
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



A Less-Mentioned (but Huge) “Ism.”

Jeff Japp, in his Stuff Jeff Reads blog, muses about another of the super-insidious yet not as often mentioned "isms" ingrained and "toxic-normalized" into our culture, alongside racism and sexism/misogyny, linking what we see now with what Shakespeare wrote about in... Continue Reading →

MuseWorthy Quotation: The Story of Stuff (+ mindful gift-giving and renewal))

“Researching her film The Story of Stuff, Annie Leonard discovered that of the materials flowing through the consumer economy, only 1% remain in use six months after sale. Even the goods we might have expected to hold onto are soon... Continue Reading →

Luna-See: Moon-Fear Worldviews and the Invitations of Now.

Much has been written about yesterday’s full lunar eclipse of the sun, which was seen in all of its full glory along the totality path from Oregon to South Carolina in the United States. Even now, in modern-day writings, we... Continue Reading →

The Mind Can’t Recognize or Create …

“Mind can neither recognize nor create beauty. … Many people are so imprisoned in their minds that the beauty of nature does not really exist for them.” ~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now. Here's a short musing from notes... Continue Reading →

MuseWorthy Quote: Victorious Nonresistance

"The Art of Peace is the principle of nonresistance. Because it is nonresistant, it is victorious from the beginning. Those with evil intentions or contentious thoughts are instantly vanquished. The Art of Peace is invincible because it contends with nothing."... Continue Reading →

Empath-Sensitives and M-Fields

This 'empaths & energy fields' topic has been percolating for quite awhile, based on what I’ve noticed over recent years of experience, for better and for worse. More recently, I’ve revisited with a couple of different ‘works’ related to the... Continue Reading →

Here! Present and Back in the Body.

The topic of this musing is very much linked to the reminder that resurfaced recently -- that I shared in the most recent post, "In This Moment, I Begin Anew." The topic on the table? Being present and in the... Continue Reading →

Today I Begin Anew

Today I begin anew. Over the last week or so, I found that message - Begin Anew - arising within and around me more than once. First it simply arose in my awareness. Begin anew. Then, as I was walking,... Continue Reading →

Narrow Mind. Spacious Mind.

nar·row-mind·ed. adjective. "A person with a limited outlook who is unwilling to consider alternative ideas, perspectives or thoughts. An example of narrow minded is a person who has a strong political position and who will not even listen to debates... Continue Reading →

A Disturbance in the PsychoSphere – Guest Post

My friend Molly Hall at the Wild Bee Farmlet has shared another insightful and heartful perspective on the energies, questions, and opportunities of now. She writes of a "disturbance in the psycho-sphere," and asks, "Do you believe everything you see... Continue Reading →

Connecting the Light-and-Frequency Bringers

I'm just revisiting Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee's book, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, which I wrote about in 2010 when I first received and read it (find that post here). Whenever I'm guided to revisit it, as with... Continue Reading →

Technology vs. Technosophy – Male, Female, Wisdom and Psychopathy

Alexander Barry, author, actor, and anthrosophist, talks about the crucial difference between our "cosmic autistic psychopathic" technology oriented society and a much more constructive and evolved technosophy oriented potential. “... it could be we’re heading towards a major crisis. The reason is... Continue Reading →

Power Portal – Clear Out the Funk and Notice What Enthralls

Yes, it's that time again, as we head into the 'shadow period' of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. Despite the perpetual naysaying from the doom-and-gloom-sayers, these and other power portals increase the ease with which we might access certain possibilities. The... Continue Reading →

Conversation Not Critique

"I believe that it's time to say our first relationship and responsibility is with the Creative Spirit." "Not to brand it, not to sell it, not to convince others with it, but to have a relation first and foremost where... Continue Reading →

Are You on the Con-Some-Damn-Thing Treadmill?

"The compulsion to acquire possessions has often been compared to an addiction. Just as addicts need more and more of their drug to get the same level of pleasure, Americans buy more and more stuff to maintain the same level... Continue Reading →

Is New Age Greed Subverting Spirituality?

