The Lady of Shalott Weaving, 1881, by Howard Pyle for Alfred, Lord Tennyson's The Lady of Shalott. Illustrated by Howard Pyle. New York: Dodd Mead & Co.
The Lady of Shalott Weaving, 1881, by Howard Pyle for Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s The Lady of Shalott. Illustrated by Howard Pyle. New York: Dodd Mead & Co.

I’m still listening to and gazing deeply at threads of integration that are weaving themselves together after the flurry of energy wildings, weirdings, and Eureka-moments of recent weeks.

How about you?

The waves of the intense energetics have continued to stir so many of us in various ways, based on what I’m hearing from clients, readers & other peeps, too.

(See the newly updated Energy Weather: Shamanic Soul Retrieval in the Sign of the Initiate for a glimpse.)

Here is just one bit of inspiration that bubbled back to the surface and into my conscious awareness in recent days:

Just how present are we in our own bodies, for starters. So much of the time, we’re very much out of body, and not in a good way. In the head, in the past, in the future … rarely present right now.

And right now — Presence, Embodiment — is where the synchronicity, intuitive guidance, insight, and so on can be found. More on that in a bit.

Secondly, how present are we to our own lives, to the voice and yearnings of our own heart and soul, to the Earth, and to the expression of the Holy that want to pour through us as inspiration and medicine for those around us and for the world in these times?

It’s not a matter of self-judgment if we don’t feel fully present (yet) — with all the noise (actual, energetic, psychic pollution) and the intentional tsunami of bling-bling, fear-stirring distractions shot forth by marketers, it’s a true Path of the Initiate to reclaim the power (and holy devotion and discipline) of presence.

It’s a living, organic, evolving remembering — and dance between us and the intelligence of Life within and around us.

Day by day, moment by moment.

As I wrote just recently, “Today I begin anew.”

And so we practice and experiment with it, inspire and beckon it from our deep remembering into our present expression and attention.

Here’s what Gareth Higgins of Pause and Presence shared about this very notion:

A Tender Foggy Forest. Public domain image courtesy of Burning Well.
A Tender Foggy Forest. Public domain image courtesy of Burning Well.

“I think many of us are not present to our own lives; it’s as if we see the outline of ourselves but can’t quite occupy them. We’re either living smaller than we’re made to be, or outside the frame of who we really are.

The echoes of the wonder you used to feel call you – not because you have lost them, but because they are still alive in you. You are not alone on this path. It is not a path back to Eden, to some magical childhood innocence.
It is, rather, a path forward, toward the wholeness that has always been with you, and just hasn’t fully formed itself yet.” ~ Gareth Higgins, Pause and Presence

It’s a practice, an ongoing leaning into remembrance, presence, and mindfulness. And that’s an understatement.

You’ll find The Path of Presence: Coming to Your Senses among the audio programs of the Feminine Mojo Mystery School (FMMS) collection.

Access this audio program ‘ala carte’ or with the full FMMS collection.

Check that out here – click.

How goes and flows the journey of the wholeness that’s always been with and in you — how can you nurture presence for a moment, or more, today?

For personalized Sophiastrology or Golden Thread Coaching, find my current Reader & Client Appreciation special offerings here:

Current Reader & Client Appreciation Specials

Big Love and Be Well in the Meanwhile,


The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)
The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)

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