The Nativity by the Danish Artist Carl Heindrich Bloch (1834-1890).
The Nativity by the Danish Artist Carl Heindrich Bloch (1834-1890).

As we near the gateway to these year-end Holy Days, I’m wishing you a magical and wondrous Solstice, Christmas, and holy days passage, however you celebrate them.

Remember, too: We’ve got a Christmas Day Full Moon adding both illumination and energetic-psychic voltage, so may we all go gently, easily tend (and manage to keep) our center, and be filled with the greater joy and blessing of this time of the year.

And just in case you need some ‘on the fly’ restoration and handy tips for keeping your center amidst the whirl and swirl?

You’ll find a generous supply in the Resources for Empaths & Sensitives series, and the new Chaos Surfer’s Medicine eBundle in the ‘Current Specials’.

Lots of love,