I originally wrote this musing in April 2016, when the Taurus Mysteries were rising on the wheel of the year.

Then I revisited the Venus-Rising theme, when the Libra Mysteries — the other zodiac archetype ruled by Venus – were rising with the equinox.

Today, it’s Friday the 13th — both Friday, and 13, with ancient associations to the Divine Feminine and Lunar ways.

That’s Astro-Speak, but remember — astrology is simply a symbolic, metaphorical, and mythic energy for the energies, patterns, and cycles we’re born into, embody, and that we dance with after that.

The symbols and metaphors equate to qualities, themes, and the core values that move us and express in and through and between us. The cycles are just like various acts in a play or film.

Botanical garden, Forth Worth, Texas.

Just now, Taurus season is on the horizon, but Venus is visiting her home territory (Taurus) in the Energies of Now.

Given all of the Air and Fire stirred up in recent years, and even now, any elements, inclinations, and actions that help to ground, calm, center, and harmonize are ripe and timely ‘medicine’.

All the more the case with Tax Time in full throttle, myriad conflict and Scary Stories being broadcast, and Saturn readying to station Retrograde in Capricorn just after the New Moon.

When one of the Venusian-ruled signs is activated, all of those Venus-infused, Earth-magic and ‘Beauty Way‘  facets of us get stirred, enlivened, greened … whether directly, or when their opposites take center stage, inspiring us to a more refined, harmonious way of being.

With the Venusian mysteries in Taurus, an Earth-element territory, we have an infusion of Earth energies with a very Venusian essence. Sensual presence and more (see below).

25 Sep 2009 — Castle Geyser with Rainbow, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming — Image by © Gustav Verderber/Visuals Unlimited/Corbis

With Libra, an Air-element archetypal breeze, the Venusian yearning for beauty and harmony moves into the Air-mental realms where beautiful notions and visions are conceived, and we have the Beauty Way of Relating and notions like ‘right speech & right relationship‘, sacred relationship, and harmonious relating … social artistry.

In Taurus, those yearnings are brought down to Earth.

The Venusian-inspired combination — enriched by other ways of being — opens into beauty and harmony in thought and intention that spirals out into more artful expression and action.

Or … The Beauty Way of Relating … and Sensual Presence.

Earth Lushness at a Rainforest Stream. Image courtesy of PDpics.

Right now, we still have the Ally Earth-magic of transformative Pluto in Earth-magic Capricorn, along with Mars and Saturn, giving us access to that expansive, beneficent Earth magic to the energetic and sensory environment.

We have plenty of Fire, too, with Uranus and Mercury in Aries (Mercury soon to station out of its Retrograde in days), North Node traveling Leo, and the upcoming New Moon meeting closely with the Sun and Uranus in late Aries — that’s a lot of fiery electrical energy to ground, so those Earth allies are more than welcome.

Eruption des Stromboli (Isolde Eolie, Italien). Photo by Wolfgang Beyer, GNU Free via Wikimedia

As always given the intense energy cocktail, for better and for worse, mindfulness, discernment, and awareness continue to be helpful — those Emotional Intelligence qualities (they’re in there somewhere!).

That’s an understatement, really, particularly as we continue to see much verbal-spewing ‘afore-thought’ and myriad hissy-fitting Tantrum Yogis‘ blah-blah filling the public spaces, and perhaps a bit more closely around us, too.

In Five Element Theory, and other element-oriented traditions, Earth helps to ground and slow the excessive ‘hot air‘ and ‘fire in the head‘ (and spewing out of too many heads!) that happens when there’s just too much Air and Fire in the alchemical mix.

Add soothing (and sensitizing) Water — Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces — to keep the Earth moist and the Fire in check.

In Venue (and Taurus) Season …

We are extended an invitation to “come out of our head and into our body (and Earth).”

Yes, our head is part of our body, but in Western culture, much of life is lived wholly in the head. Not optimal, as we can see.

Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus (c. 1486). {{PD-US}} Wikimedia.

The Venusian Mysteries are inspired and led by Venus-Aphrodite … The Great (and Sensual) She, known by many names. Friday is named for the Norse Freyja (whom the Romans would have called Venus, and also named the sixth day of the week after her).

Venus-Aphrodite and the Taurean Mysteries are, at their core, about remembering the sacred in matter, the sacredness in our connection to all, the Garden of the Divine and the sacredness of our body temple.

The Slow Movement, to whatever it might be applied, is very Taurean. Savoring, giving the gift of presence and attention, moving deliberately, sensing.

Sensual embodied-mindfulness.

Or Sensual Presence, as I’ve written about before.

Being the bridge between Heaven and Earth, actualized in and through us.

Rakotz Brücke, Germany. Image courtesy of Amazing Places on Earth.

This is a worthwhile Earth ‘medicine’ or remedy for those bad habits of being all up in the head and intellect, out of touch with body and Earth, all about ascension and transcending instead of embodiment and presence.

And harmonious presence is also an artful and healing antidote to the rather unfortunate behavior we see mindlessly and manically (or maniacally) spewing psychic vomit all around us just now.

It’s ‘beautiful thought brought down to Earth’ time, in the sensual, artful, beauty-and-harmony loving Venus-Aphrodite style.

How delightful. So much nicer than the excess of rude, uncivil, coarse, vulgar, hater stuff. Ick.

Here are a few Sophia’s Children’s musings in honor of the Taurus-Venusian (and the Libra Venusian) Mysteries.

The Garden of the Feminine

Garden of Eden, by Erastus Salisbury Field (1805 – 1900), American Folk Artist.
Garden of Eden, by Erastus Salisbury Field (1805 – 1900), American Folk Artist.

Welcome to the Garden.

The Garden of the Feminine.

Green, lush, fertile

Abundance overflowing.

Life expressing.

As Above, So Below.

The Garden is within you, too.


The Garden of Eve. Of Venus,

Lilith, Sophia, and Ta’Nit.

The Garden of the Feminine.

The eternal Feminine Divine.


Awaken your senses,

Feel the greening.

The desert blooms again as

the waters of Spirit flow

rich and alive into

the valleys carved deep

from our grief, now

composted into rich

and fertile soil,

teeming now with new life,

alive with Love,

Greening once again.

Emissary of the Greening,

Welcome to the Garden.


Then, Around.


Big Love & Full-Sensory Blessings,



To explore the astrological and Deep-Feminine Mysteries,

see this musing, The New Venus: Initiated Wise Woman Rising,

visit the Current Featured Offerings.

You’ll see more personalized consultation options there, too.

Big Love on The Beauty Way,


Featured Image Credit: Emerald Green Butterfly. Image courtesy of Nature’s Crusaders.

Green labyrinth in Luxembourg City. PD image from Lode Van de Velde, PDpictures.net.

Be Who You Are

Step into more ‘graceful communication’ and ‘harmonious relating’, or for a reminder of your own Beauty Way of Relating (and other Venusian) gifts and opportunities, see the current Reader & Client Appreciation specials or other consultation offerings:

Current Featured Offerings

The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)
The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)

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Labyrinth image credit: Green labyrinth in Luxembourg City. PD image from Lode Van de Velde, PDpictures.net.