Eruption at Castle Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S. Creative Commons photo by Brocken Inaglory, Wikimedia.
Eruption at Castle Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S. Creative Commons photo by Brocken Inaglory, Wikimedia.

The Energies of Now are taking on more Fire, where we’ve had an ocean of Water in recent weeks, though the sensitive, watery, tidal essence of the Neptunian-Piscean is still very much in play.

That said, it’s good to note that Fire and Water create steam, or hydro-thermal baths, or boiling water, or doused passion, etc. … actually, and metaphorically speaking.

So lest we Go All Mars (Fire) and bubble over, or get too steamy (in less than helpful ways), or feel like there’s still a wet blanket on our energy and passion, here’s an Energies of Now update.

Geyser in Iceland. Public domain image courtesy of pd4pic.
Geyser in Iceland. Public domain image courtesy of pd4pic.

Fire and Water will continue to be foremost elements in the Energies of Now, so this is a timely reminder … and an Orienteering clue-guide as well.

What’s bubbling for (and in) you?

Read on, and see what stirs into your awareness.

Wishing you happy and wise navigating as we ready for a new season … and a new (astro and seasonal) year’s Vision Quest and Hero/ine’s Journey.

For Current Specials on Astro Readings and Vision-Quest Pathfinding consults, check out the Specials-of-Now Page.

Big Love,