Juno Showering Gifts on Venetia (1554-1556), by Paolo Veronese. Public Domain Image courtesy of Wikimedia.
Juno Showering Gifts on Venetia (1554-1556), by Paolo Veronese. Public Domain Image courtesy of Wikimedia.

Happy Fifth Day of Christmas to you all, whether you celebrate Christmas or honor the Spirit of the Season in other ways.

As we near the threshold of the passing of this past calendar year and the dawn of a fresh new one, many of us can appreciate that feeling of starting a new year with a blend of hope and intention, mixed in with healthy doses of anxiety, uncertainty, overwhelm, and even sadness or grief.

I have no doubt that I and several other of my blog-o-sphere sisters and brothers will continue sharing what ‘good medicine’ comes into and through us to encourage and inspire (as we navigate that same mix of inspiration and uncertainty!).

And yet each of those individual sharings contributes to the greater ‘wave’.

So I’m glad to share an inspired and timely blog article from The Druid’s Garden, along with Laura Bruno’s intro-musing to her own reblog of this post.

You’ll find Laura’s message, and then the link to the reblog of ‘Making a Difference’.

It’s a really important message as each of us does of the work of keeping (or re-gaining) our Sovereign Center, and continuing to add our big and small magic, our own contributions (small and large) to the cause of wellbeing, Agape (Perdita’s Gifts!), and a restoration of joy and Wisdom for all beings.

Thanks to Laura for reblogging this (I’d missed this post, so was glad for the reblog!), and to The Druid’s Garden for the initial musing.

Here’s to the great importance of a wealth of (seemingly) small contributions.

Big Love and Holy-Season Blessings,

From Laura Bruno’s reblog of “Making a Difference:”

“I’ve been meaning to reblog this because of the encouraging message, especially as so many people create New Year’s Resolutions. I hear from a lot of clients who fear they “can never do enough to change ___, so why bother?”

Here’s why: because every little thing adds up, and one success inspires and fuels another one. We never know our full ripple effect, but we can and do create ripples wherever we go. As we finish out 2015, please give yourself credit for the things you’ve done, assess those you’ve left undone, and then feel your way into 2016 and beyond. What little step keeps nagging at you to take it? What deep soul longings keep nudging you to pay attention?

For the moment, forget the desired end, just focus on finding the next foothold and planting your step. YOU are part of the cycle of life! Whenever you choose to foster life — in whatever ways, small or big — you reaffirm the Great Cosmic Dance of Life. Twist, turn, leap or spin: just MOVE and see what happens.”

And The Druid’s Garden original “Making a Difference” article ….