"The law of attraction is a wildly-popular modern mystical belief hyped as the secret to fulfilling your every desire. It has big celebrity endorsements, and commercial products rehashing its claims sell in abundance. But beneath the glossy façade there's often... Continue Reading →

Clearing Mental Clutter and Toxic Memes

It's never a bad time to unclutter the mind, psyche, and energy field from all of the less-than-savory muck floating around the shared (morphogenic) field, and from our own space as well. The wafting muck does indeed have an effect... Continue Reading →

Jung on Separating from the Herd

“The words “many are called, but few are chosen” are singularly appropriate here, for the development of personality from the germ-state to full consciousness is at once a charisma and a curse, because its first fruit is the conscious and... Continue Reading →

The Greatest Need of Our Time

"The greatest need of our time is to clean out the enormous mass of mental and emotional rubbish that clutters our minds and makes of all political and social life a mass illness. Without this housecleaning, we cannot begin to... Continue Reading →

Jackson Katz: ‘Women’s Issues’ and Men’s Leadership

What's up with men? That's what Jackson Katz asks, and shares a few perspectives on why these so-called "women's issues" are also men's issues -- and an opportunity for courageous men's leadership. Have a look (and listen): If you missed... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Uncommon Skills

"As we accept what is, we become people who stand in contrast to what is, freed from the aggression, grasping, and confusion of this time. With that clarity, we can contribute things of eternal importance no matter what's going on... Continue Reading →

On Story, Women, and Humanity – Chris Abani

Reclaiming Our ‘Word’ Power

  With the passing of each day, it seems more and more vital not to get caught up in the swirling vortex and mass-hallucination of what's gone -- and what is going -- horribly wrong. Recently I noticed what seemed... Continue Reading →

To see clearly, let the murk settle …

"We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see." - Taoist Proverb I've always found calm, and sometimes clarity, too, in these very Taoist, natural-element bits of wisdom, especially water-related ones.... Continue Reading →

Who are you? Merton On ‘Identity’ and the Way

"One of the characteristics of "mass society" is precisely that it tends to keep man from fully achieving his identity ..." "To have identity is not merely to have a face and a name, a recognizable physical presence." "Identity in... Continue Reading →

Out of Fear-Spin and Into the Heart, Illuminated

"Listen and attend with the ear of your heart." ~ St. Benedict Who doesn't want to step out of the perpetual spin-cycle of fear, dread, and anxiety? Heart- and Spirit centering practices come in many shapes and sizes, and have... Continue Reading →

Everything we do now: The Power of small actions

"The forces of love and greed are contesting with one another, and both are immensely strong -- so strong that almost anything could tip the balance. Everything we do now is vitally important. Each act of healing is a weight... Continue Reading →

The Essence of Spring and Bringer of Plenty

Happy Spring Equinox, to those in the Northern hemisphere (and Autumn Equinox, to those in the Southern 'sphere). Here's a little Spring-time reflection food for you, to help tap into or attune with the essence of Spring, wherever you may... Continue Reading →

Reaping Wisdom out of Hell – o – Operator

Sometimes it's good to shake up stuck notions, when they get so calcified they become toxic. That's when we need to 'go all Hafiz', and turn it upside down to shake the nonsense out and reveal the original Wisdom of it.... Continue Reading →

‘Sacred Scrabble’ and Crazy, Holy Grace

Because it's always a fine time for Crazy, Holy Grace, here is a resurfaced gem from the Sophia's Children cave (aka archives): 'Sacred Scrabble' and Crazy, Holy Grace. Big Love, Jamie

Treasure in the Shadows

“If only the sun-drenched celebrities are being noticed and worshiped, then our children are going to have a tough time seeing the value in the shadows, where the thinkers, probers and scientists are keeping society together.” ~ Rita Dove, Poet,... Continue Reading →

David Hawkins on ‘The True Teacher’

“The true teacher is one who has experienced it absolutely through and through, and speaks from the authority of having experienced it -- not read about it, heard about it, learned about it, but done it.” ~ David Hawkins Sir David... Continue Reading →

Empaths & Sensitives Series – Leveling [Part 3]

[This is Part 3 of the ongoing 'Wisdom for Empaths & Sensitives' series. If you haven't already, you'll want to read the intro article first - you'll find it here. The second post in this series shared more on these types of dynamics... Continue Reading →

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