The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee.
The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee.

I’m just revisiting Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee’s book, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, which I wrote about in 2010 when I first received and read it (find that post here).

Whenever I’m guided to revisit it, as with other things, I’m drawn to particular insights or reminders that are, no doubt, perfectly timed. (That’s the way the Great She works!)

Here are just a few of Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee’s insights that lit up for me to share with you.

These highlight how the intelligence of the world soul connects kindred spirits in this Great Work through synchronicity, and how facing, rather than fleeing from darkness (or pretending it doesn’t exist) is essential in the energy alchemy required in these times.

“The soul of the world has the blueprint for the connections that need to be made. These connections are not random, but follow a particular pattern and purpose.”

The Women of Amphissa, 1887, by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.
The Women of Amphissa, 1887, by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

“In our own lives we know the sudden potency of a meeting that seemed “meant to happen,” whether with a teacher, a new love, or an old friend. There can be a shock of recognition, a feeling of wholeness, or the sense that something was given and received.”

“These connections need to be experienced consciously and with attention; otherwise their purpose will be lost. We must recognize them as important opportunities, even if we don’t fully understand them.”

“Some connections will work easily, while others may require persistence. Some individuals who are too identified with a particular mind-set will be resistant to certain connections.”

“But through these connections the light of the soul of the world can flow into new places and awaken individuals to its work. As the pattern of connections grows, it will constellate new patterns for life, for the evolving consciousness of the planet.”

“It is through the connections of individuals and groups that the consciousness of the oneness will penetrate our collective consciousness and give form to the future.”

The Sower of the System, 1902, by George Frederic Watts.
The Sower of the System, 1902, by George Frederic Watts.

And Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, like some of my other teachers and my own sense and experience suggest, also reminds us that there are forces in this world that don’t want these connections to be made, that don’t want this work of Love and restored heart to be done. We know this.

He continues:

“The world has to awaken from its sleep of forgetfulness — it can no longer afford to forget its divinity. More than any pollution, it is this forgetfulness that is killing the earth.”

“The awakening of the soul of the world can redeem what has been desecrated, heal what has been wounded, purify what has been polluted.”

“There is an urgency to this work, to free the world of certain patterns before the heart of the world opens. And we have to be prepared to fight for what we believe, to commit ourselves to the light of the soul and the awakening of the ways of oneness. This may seem like a spiritual ideal, but anyone who has confronted the darkness of the word knows the intensity and demands of this fight.”

“… if we are sincere we will be taken to the places in the collective darkness in the inner and outer worlds where it is our duty to work, where our light can be used most effectively.”

“Many mystics now live in the center of worldly life. Faded memories of living in ashrams, we bring our remembrance to the inner cities. And in our meditation, or during the night when the soul is free from physical restrictions, we are guided to places of darkness where our light can help untangle webs of greed, penetrate clouds of ignorance.”

“Sometimes we awake from a dream of half-remembering or dreaming of the denseness, the heaviness that has been around us.”

At Aphrodite's Cradle, 1908, by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.
At Aphrodite’s Cradle, 1908, by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

Vaughan-Lee reminds again that this isn’t work that can be done in the Lone Ranger, Island Unto Ourself style — that kindred spirit connections, “where two or more are gathered,” are essential parts of this Great Work and energy alchemy.

“Part of the wonder of the ways of Oneness,” he continues, “is that we are linked together through our unique individual nature.”

“When we make connections through Oneness, we will discover how we support each other in ways that enhance our individual contribution.”

You can find more about Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee’s teachings, books, and audios here.

You’ll also find my own writings and musings on this particular calling or path throughout this Sophia’s Children blog, and particularly in the “Black Madonna and Feminine Mysteries” section.

For related inspiration, see if you’re one of the Galactic Center People (and learn about the very cool potent-center around which our solar system revolves):

Are You a Galactic Center Transmitter?

In the spirit of honoring and celebrating our kindred-spirit connections and the Great Work of restoring remembrance (and the World’s Lost Heart) back into (our own and) the collective consciousness …

Big Love,
