A new standard of online privacy and data requirements go active May 25, 2018, based on the European Union’s “General Data Protection Regulation” or GDPR.

The general purpose of the GDPR — and regulations like it — is to protect buyers and internet users from the creepier, trust-abusing use of data and information ala what surfaced with one of dominant social media companies and a particular major country in the last year or so.

Since the internet and sites on it are pretty much global, it affects (to smaller or larger degree) most people who browse, post, share intel, purchase products and services.

Image by Niko Puranen, Creative Commons via Wikimedia.

Here’s Sophia’s Children Privacy Statement.

Basically, in alignment with the values shared and fostered here, I don’t misuse your information or gather unnecessary private intel in some creepy way.

If you’re receiving my Sophia’s Children communiques, you have previously opted in to receive communication from me regarding my teachings and writings, as well as access private consultations and or other workshops or sessions with me. The only use I make of your information is to communicate with you for these reasons.

Service Partners

To bring you Sophia’s Children and the content and services I share, I partner with WordPress.com, eJunkie, and PayPal — all of which have, for a long time now, taken issues of privacy and security seriously.

Just as there were highway bandits, pirates, and less interesting “ne’er do wells hell-bent on no good” centuries ago, such personalities simply found new ways to do what they do in the internet and cyber-digital age.

While they can’t control every little thing, companies like PayPal, eJunkie, and WordPress make it a priority to stay ahead of, and on top of, breaches of security and ill-use of the information we share and use as we connect and share with one another via the internet.

That’s why I’ve partnered with them in some way, shape, or form for years, first with my long-time communication and change consultancy Ivy Sea (1992-2015ish), and for years with Sophia’s Children (which paralleled and ultimately evolved beyond my Ivy Sea time and offerings).

You’ll find links to their Privacy Statements on my Sophia’s Children Privacy Statement as well.

Other Recent Sophia’s Children Inspiration:

You can also check out two of my recent Musings, if you’ve not already seen them:

I’ll be back soon with an updated Energies of Now (and some other timely topics that are gestating related to the Energies of Now (and the coming months)!).

For a personal consultation to explore what’s up — or coming up — for you, you’ll find a couple of good intro (or check-in) consultation options here:

Current Featured Offerings

Big Love,


Featured Image Credit: Digital Humanity (and Digital Citizenship) from iPredator.com.

Dancing in the Rain. PD Pics.

Refresh. Renew. Re-Claim. Re-Story. Revitalize…

… Your sense of self, purpose, gifts, and joy of being and sharing your unique presence.

Team with me as your inspiration partner and navigation guide:

Current Featured Offerings … have a look.

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If you’ve found regular inspiration … or a super-handy dose of it … in this and other Sophia’s Children articles and offerings, consider supporting the work in one of these ways:

See Support Sophia’s Children for a variety of options.

Lots of love,
