
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Conditioning and Deconditioning

QuoteWorthy: Awakening the Unique Potential ~ Michael Meade

In his State of the Soul podcast, author, mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade shares this Wise Elder wisdom: "The heart of the human drama concerns whether we are moving towards a greater life or moving away from it. Either we... Continue Reading →

Luna-See: Moon-Fear Worldviews and the Invitations of Now.

Much has been written about yesterday’s full lunar eclipse of the sun, which was seen in all of its full glory along the totality path from Oregon to South Carolina in the United States. Even now, in modern-day writings, we... Continue Reading →

Making a Life With What You Have.

"You make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing." ~ Ruby in The Forgotten Garden (Kate Morton) This simple comment from Kate Morton's novel, The Forgotten Garden, could be a reflection in itself. Much of consumer-culture... Continue Reading →

Just Mercy and Compassionate Communication: An Elegant Message from Bryan Stevenson

"... if you're a teacher your words can be meaningful, but if you're a compassionate teacher, they can be especially meaningful. If you're a doctor you can do some good things, but if you're a caring doctor you can do... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Waves, Recalibrations, and NarciPath Management

I'm writing this on Day Two of our snow-infused Winter Wonderland here in New York, with at least two feet of fresh snow since the wee hours Tuesday. In case we were confused about it, Mother Nature has, once again,... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: The Courage to Follow Inspiration

“I used to think I wasn't compromising enough. Now I realize in making the leap from mainstream technologist and marketer to an artist, I've consistently compromised vision and inspiration to the point its power is diluted. Following inspiration isn't sissy... Continue Reading →

Museworthy Quote: An Imagination Cleanse

"Imaginal hygiene is the inner art of self-managing the imagination, to defend it from forces that compromise, pollute, colonize, shrink, and sterilize it, and to cultivate those that illuminate, expand, and nourish it." ~ M. T. Xen, by way of... Continue Reading →

Today I Begin Anew

Today I begin anew. Over the last week or so, I found that message - Begin Anew - arising within and around me more than once. First it simply arose in my awareness. Begin anew. Then, as I was walking,... Continue Reading →

Mars: Power, Purpose and Shadow-Stuff

I wrote recently about Mars coming out of its retrograde, cave time, and vision quest (June 29). With Mars in the archetypal Scorpion-or-Phoenix zone just the now, additional key shadow possibilities include the hoarding-witholding typical of the Taurus-Scorpio shadow. With... Continue Reading →

The Believing Mirror Reflection

We’re born into this world already with just the blend of inherent traits, ancestral intelligence, and soul imperatives we need for this lifetime’s expedition. Some of this encoding is time-released, and some is latent until it’s activated by certain forces... Continue Reading →

On Slowing Down and De-Cloning.

“It is harder than it used to be because everything has become speeded up and overcrowded. So everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. There... Continue Reading →

Cultivating Humanity: A Transformative Path

"Life is a mystery, a blessing, and a challenge. It is exciting and full of adventure, but can also be overwhelming or even tragic." "We are reaching several thresholds in our journey as human beings on earth. We need intentional... Continue Reading →

Leaning Into Your Strengths – Empaths and Sensitives Series

Here's the latest article in the Empaths & Sensitives Series here at Sophia's Children. This one takes a look at a couple of ways that Empath-Sensitives can "live into their strengths" and gain more mastery over the gifts, while being more aware and skillful in the face of the challenges of being an Empathic-Sensitive in a loud and often bully- and Narcipath-favoring culture.

The Truth of the Matter …

I deeply appreciate Laura's perspectives shared here in her blog post. As I jotted in her comments section, this post in itself (as are so many) is a portal or potential doorway into dialogue with "those who have ears to... Continue Reading →

Phoenixing Update: Jupiter and the Shapeshifting Wave

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." ~ Gospel of Thomas, Saying 70... Continue Reading →

Persephone’s Underworld Journey: Deep Feminine Initiation

Persephone, like Inanna, is such an important mythic and archetypal story about the epic Underworld Journey and initiation into our deep-Feminine wisdom. Some of us experience a real-deal Dark Night of the Soul, a true Underworld Journey, as we're shaken... Continue Reading →

A Disturbance in the PsychoSphere – Guest Post

My friend Molly Hall at the Wild Bee Farmlet has shared another insightful and heartful perspective on the energies, questions, and opportunities of now. She writes of a "disturbance in the psycho-sphere," and asks, "Do you believe everything you see... Continue Reading →

