
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Saturn-Neptune Square

Museworthy Quote: An Imagination Cleanse

"Imaginal hygiene is the inner art of self-managing the imagination, to defend it from forces that compromise, pollute, colonize, shrink, and sterilize it, and to cultivate those that illuminate, expand, and nourish it." ~ M. T. Xen, by way of... Continue Reading →

Today I Begin Anew

Today I begin anew. Over the last week or so, I found that message - Begin Anew - arising within and around me more than once. First it simply arose in my awareness. Begin anew. Then, as I was walking,... Continue Reading →

Narrow Mind. Spacious Mind.

nar·row-mind·ed. adjective. "A person with a limited outlook who is unwilling to consider alternative ideas, perspectives or thoughts. An example of narrow minded is a person who has a strong political position and who will not even listen to debates... Continue Reading →

Big Love and Hard Places

You’ve probably had those moments or passages — the ones where you feel like someone or something has suddenly put shrink-wrap or a straitjacket on your life (and in your mind), making it hard to breathe and offering what seemed... Continue Reading →

MuseWorthy Insights: Decolonizing Imagination and Soul

I share the following from Alastair McIntosh's 2015 Sunderland P. Gardner Lecture (Canadian Quaker Learning Series #7), with Mr. McIntosh's permission. This reflection is also very much aligned with some of the archetypal macro-themes of the current Saturn-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto... Continue Reading →

Mercury+Pluto: Tetchy, Combustible Muck or … the Golden Thread

“If you can keep your head when all about you people are losing theirs and blaming it on you…” ~ Rudyard Kipling You know how there are those times when people seem to be more on the edge than usual... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: “The older I become…”

Another 'Tis the Time and Season' reflection, stirred and updated from the Sophia's Children treasure-vaults (so very Uranus-Pluto!). Whether we're in the deep-Yin season of Winter, settling into night from day, or in a Winter-season in our own lifecycle journey,... Continue Reading →

Music Medicine for Saturn-Neptune: The Way You Dream

Music, inspiration, vision, and dream -- and other domains of The Muses -- are very much in sync with the Neptune archetype. The discipline to put those inspirations into action syncs with Saturn. So it's fitting to share a bit... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Zap-Zone HoliDaze and Handy Reminders

Uh-yup, it's a doozy of a week, a dilly of a pickle, and the bees knees of energetic swirling dervishes ... and likely a few Tantrum Yogis and Hissy Fit Artists, too, doin' their thing. Super sweet, but also typical... Continue Reading →

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