
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



Heartistry and Whole-Heartedness: Lùnastal, Edgy Energies, Pivot Points and Possibilities

"An awakened heart is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be honored, protected, and expressed, with all of the fierceness of the regal Lioness and Lion." In these days and times, an awakened heart -- individually... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Liberating our Warm, Wild-Hearted Genius

Happy Lùnastal and Full Moon lunar eclipse at the mid-Aquarius power gate. I've already written a bit about some of the Heartistry-inviting Energies (and themes) of Now, so I'll share a few things that surfaced intuitively this morning as I... Continue Reading →

Creativity as a Virtue, and Uniqueness as the Soul’s Code.

"Creativity is conceived as a reproductive act with a tangible result -- a child, a book, a monument -- that has a physical life going beyond the life of its producer." "Creativity, however, can be intangible in the form of... Continue Reading →

Inspiration on the Walls

I wrote recently on "The Hidden Meaning and Beauty" of vandalism, neglect, and graffiti -- including the graffiti that we might not see as beautiful or sacred, but as (and fairly so) an example of ugliness and desecration. Blog brother... Continue Reading →

Museworthy Quotation: Remember the past to reweave an alternative future.

“I don’t criticize ...That’s not my approach. I look for avenues of transformation, and I feed them. I’m always looking to generate something, as opposed to just taking something apart.” “The way I think of it is, every time we... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather Update: Fire and Honey (+ Seasonal Inspiration from a blog sister)

There are musings, themes, writings, and offerings in the creative cauldron, bubbling away and readying for emergence in these curious times ... stay tuned. For now ... Fire & Honey 'Medicine'. First, the Fire bit. That'd be one key theme... Continue Reading →

Chaos, Creativity and Pandora’s Real Box

"If everything is uncertain, then the future is open to human creativity, to possibility and therefore to a better world." ~ Immanuel Wallerstein We don't normally see chaos as an ally, because it seems so, well, chaotic. Uncertain. It feels... Continue Reading →

Museworthy Quote: An Imagination Cleanse

"Imaginal hygiene is the inner art of self-managing the imagination, to defend it from forces that compromise, pollute, colonize, shrink, and sterilize it, and to cultivate those that illuminate, expand, and nourish it." ~ M. T. Xen, by way of... Continue Reading →

Effortless Creativity and Uncompetitive Purposefulness

It's no secret now that we're at a bit of a craggy crossroads, we humans? It seems that Life herself is more urgently stirring up the recollection, resurrection, and/or Phoenixing of whole areas of innate and indigenous-soul genius that were... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: Sudden Chaos and Heart Power

“The whole art for the new humanity will consist in the secret of listening to the heart consciously, alertly, attentively. And follow it, go wherever it takes you. Yes, sometimes it will take you into dangers — but remember, those... Continue Reading →

Artists and Seers: Restoring the psychic equilibrium of the epoch

"Every creative person is a duality or a synthesis of contradictory aptitudes. On the one side he is a human being with a personal life, while on the other side he is an impersonal, creative process." "The archetypal image of... Continue Reading →

Fresh Beginnings: Who’s Your Muse?

Good week to you! I've received a request to re-feature a Muse-stirring article from the Sophia's Children treasure vaults, so here it is ... New Beginnings and The Muse ... Big Love (and Lovely Musings), Jamie

Creativity and Art Make the Soul Grow… #Blesstival

“The arts are not a way of making a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s... Continue Reading →

Fresh Beginnings: Who’s Your Muse?

New Solar Year. New Lunar Year. New Moon. New vision. New beginnings. New adventures. New mindset. Any time we begin anew -- or want (or need) to stir new inspiration and meaning into what's already underway -- it's a fine time to invoke our Muses. This Sophia's Children article explores the tradition of the Muses of Inspiration, and how we might connect with our own Muse ... or Muse Posse! You'll even find clues about how to spot the Muses in your astrology chart (which itself is a clue-map from a long-running wisdom tradition!).

Imbolc – Reconnecting with Bhrìghde’s Creative Well

There is deep wisdom in aligning with the energy and spirit of the season ... of Nature's rhythms, with which are bodies are strongly evolved to orient towards (or suffer from the cultural dissociation with Natural rhythms!). There's also a wisdom and mythic quality associated with Imbolc, and other important archetypal energies and milestones as the wheel of the year turns. What inspiration and deep restoration awaits you at this time of the year ... or any time that Imbolc-Bhrigdhe wisdom might spark the fires of inspiration within you?

