Pia de Tolomei (1868-1880), by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Pia de Tolomei (1868-1880), by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

It’s always a fine time to muse on the notions (and experiences) of Home and the related themes of exile, displacement, hearth-tending, and growing new roots.

That said, there is a particular  emphasis right about now, given the very earthy, sacred-tending Virgoan archetypal energetic in the shared field.

This is always true if you have the affinity for and life-purpose pathway of the Virgo Mysteries wired-into your being —  something you’ll see reflected in your astro-archetypes blueprint, a.k.a. astro-natal chart.

That would be the case for the Uranus-Pluto-Virgo soul-group experiencing Chiron Returns and Virgo-Pisces activations now and in recent years.

But the Virgo Mysteries and energies are being heightened for all of us now, as these energies are being activated by Jupiter, Venus, and Mars transits through this sacred ground.

As these energies stir Virgo’s sacred ground, they are enriched by the signature and transformative agenda of Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and now Saturn in the fiery-Wisdom of Sagittarius.

Transforming home in all of its expressions and experiences through the reclaiming and restoration of the Sacred — and the Sacred Heart, and Hearth.

Remembering that the ground on which we stand is holy ground.

That sort of thing.

These affinities and sacred callings are being stirred now, so we can bring them to a new level of sacred service and skillfulness, discerningly so (all very Virgoan qualities!).

Woman with Cat, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Woman with Cat, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Virgo cultivates and tends the Sacred, among other things, and given that it is an Earth element archetype or ‘Mystery School’ of experience, it’s very much given to tending the Hearth, wherever that hearth might be — at our very heart and center; in our homes; in our communities; or tending (and restoring) the World’s Lost Heart.

So in honor of and keeping with these Virgoan themes of tending the Sacred Heart & Hearth, cultivating the sacred space of Home in all of its ways, here’s a bouquet of Sophia’s Children posts on these very themes to stir the Sacred Home within and around you:

In “Home and Exile: Uprooted and Growing New Roots,” May Sarton muses:

“I too have known the inward disturbance of exile,
The great peril of being at home nowhere,
The dispersed center, the dividing love;
Not here, nor there …”
“If ‘home’ can be anywhere, how is one to
look for it, where is one to find it?”

Hero Awaiting the Return of Leander, 1885, by Evelyn De Morgan.
Hero Awaiting the Return of Leander, 1885, by Evelyn De Morgan.

In “Calling Home Your Exiled Selves,” I reflect on how so many in these ‘high-tech, low-touch’ times feel increasingly isolated, lonely, and “at home everywhere, and nowhere;” …

“There is a great need to restore our connection
with our deepest roots and call home our exiled selves.”

The “Home and the Radar of Your Heart” musing begins with this:

“We learn and hear a lot of cliches about home – what it means, where it is, how we find it, when do we feel at home and when do we feel displaced, unmoored; what we do if our sense of it has shifted irreparably or gone missing.”

Discerning home, finding home, redefining home, cultivating the sacred space and energy of home, and both being at home and actually being home.

It’s a beautiful notion to sink deeply into, to ‘ask out’ (or ‘pray out’) and see what insight and sense of home arises — to invite a renewed Spirit of Home to be born within and around us.

Circe the Priestess (detail), 1911-1915, from a trinity of images created by John William Waterhouse. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.
Circe the Priestess (detail), 1911-1915, from a trinity of images created by John William Waterhouse. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

Stir the hearth-fires and beckon the Spirit of Home; here’s a recap of the Sophia’s Children archive posts I mention above:

Home and Exile: Uprooted, and Growing New Roots

Calling Home Your Exiled Selves

Home and the Radar of Your Heart

As always, each of these is a doorway into other musings and inspirations on like and related themes.

A Blessing On Us …

Home is where the Heart is — May you always find yourself at home and warmly welcomed, wherever you may be.

Blessings and Big Love,
