
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Divine Feminine

Energies of Now: The Rebel Champion Returns to the Garden of the Feminine.

We've had, and are in the midst of, some energy and theme shifts in recent weeks and days. On May 15th, humanity's maverick, rule-bending champion, Prometheus, returned to the Garden on the New Moon to join a Posse of the... Continue Reading →

Retrospective: Free Your Heart. Be As You Are.

Happy Protomagia, as my Greek friend Marinela says, a.k.a. Beltane or May Day (a traditional "thank God we survived the long Winter" celebratory and abundance-appreciating reference before 'May Day' got co-opted for martial purposes! Also connected with Persephone and her... Continue Reading →

Messages From the Divine Feminine – Our Lady of Guadalupe

Margaret Starbird, author of The Woman With the Alabaster Jar amongst other books and shared wisdom, sent along a reminder that today -- 12/12 -- is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which marks a message of hope and... Continue Reading →

The Feast and the New Greening (Freshly Re-Greened)

"We cannot live in a world that is not our own, in a world that is interpreted for us by others. An interpreted world is not HOME. Part of the terror is to take back our own listening, to use... Continue Reading →

Restoring the Heart – a reblog from Janet Chui

The heartful, soulful quest. The heart's yearning is its primary language. In her fresh musing, "Identity, Purpose and Destiny in Moana," Janet Chui writes, "The Sacred Feminine is strong in this movie. The female relationships are strong, supportive, and incredibly... Continue Reading →

Dec. Specials Alert + The Black Madonna, Mother Mary

Before I delve into a recent visit with The Black Madonna and Mother Mary that arose spontaneously this past weekend ... There are just a couple more days left for the pre-holiday Sophiastrology + Intuitive Reading consultation in my December... Continue Reading →

Reclaiming Wisdom: Medusa, Metis, Mehda

First question: How is the ancient (and timeless) notion of 'Sovereign Feminine Wisdom' connected to the energy, archetype, and story of Medusa - the 'gorgon-headed' one of myth? Second question: Why is this both timeless and very relevant right now,... Continue Reading →

Chaos, Creativity and Pandora’s Real Box

"If everything is uncertain, then the future is open to human creativity, to possibility and therefore to a better world." ~ Immanuel Wallerstein We don't normally see chaos as an ally, because it seems so, well, chaotic. Uncertain. It feels... Continue Reading →

The Return of the Healing Feminine

“I swear by Apollo The Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the Gods and Goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.” The... Continue Reading →

I Build a Lighted House and …

“I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”** This is a musing on well-lit houses, inner (and outer) gardens, being refuge and/or refugee, among other things. In his July esoteric astrology letter, Phillip Lindsay shared the above ‘keynote’ for the... Continue Reading →

Grace, Uncertainty and the Transformer’s ‘Reality’

Yesterday, given Mars' energy-tide shifting from low-ebb to returning tide, we had the Fire element. Today, in honor of all that Water juju working its wavy, tidal, dissolution-magic in our shared field, not to mention the waves of Galactic Center... Continue Reading →

Our Divine Gifts from Sophia, Wisdom.

Many of us wonder how we might not just face the challenges presenting us today, personally and collectively, but also envision and co-create a more heart-centered paradigm. In some sacred teachings and ancient wisdom traditions, we've heard that it takes both a change of mind and foremost, a change of heart. In the story of Sophia, Holy Wisdom, and interpretations of the teachings of some of the ancient Mystery Schools, human beings were endowed with certain Divine gifts through which we might unfold and express our Divine potential. [Continue reading to see the specific Sophia Gifts we're endowed with ...]

QuoteWorthy: The Wisdom of the Feminine

"... we have to reclaim the wisdom of the Feminine: to learn to listen, to learn to wait, to learn to be patient. There is saying in the Qur’an “We will show them Our signs on the horizons and within... Continue Reading →

Life-force Rising: Spring and the Re-Emerging Feminine

"Whom should I turn to, if not the one whose darkness is darker than night, the only one who keeps vigil with no candle and is not afraid— the deep one, whose being I trust, for it breaks through the... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Shamanic retrieval in the sign of the Initiate

Update 9-20-16 and 1-15-18: I wrote this original post in early January 2016, yet it's drawn recent attention thanks to reblogs from my kindred spirit and friend Leeby Geeby @ Shamagaia and a few others (thank you!). Uncanny timing. As... Continue Reading →

Magdalene’s Feast Day – The Inner Way of Mary Magdalene (redux)

July 22 is the historical feast day of Mary Magdalene, so it's very fitting to share this updated post from the early days of Sophia's Children. Not that we need confine such celebrations and honorings to one day. After all,... Continue Reading →

Magdalene’s Feast Day – The Inner Way of Mary Magdalene

Due to a wee bit of a Uranian or Mercury Trickster formatting issue with the original Mary Magdalene post, I've just created it anew. You'll find it here: Magdalene's Feast Day - The Inner Way of Mary Magdalene.

