Psyche Entering Cupid's Garden (1905, John William Waterhouse)
Psyche Entering Cupid’s Garden (1905, John William Waterhouse)

This is such a lovely musing about the places and spaces we live in, how they have an essence and living heart(h) of their own, and how we’re very much in relationship with them … whether we realize it or not.

(And if you’re an empath-sensitive, you’re probably very much aware of it!).

I’m a few weeks from making a new house my home, so will be getting acquainted with it, and the spirits of place, soon.

It’s a lovely reminder that each place, each thing, each being, is Holy Ground in and of itself.

And as Andrea mentions, at the warm and fiery heart, hearth, and core of every place, we find Vesta (Hestia to the Greeks) — the very core of the Feminine.

Thanks to Andrea for sharing this musing via her blog, Harvesting Hecate.

Big Love,