The Fates Gathering the Stars, 1885, by Elihu Vedder. Public domain image {US-PD}
The Fates Gathering the Stars, 1885, by Elihu Vedder. Public domain image {US-PD}

“… we have to reclaim the wisdom of the Feminine: to learn to listen, to learn to wait, to learn to be patient. There is saying in the Qur’an “We will show them Our signs on the horizons and within themselves.”

“And (in reclaiming the Feminine) you learn to recognize the signs, you learn to watch, to listen.”

~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee in Part of an Ancient Story, an interview with Parabola Magazine.

This is one of the primary purposes of Sophia’s Children, and even my longer-running communication-counseling work, though it goes through the gateway of the reclaimed Feminine into a much fuller wholeness, holiness, healing, balance (Haelu), and ultimate Oneness and Wisdom.

But we start where we are, yes?

Sirene, by Gaston Hoffman (1883-1926). Public domain image {US-PD}.
Sirene, by Gaston Hoffman (1883-1926). Public domain image {US-PD}.

It’s true … pattern-tracking, sense-making, whole-seeing (and sensing), listening, receptivity, interconnectivity … these are but a few of the “uncommon skills” and ways most needed now.

These uncommon skills and ways have also long been associated with the Feminine, the right-brain, the heart-and-body-wisdom intelligence that got devalued, marginalized, or buried deep by the over-emphasis on the left-brain, linear ways.

And sometimes we look around, see what we notice, and we know that we have to redevote ourselves and redouble our efforts.

For more on stirring the re-emerging Feminine and strengthening those gifts, see:

The Feminine Mojo Mystery School & Way of Wisdom Apprenticeships (Specials Page)

The Black Madonna, Magdalene, and Feminine Mysteries Article & Imagery Series.

And you’ll likely remember some other mentions of Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee here at Sophia’s Children, too. You’ll find those here.

Big Love,