Redefining luxury

I'm happy to share this lovely musing from Nimue Brown on 'Redefining Luxury'. One part of reclaiming our mojo in various areas of life involves reclaiming and redefining words (and the corresponding actions) that have been co-opted and put in... Continue Reading →

The Real Agenda of “So-Called” Education Reform

In the spirit of the reblog, here's a powerful piece of truth-speaking from a fellow blogger, Christopher Chase at his Creative by Nature blog. It reminded me of Nicholas Carr's book, The Shallows, which made a case for how the... Continue Reading →

Deconstructing Bully Culture: Shaming Class, Poverty, and Difference; and Those Who Stand

"But human beings are not trash. We are the civilizing force on the planet." ~ Chris Offutt, "Trash Food" I came across a couple of articles this morning that stirred the fire-pot ... you know, that liquid lava center that... Continue Reading →

Focus, Energy, and Shifting Stories

It's more challenging than it sounds, isn't it? This work of shifting dominant stories, whether personal or cultural stories (and for most of us it's both)? The shifting, the uprooting from false ground, has tested me mightily, I admit, and brought... Continue Reading →

Listening to Life and its Holy, Hidden Heart.

"Go where your best prayers take you. Unclench the fists of your spirit ...." “Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and... Continue Reading →

Chiron and A Shaman’s View of Sensitivity, ‘Mental Illness’, and Spirit-Gifts

“So this is how the healers who are attempting to be born are treated in this culture." "What a loss that a person who is finally being aligned with a power from the other world is just being wasted.” ~... Continue Reading →

Reclaiming Your Power from Unconstructive Criticism

When I saw this article from Rick Hanson, it took all of a nanosecond for me to recognize the pattern he's talking about. It's one that can make me wince just thinking about it, though it's common enough. In the... Continue Reading →

The Ways Narcissists Get Inside Your Head – from Self-Care Haven

I linked to Shahida Arabi's excellent "Five Powerful Ways Abusive Narcissists Get Inside Your Head" in my Sophia's Children post on "When Withholding is a Toxic Tactic" (part of the ongoing Resources for Empaths & Sensitives Series). But it's so... Continue Reading →

Un-Erasing ‘Women Who Know’ – Restoring the Ancestral Lineage

In her excellent book, The Woman in the Shaman's Body*, Barbara Tedlock, Ph.D., shares this about the origin and meaning of the word shaman: "The term shaman itself comes from the Evenki language in Siberia, and means "the one who... Continue Reading →

Just. Be. You. What a Relief.

Julia at Painted Path writes this in her recent post, Falling Apart: “Imagine dropping, really setting down, who we think others want us to be, who we think we should be, and just being who we are. Who we already... Continue Reading →

A Luminous Knowing and Wisdom from the Underworld

"The women who have reconnected with their instinctual power have gone beyond the limits of ordinary-world success, whether they have been taken there through loss and suffering into the depths of their being and reborn through touching into their creative... Continue Reading →

Discerning Vocation and Purpose

"What a long time it can take to become the person one has always been. How often in the process we mask ourselves in faces that are not our own? How much dissolving and shaking of ego we must endure... Continue Reading →

The Hidden Beauty (and Spirit) in Relationships

This is an 'evergreen', timeless update from the Sophia's Children archives. Is there a deeper purpose and beauty in relationship than what we might have been conditioned to see? A deeper beauty and richness of possibility that has been obscured... Continue Reading →

A Time for Courageous Dreaming

Here's a theme that's been growing in strength: the importance of reclaiming the power of our focus from the myriad bling-bling distractions, reclaiming the power of our dreaming, so that we can direct more and more of it towards desirable... Continue Reading →

Technology vs. Technosophy – Male, Female, Wisdom and Psychopathy

Alexander Barry, author, actor, and anthrosophist, talks about the crucial difference between our "cosmic autistic psychopathic" technology oriented society and a much more constructive and evolved technosophy oriented potential. “... it could be we’re heading towards a major crisis. The reason is... Continue Reading →

Power Portal – Clear Out the Funk and Notice What Enthralls

Yes, it's that time again, as we head into the 'shadow period' of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. Despite the perpetual naysaying from the doom-and-gloom-sayers, these and other power portals increase the ease with which we might access certain possibilities. The... Continue Reading →

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