a Higher Vision.

Former Vice President, Spiro Agnew, called them "nattering nabobs of negativism." I've used the term "diminishing mirrors." But we all know what that is, and we know too well the effect it can have. This can apply to chronically discouraging... Continue Reading →

Virgo Mysteries – Tending the Sacred, Keeping the Flame

Do you feel your Virgoan angels (or demons) being stirred right about now? How can you tell? When Virgo facets and essences are activated -- as they might be during a Virgo Moon time or when we have other Virgo-activating... Continue Reading →

Venus and Iris – the Shamanic Diplomat

Our Venusian selves have just gone Mercurial. Are you sensitive and attuned enough to feel it yet? If not, you'll be able to if you wish. Read on for tips, so you'll be able to create more skillfully with this energy in... Continue Reading →

The Heart, Core, and Magic of the Feminine

I originally wrote a version of this post in May 2012, about the Virgoan qualities of the Feminine, and had a strong intuitive nudge that it was time for an update. She speaks. Her medicine must be needed even more right... Continue Reading →

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