William Commanda (1913-2011), Algonquin Elder and Chief. Image: International Cities of Peace.
William Commanda (1913-2011), Algonquin Elder and Chief. Image: International Cities of Peace.

“In the time of the Seventh Fire, a New People would emerge.

They would retrace their steps to find the wisdom that was left by the side of the trail long ago.

Their steps would take them to the elders, who they would ask to guide them on their journey.

If the New People remain strong in their quest, the sacred drum will again sound its voice. There will be an awakening of the people, and the sacred fire will again be lit.

At this time, the light-skinned race will be given a choice between two roads.

One road is the road of greed and technology without wisdom or respect for life. This road represents a rush to destruction.

The other road is spirituality, a slower path that includes respect for all living things.

If we choose the spiritual path, we can light yet another fire, an Eight Fire, and begin an extended period of Peace and healthy growth.”

~ Grandfather William Commanda, Algonquin Elder and Spiritual Leader, Founder of Circle of All Nations, from the Prophecy of the Seven Fires of the Anishnabe.

Oren Lyons, Elder and Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan, Seneca Nations, Iroquois Confederacy, U.S. Image: One World (see image link below).
Oren Lyons, Elder and Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan, Seneca Nations, Iroquois Confederacy, U.S. Image: One World (see image link below).

Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper and Elder of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy, shared this:

“If you’re not spiritually connected to the Earth and understand the spiritual reality of how to live on the Earth, it’s likely you won’t make it.

Treat all things as Spirit; realize we are one family.

Today we’re bound together much closer than we were. We’re bound together by electronics, by technology, and the world has become quote “a market” and it’s this market we have to deal with, this idea.”

Speaking to a group of corporate and business executives, Mr. Lyons said:

“When you say ‘resources’ you’re talking about our relatives, our family. Fish are not a resource, they’re our family. It requires respect.

The structure of the world itself is that it functions on Natural Law, which is a powerful regenerative process that continues, it’s endless … if everyone follows the Natural Law.

But if you challenge Natural Law, and you think you’re going to change the Natural Law, then you’re bound to failure, and in that failure there will be a lot of pain, because the Natural Law has no mercy.

So it’s not the end of the world you’re talking about, it’s the end of us. The world will regenerate, it’ll re-green, except there won’t be any people.

As you’re coming down the final stretch and racing towards the finish, and there’s the stone wall. You’re not pulling your horse, you’re not stopping, you’re accelerating.

That’s how I see your use of what you call ‘resources’ — you’re headed toward that disaster and none of you are pulling your horse.

(A corporate CEO said to him, “I know what you’re saying, but I’m a corporate CEO. We can’t stop, because I have to show a profit.”)

“If you don’t have a moral question in your governing process, then you don’t have a process that’s going to survive. You must have a moral society, or you won’t have any.” ~ Oren Lyons, Seneca/Iroqouis Faithkeeper and Elder

Watch the whole conversation from Elder Lyons — and note, particularly, his comments about the corporate business culture’s ‘profit imperative’ and Mr. Lyon’s talk with corporate CEOs … and their response.

Oren Lyons – Elder Wisdom and Prophecy.

See a similar Vision of Two Cities — the two options and ‘the river flowing very quickly’ — I was given in 2006 and wrote about on Ivy Sea Online article, Is Conscious Capitalism Possible (and if so, what would it have to look like?):

A Vision of Two Cities, and the Choice Before Us. (Returning soon to Sophia’s Children)

If you missed it, and if you’re a Sixties-Born Peep, check out my recent post on the Awakening Phoenix of the Uranus-Pluto-Virgo soul group.

Thanks to Dayna for sharing various Indigenous wisdom quotes, including William Commanda’s quote shared above! I was glad for the reminder of the Seven Prophecies insights.

Big Love,


Image Links: International Cities of Peace (William Commanda) and One World (Oren Lyons)