
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



Big Love and Hard Places, Redux

In recent weeks, I've heard from more than a couple of peeps and clients experiencing some really challenging times and energies, in various ways. One, a long-time reader and client, requested that I share this particular post anew. It seems... Continue Reading →

MuseWorthy Quotation: The Story of Stuff (+ mindful gift-giving and renewal))

“Researching her film The Story of Stuff, Annie Leonard discovered that of the materials flowing through the consumer economy, only 1% remain in use six months after sale. Even the goods we might have expected to hold onto are soon... Continue Reading →

Galactic Center, Center Stage – Are You a G.C. Transmitter?

Once again, the Cosmic Symphony will feature some potent Galactic Center-empowered play as we move through this month and cross the threshold of the year-end Holy Days and into a fresh new calendar year. I've been receiving a flurry of... Continue Reading →

Savor the Moment, Deepen Intimacy

“You see, there is a tendency to talk about the moment, more than to savor the moment.” ~ Debra K. Fileta, The Effect of Social Media on Relationships, Relevant Magazine It's not just about technology, of course; "Smart Phones" and... Continue Reading →

Might You Be an Uncommon Leader and Island of Sanity?

"I know it is possible for leaders to use their power and influence, their insight and compassion, to lead people back to an understanding of who we are as human beings, to create conditions for our basic human qualities of... Continue Reading →

Anam Cara, Home, and Beauty as Antidote

“You are joined in an ancient and eternal union with humanity that cuts across all barriers of time, convention, philosophy and definition. When you are blessed with Anam Cara, the Irish believe, you have arrived at that most sacred place:... Continue Reading →

Creativity as a Virtue, and Uniqueness as the Soul’s Code.

"Creativity is conceived as a reproductive act with a tangible result -- a child, a book, a monument -- that has a physical life going beyond the life of its producer." "Creativity, however, can be intangible in the form of... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Receive, Reflect, Restore … Love

In Dark-of-the-Moon-esque times, we rest into and align with the very Lunar, receptive, reflective energy of the coming New Moon in the very waters ruled by Luna. And then some. Tending, nurturing, slowing, receiving, rejuvenating, listening, dreaming, visioning, flowing, loving.... Continue Reading →

Inspiration on the Walls

I wrote recently on "The Hidden Meaning and Beauty" of vandalism, neglect, and graffiti -- including the graffiti that we might not see as beautiful or sacred, but as (and fairly so) an example of ugliness and desecration. Blog brother... Continue Reading →

From Feeling Invisible and Unheard, to Deeply Seeing and Listening

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ~ Leo Buscaglia... Continue Reading →

Temenos: Being a Wise and Healing Sanctuary

"The work of Temenos could not be more important. Its commitment to fostering a wider awareness of the great spiritual traditions we have inherited from the past ... which form the basis of mankind's most civilised values..." "In the great... Continue Reading →

As Above: 4/26 New Moon, Super Moon

On April 26th, we have the pleasure of a perigee New Moon, a.k.a. the first supermoon of the year. Perigee or supermoon means that our beautiful Luna satellite is at its closest to Earth. Bruce McClure at Earth & Sky... Continue Reading →

Mystic Activists and Phoenixes Rising

It's always something of a wonder to me the things that spiral back around to be seen, engaged, and expressed anew, fertilized by the richness of experience and 'rigorous initiations' between one arising and the next. Back in 2005, in... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: Real Spiritual Warriors

“Those who stand in the fires of uncertainty, despair and fear with presence, awareness and discernment are spiritual warriors. And in an age of digital distraction, emotional shaming and bypassing, we need all the spiritual warriors we can get.” ~... Continue Reading →

Love, Belonging, Home, and Presence – John O’Donohue

There's a Fiery Phoenix (and Phoenixing update) musing brewing -- stay tuned. The recent and current 'energy weather' is fiery, and as we know (yawn), that always amps up the Hissy Fit, Tantrum Yoga & Psychic Spew potential. On a... Continue Reading →

What Makes You Come Alive? And Other In-Between Musings …

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~ Dr. Howard Thurman So advised Dr. Howard Thurman, the... Continue Reading →

Listening, Empathy and Shouted-Down Doubt

" ... it’s just a clear example of people not listening. They are just not listening. I want to say, “Read my lips. This is how I feel, and it is my experience. And it is my own, and it’s... Continue Reading →

Here! Present and Back in the Body.

The topic of this musing is very much linked to the reminder that resurfaced recently -- that I shared in the most recent post, "In This Moment, I Begin Anew." The topic on the table? Being present and in the... Continue Reading →

When We’re Still … The Gift of Presence

“There are times when our offering is not necessarily some tangible gift or helpful act, but rather simply a peaceful manner.  If we are clear and present, if we are quiet and centered, then others may be nourished simply by... Continue Reading →

Being Present to Your Holy Self

I'm still listening to and gazing deeply at threads of integration that are weaving themselves together after the flurry of energy wildings, weirdings, and Eureka-moments of recent weeks. How about you? The waves of the intense energetics have continued to... Continue Reading →

Joy, Presence and the Power of Blessing – #Blesstival

In times of intense energy dynamics and epic shifts -- for many, that's pretty much right now -- we can feel both catapulted out of our comfort zones, uprooted and unmoored, and stuck, as in Way not opening. At the... Continue Reading →

Beannacht – Blessings on You

"May you listen to your longing to be free. May the frames of your belonging be large enough for the dreams of your soul. May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart that something... Continue Reading →

Your Sense of Mystery and Curiosity

“This rich tapestry of the Guardian, of the Ancestor, that says “I am here, but I’m here to awaken your sense of Mystery, that is what life seeks from you because your Mystery will elicit your curiosity and from your... Continue Reading →

Change and Senses: If you have these two things…

“If you have these two things - the willingness to change, and the acceptance of everything as it comes, you will have all you need to work with.” –Charlotte Selver (1901 - 2003), grand dame of 'experience through the senses'... Continue Reading →

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