
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



Flame-Tending: Who (and What) Feeds Your Flame?

It's a fine time, with a change of season opening -- that "in-between seasons" season -- to check in with the Divine Spark, the inner flame, the vision-seeds germinating under the surface, wanting to be showered with nourishment and attention.... Continue Reading →

Energy Hygiene, and a BlogShare: Why I Quit My Dream Job – Brennalea

It's been a wild few weeks, on the macro and micro, and life's kept me busier than usual in the local, interpersonal, in-the-thick-of-it realm. Even so, quite a few Sophia's Children musings have been brewing and incubating, so stay tuned.... Continue Reading →

The Three Illusions That Keep Us From Stepping More Fully Into Life

Here's a bit of timely inspiration as we stand in the gateway of a new calendar year, in the month of Janus (looking backward, looking forward, standing in the present). In an April 2017 TED Talk on the "lyrical bridge... Continue Reading →

Fresh Beginnings: Who’s Your Muse?

New Solar Year. New Lunar Year. New Moon. New vision. New beginnings. New adventures. New mindset. Any time we begin anew -- or want (or need) to stir new inspiration and meaning into what's already underway -- it's a fine time to invoke our Muses. This Sophia's Children article explores the tradition of the Muses of Inspiration, and how we might connect with our own Muse ... or Muse Posse! You'll even find clues about how to spot the Muses in your astrology chart (which itself is a clue-map from a long-running wisdom tradition!).

Creativity, Vision, Renewal, and Deep-Yin Time

Wherever we are, whether we're moving into the season of shorter days and longer nights, or easing from daylight to the dark of night, we move into the Deep Yin cycle of Nature. Ancient wise ones -- and some of... Continue Reading →

There’s A New Story Being Born

"Another world is not only possible, she's on the way and, on a quiet day, if you listen very carefully you can hear her breathe." ~ Arundhati Roy* There's something compelling about being reminded that a new story is trying... Continue Reading →

Quoteworthy: This is Your Time

“Many were born for a world that is just coming to be. If you have felt lost before and been frustrated in realizing your purpose here, this is your time.” ~ Steve Nelson, Gaiastrology, August 2014 It is a time... Continue Reading →

Visioning: Delve Into the Waters of Inspiration

"What do you yearn for? What vision stirs and beckons you from your inner depths?" At this point, it's no secret: Constant, frantic, frenzied 'busy' gets you more of the same, along with the stress and burnout that go with... Continue Reading →

The Power of Taking a Stand

"The power of taking a stand centers us in something larger than our own life starring us. We start to realize that we have been “given” life and that it’s a gift. When we use our life as an instrument... Continue Reading →

Discerning Vocation and Purpose

"What a long time it can take to become the person one has always been. How often in the process we mask ourselves in faces that are not our own? How much dissolving and shaking of ego we must endure... Continue Reading →

Who are you? Merton On ‘Identity’ and the Way

"One of the characteristics of "mass society" is precisely that it tends to keep man from fully achieving his identity ..." "To have identity is not merely to have a face and a name, a recognizable physical presence." "Identity in... Continue Reading →

The Essential Adventure of Our Time

"Along with the Great Turning, the Great Unraveling is happening too, and there is no way to tell how the larger story will end. So we learn again that hardest and most rewarding of lessons: how to make friends with... Continue Reading →

Purpose-Clues and Sophia’s Mission for Us

Perhaps you're one of many who feels  called to greater authenticity, purpose, and heart-and-soul-aligned meaning for your own life and for the collective dream? What clues might be find about our Big Purpose, our dharma, if we clue-hunt and pattern-track in... Continue Reading →

The Time of Creative Vision, Renewal, and the Deep Feminine

ma-laise "A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify. "a society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise"*   burnout "Physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress."* Wherever we are, whether we're... Continue Reading →

If it’s difficult, is it the wrong path?

"A vocation is only possible under conditions that also block it or make it impossible." John Caputo in What Would Jesus Deconstruct That perspective flies straight in the face of the more contemporary notion that if you're experiencing obstacles on... Continue Reading →

“Now I Become Myself …”

 "Now I become myself. It's taken time, many years and places. I have been dissolved and shaken, Worn other people's faces. ..." May Sarton, Now I Become Myself* Over the years, I've noticed a pattern: A lot of astrologers, intuitives, and... Continue Reading →

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