
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Venus Aphrodite

Energies of Now: Venus Rising (and Friday the 13th)

I originally wrote this musing in April 2016, when the Taurus Mysteries were rising on the wheel of the year. Then I revisited the Venus-Rising theme, when the Libra Mysteries -- the other zodiac archetype ruled by Venus - were... Continue Reading →

As Above: 4/26 New Moon, Super Moon

On April 26th, we have the pleasure of a perigee New Moon, a.k.a. the first supermoon of the year. Perigee or supermoon means that our beautiful Luna satellite is at its closest to Earth. Bruce McClure at Earth & Sky... Continue Reading →

The Beauty Way of Relating

Are you feeling an growing call towards greater harmony, beauty, and social artistry? Or are you noticing, or even mired in, their opposites -- disharmony, conflict, relational dysfunction -- which are seemingly over-abundant in the world right about now? I'll... Continue Reading →

The New Venus: Initiated Wise Women Rising

"The New Venus, New Woman, is Venus become one with Persephone her deeper nature. She emerges as the Woman of Revelation "clothed with the Sun" who brings new feminine consciousness, an artful mindfulness and imminent being that is here and... Continue Reading →

Venusian Mysteries: The Garden of the Feminine

I originally wrote this musing in April 2016, when the Taurus Mysteries were rising on the wheel of the year. Then I revisited the Venus-Rising theme, when the Libra Mysteries -- the other zodiac archetype ruled by Venus - were... Continue Reading →

Heart, Value and Purpose: Venus and Uranus at the Leo Gate

It's fun to play with the new moon, particularly today's new moon in Leo, an archetype that includes 'playfulness' as one of its qualities, among others that are truly empowering. Read on ... There's a powerful alchemy of which today's... Continue Reading →

The Hidden Beauty (and Spirit) in Relationships

This is an 'evergreen', timeless update from the Sophia's Children archives. Is there a deeper purpose and beauty in relationship than what we might have been conditioned to see? A deeper beauty and richness of possibility that has been obscured... Continue Reading →

Venus and Iris – the Shamanic Diplomat

Our Venusian selves have just gone Mercurial. Are you sensitive and attuned enough to feel it yet? If not, you'll be able to if you wish. Read on for tips, so you'll be able to create more skillfully with this energy in... Continue Reading →

The Via Feminina: The Garden of the Senses

Continuing on the very Venusian-Taurean theme of coming to our senses... The Garden has long been a metaphor for wholeness, for the mystical Heart, and for the Divine Feminine. In a mechanized, techno-distracted age, the Garden (and all that comes... Continue Reading →

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