The Black Madonna’s Calling – Celebrate the Goddess

These last two months or so, the Black Madonna started rising more prominently in my awareness again. Not that she's ever far away, but sometimes she rises to the surface and taps me on the shoulder with some synchronicities, and... Continue Reading →

Connecting the Light-and-Frequency Bringers

I'm just revisiting Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee's book, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, which I wrote about in 2010 when I first received and read it (find that post here). Whenever I'm guided to revisit it, as with... Continue Reading →

Your Odyssey and Neptune’s (and Pals) Magic

Odyssey noun od·ys·sey \ˈä-də-sē\ : a long journey full of adventures : a series of experiences that give knowledge or understanding to someone 1:  a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune 2:  an intellectual or... Continue Reading →

The Black Madonna & the Mysteries of the Deep Feminine Series – a New Page at Sophia’s Children

One of the most popular series of posts, along with the Empaths & Sensitive Series, are my posts on the Black Madonna, Sophia, and the Mysteries of the deep, re-emerging Feminine. Many of the posts at Sophia's Children arise out... Continue Reading →

The Black Madonna Connection

Given what I've shared in recent (and previous) posts, it seems a fine time to have a nice pot of tea and a renewing, revitalizing visit with the Black Madonna. I've written a lot about the Black Madonna over the... Continue Reading →

Subtle and Overt Attacks on the Goddess, Nature, and the Sacred Feminine

There are so many good points in this post from Laura Bruno, that rather than excerpt and link, I'll just let you dive in and see for yourself. I've noticed this very phenomenon she’s highlighting in recent weeks (and even... Continue Reading →

Tending the Heart-Fire, and The Space (and Place) You’re In

Yesterday we dove into flowing Piscean waters and the great sea (or Great She?) of being. So how about today we balance those elements and dry off a bit with some flame-tending and earth magic? I'm appreciating two beautiful musings... Continue Reading →

The Sacred Feminine: A Teaching by Aleutian Elder Ilarion Merculieff

In this short video talk, Aleutian Elder, Ilarion (Larry) Merculieff speaks about the vital re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine, the long-ago prophecies and the ultimate effects of the cycle of "masculine imbalance," and the roles of women and men in... Continue Reading →

Listening to Life and its Holy, Hidden Heart.

"Go where your best prayers take you. Unclench the fists of your spirit ...." “Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and... Continue Reading →

Is Matriotism the Future of the Divine Feminine?

Thanks to Laura Bruno for pointing the way to this excellent article in Waking Times, "Is Matriotism the Future of the Divine Feminine?" by Ethan Smith and Lucy Morales. This is an important read and reflection for anyone who's concerned... Continue Reading →

Imbolc and Bhrìghde’s Creative Well

'Tis the time and the Season, so here's some updated Imbolc-Candlemas inspiration to take you into this deeply creative, deeply Feminine time of the year. Imbolc-Candlemas is celebrated during the first few days of February, and the exact-point occurs when... Continue Reading →

Riches Drawn From Dark Night and Well of Grief

"In a dark time, the eye begins to see." ~ Theodore Roethke In the pitch-black nadir of my own journey through the Underworld -- the dark night, the forest I knew not -- 0ne of the many sparks of light... Continue Reading →

Un-Erasing ‘Women Who Know’ – Restoring the Ancestral Lineage

In her excellent book, The Woman in the Shaman's Body*, Barbara Tedlock, Ph.D., shares this about the origin and meaning of the word shaman: "The term shaman itself comes from the Evenki language in Siberia, and means "the one who... Continue Reading →

Creativity, Vision, and the Deep Feminine

Wherever we are, whether we're moving into the season of shorter days and longer nights, or easing from daylight to the dark of night, we move into the Deep Yin cycle of Nature. Ancient wise ones -- and some of... Continue Reading →

Reasserting Our Wildish Nature

“When women reassert their relationship with the wildish nature, they are gifted with a permanent and internal watcher, a knower, a visionary, an oracle, an inspiratrice, an intuitive, a maker, a creator, an inventor, and a listener who guide, suggest... Continue Reading →

Visioning: Delve Into the Waters of Inspiration

"What do you yearn for? What vision stirs and beckons you from your inner depths?" At this point, it's no secret: Constant, frantic, frenzied 'busy' gets you more of the same, along with the stress and burnout that go with... Continue Reading →

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