[Update 11-4-17: Lilith in transit enters Capricorn on November 8, 2017, which means over 2017 Lilith has been transiting the super-potent Galactic Center zone, perhaps amplifying Lilith-like themes out into the shared psycho-sphere (and yes, psycho-sphere is on purpose). Saturn, too, will transit the Galactic Center in latter November for the third and final time this transit. The Saturn-Lilith themes here remain timely.]

In this new moon cycle, Venus teams up with wild-Feminina Lilith in the archetypal zone of Leo, squaring another formidable duo: Mars and Saturn in their Shamanic-Scorpio meet-up.

Coming together as this Feminine-Masculine foursome does at the new moon (today, in early Virgo) flavors both the coming lunation cycle but also sends ripples out into the coming months and beyond.

It’s a portal of opportunity as well.

We’re being stirred (or shaken, or pressed) to remember something that’s vital to our truly authentic sense of wise authority (Saturn), something that was squelched and exiled to our detriment: the wild, untamed, powerfully creative Feminine (Lilith).

Lilith, like the Black Madonna, is one poster girl for the Original She in all her Feminina glory, who plays by the rules of wild creativity, holistic wellbeing, and healthy and mutually respectful partnership with the Masculine (both within and outside of us).

The Priestess of Bacchus (1889), by John Collier.
The Priestess of Bacchus (1889), by John Collier.

But Lilith was demonized — big surprise — because she refused to play by amended rules that not only reneged on original agreements but also spurned healthy, mutually respectful partnership by denigrating the Feminine part of that equation.

You’ll find more on that story in the links below, but suffice it to say, no one — male, female, other, or Earth — ultimately benefited from that inherently toxic deal, but here we all are.

This points to the missing link that wants to be remembered, or shaken free or stirred loose, now as crucial medicine for us and through us, for our times.

I appreciate what Aepril Schaile at Aepril’s Astrology adds to our conversation about the Shamanic Feminine energy waves rippling onto our shores during this current New Moon party:

Hope in a Prison of Despair, by Evelyn De Morgan. Image courtesy Wiki-Commons.
Hope in a Prison of Despair, by Evelyn De Morgan. Image courtesy Wiki-Commons.

“When we receive a trauma, we leave parts of our soul in those places in the past, and lose integrity. This time frame holds a call to bring all of ourselves back into focus and alignment.

Lilith is what Jung called “The Shamanistic Anima”—she is the key to healing the soul. She is calling us to get right with those parts of ourselves that we chose to leave behind and reject–perhaps at one time for the sake of survival! But now we get an opportunity to reclaim the power to be whole.

Aepril continues, “Depression and/or melancholy is a clear sign of soul loss. It is a state of being unintegrated. We lose health and reason for living when we suppress aspects of who we are. Lilith reminds us that all demons were angels once.”

The Irish Girl (1860), by Ford Madox Brown
The Irish Girl (1860), by Ford Madox Brown

There is a saying: What’s repressed gets depressed. Any of us who’ve navigated the darker waters of depression and the Underworld know just how true this is.

What’s interesting is that Saturn, the Wise Magi or Maga master teacher, does trip us into depression when our wild, deep Feminine has been depressed.

Lilith is a missing link to what wants to be reclaimed … unrepressed. And Saturn and Mars stand at the ready to lend their fuel and Maga-Magi magic.

Now at this new moon in Virgo – another Feminine Earth archetype — Lilith joins Venus to whisper into her ear what she’s forgotten (has had conditioned out of her).

Then the Venus-Lilith duo looks across to Mars and Saturn to see what magic, what shamanic perspective, the foursome might help to stir the cauldrons of that healthy, mutually beneficial partnership — inviting both the Feminine and the Masculine into wholeness once more.

To connect with Lilith and the wild Feminine, to learn more about how Lilith (and others) got smear-campaigned, and to reclaim the naughty girl and wild child,  have a look at these Lilith posts from the Sophia’s Children archives, and explore the original audio programs of the Feminine Mojo Mystery School (aka ADF).

And if you prefer a more customized program or individualized attention? Send along an email and we can talk about the possibilities.

Big Love and Spicy Feminina Mojo,