Creativity, Vision, Renewal, and Deep-Yin Time

Wherever we are, whether we're moving into the season of shorter days and longer nights, or easing from daylight to the dark of night, we move into the Deep Yin cycle of Nature. Ancient wise ones -- and some of... Continue Reading →

The Real Agenda of “So-Called” Education Reform

In the spirit of the reblog, here's a powerful piece of truth-speaking from a fellow blogger, Christopher Chase at his Creative by Nature blog. It reminded me of Nicholas Carr's book, The Shallows, which made a case for how the... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: Rich Ideas from the Quest

“The design of the human brain -- its inherent need to make connections and associations -- gives it a will of its own.” “The artificial barriers between the arts and sciences will melt away under the pressure to know and... Continue Reading →

O’Keeffe: Success is Irrelevant. Make the Unknown Known.

"Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant—there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing—and keeping the unknown always beyond you." "You and I don’t know whether our vision is clear in relation to our time... Continue Reading →

Living Right, Aiming True, and Courage.

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will do." ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland If you do have a notion or yearning, even if it's only a whisper of a gist, then interesting things can unfold... Continue Reading →

Creativity, Vision, and the Deep Feminine

Wherever we are, whether we're moving into the season of shorter days and longer nights, or easing from daylight to the dark of night, we move into the Deep Yin cycle of Nature. Ancient wise ones -- and some of... Continue Reading →

Feeling Empowered. Effecting Change.

"We humans have so much more creative juice than we realize. Our intentions create our lives and so the more conscious we become in  making our choices, the more we can shape our individual lives and  attend to the reclaiming... Continue Reading →

Liminal Season: Stirring the Cauldron of Our Dreams

"We are descending into the dark time of the year, the juicy time of mystery of earth and psyche. This liminal time before Samhain calls us to cast off that which does not serve us and evoke the wild woman."... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Creativity – A courageous and ancient gesture…

"The creative act is a courageous, ancient gesture, a dynamic exploration of the dark mystery that is human existence." ~ Adriana Diaz, as quoted in Roderick MacIver's Art As A Way of Life. The creative gesture means many things. Yes,... Continue Reading →

Fire Trines: Invoking Whole-Heartedness From the Ashes

We've recently gained some much-needed fire in the astro-energetic alchemy cocktail, which is likely most welcome after several years of depth-diving in watery realms. At least I welcome it. Though I truly appreciate underwater cave diving and Lunar-gift reclaiming well... Continue Reading →

Your Sense of Mystery and Curiosity

“This rich tapestry of the Guardian, of the Ancestor, that says “I am here, but I’m here to awaken your sense of Mystery, that is what life seeks from you because your Mystery will elicit your curiosity and from your... Continue Reading →

Rothko: What is the Better Condition?

"When I was a younger man, art was a lonely thing. No galleries, no collectors, no critics, no money, yet it was a golden age for we all had nothing to lose and a vision to gain. Today it is... Continue Reading →

Creative Awakening: Your Forgotten Wealth

"When you cease to fear your solitude, a new creativity awakens in you. Your forgotten or neglected inner wealth begins to reveal itself. You come home to yourself and learn to rest within." "That which is scattered has no unity,... Continue Reading →

Vision and Your Wild Divinity

"Your vision is your home, and your home should have many mansions to shelter your wild divinity." ~ John O'Donohue, Anam Cara Vision, not to mention ways we cultivate and reclaim our precious 'wild divinity', are among our Sophia and Artemis... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Musing: Creativity and Wilderness

"Creative people don’t follow the crowds; they seek out the blank spots on the map. Creative people wander through faraway and forgotten traditions and then integrate marginal perspectives back to the mainstream. Instead of being fastest around the tracks everybody... Continue Reading →

“The Question Holds the Lantern”

"The question holds the lantern." This, from the late John O'Donohue, could in itself be a meditation, which I find to be the case with much of what he wrote. But here is a bit more from The Question Holds... Continue Reading →

The Time of Creative Vision, Renewal, and the Deep Feminine

ma-laise "A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify. "a society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise"*   burnout "Physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress."* Wherever we are, whether we're... Continue Reading →

Imbolc and Bhrìghde’s Creative Well

We enter into the Mysteries of Imbolc, Candlemas, or Fèill Bhrìghde. As I mentioned in previous musings, Imbolc-Candlemas has long been considered a thin time and an  ancestral holy time traditionally celebrated during the first few days of February. The... Continue Reading →

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