
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



Retrospective: Free Your Heart. Be As You Are.

Happy Protomagia, as my Greek friend Marinela says, a.k.a. Beltane or May Day (a traditional "thank God we survived the long Winter" celebratory and abundance-appreciating reference before 'May Day' got co-opted for martial purposes! Also connected with Persephone and her... Continue Reading →

Keeping Heart Amidst the Bully Pits and Transformation Fatigue

Just now, we have the Full Moon (in Gemini), Mercury stationing retrograde (in Saj, at the Galactic Center); the now-waning agida-spiking, flame-throwing opposition between Uranus and Mars; a lovely, "spacious mind" alliance between Jupiter and Neptune, and the heightened electric... Continue Reading →

Museworthy Quotation: Remember the past to reweave an alternative future.

“I don’t criticize ...That’s not my approach. I look for avenues of transformation, and I feed them. I’m always looking to generate something, as opposed to just taking something apart.” “The way I think of it is, every time we... Continue Reading →

Strong at the Broken Places

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong at the broken places." Ernest Hemingway (This is an update and re-feature of a post I wrote in 2008, in my previous Engaged Spirituality, Mystic Activism blog. It seemed ripe for... Continue Reading →

Threshold Paths and the Wild Bees of Spirit

The 'wild bees of spirit' have spiraled back around, so it's timely to share anew this "Thresholds and the Wild Bees of Spirit" musing from the Sophia's Children treasure vault. 'Tis the season, too, in the Northern Hemisphere, with Spring... Continue Reading →

Quoteworthy: Those Who’ve Stepped Beyond Ego

“This shift of consciousness is so profound it will take time to engage. But we can no longer afford to focus on our personal wellbeing. Those who have experienced a reality beyond the ego need to lead the way, for... Continue Reading →

Transformation Fatigue and Keeping Heart

For many horizon-edge walkers and vision-seeders, transformation agents, and similar culture-shifters, or just people trying to be decent and kind in a culture and world that seems too-often indecent and insane, transformation fatigue, apathy, and burnout are occupational hazards, ever... Continue Reading →

On Tipping Points and the Courage of Convictions

Albert Einstein said that we can't solve the problems we face using the same mindset or consciousness that created the problems in the first place. Countless wisdom traditions have said as much -- that it takes a change of heart... Continue Reading →

The Believing Mirror Reflection

We’re born into this world already with just the blend of inherent traits, ancestral intelligence, and soul imperatives we need for this lifetime’s expedition. Some of this encoding is time-released, and some is latent until it’s activated by certain forces... Continue Reading →

Life-Milestone Cycles and Big-Energy Activations Underway

There are several 'big energy' activations and/or life-milestone cycles underway just now. Here's a snapshot, and I have a few specific updates on the writing roster for a couple of these. The shifts and fluxes in the shared energy field... Continue Reading →

It is Risk, It is Real – the Dark Night of the Soul and Transformation.

“Transformation begins at the point where there is no hope.” ~ James Hillman, Suicide and the Soul “At the core of the spiritual journey, religious traditions recognize the inevitability of darkness. Transition from “one degree of glory to another,” as... Continue Reading →

Threshold Paths: Wild Bee Wisdom from the Dark and Starless Road

The 'Wild Bee Wisdom' from Fiona MacLeod and David Wagoner spiraled up again to the surface in a conversation this morning with a fellow Via Transformativa sister. I have deep appreciation for just how timeless this wisdom and inspiration is,... Continue Reading →

InterSpiritual: Delving Into Sacred Wells to Stir the Heart Awake

Here's another lovely musing from fellow mystic-writer (etc.) Mirabai Starr. I recently shared a perspective from her on the Feminine Mystic. This one is how she describes her own experience of walking the InterSpiritual Way. Different from interspiritual or multi-faith,... Continue Reading →

Energy Weather: Zap Zone, Cray Cray and Muck Waves

From what I'm feeling, experiencing, and hearing from a fair number of peeps, it's a fine time for an Energies of Now update. I've heard quite a few, "Oh thank God! I thought it was just me who was feeling... Continue Reading →

Creativity, Vision, Renewal, and Deep-Yin Time

Wherever we are, whether we're moving into the season of shorter days and longer nights, or easing from daylight to the dark of night, we move into the Deep Yin cycle of Nature. Ancient wise ones -- and some of... Continue Reading →

On Restoring the World’s Lost Heart

In this season (and greater time) of sifting the wheat from the chaff, and restoring the sacred to its rightful place in both the mundane and the lofty, it's a fine time, too, to resurface this previous Sophia's Children post... Continue Reading →

Monday Musing: Standing Quietly in the New Life?

One of my favorite medicine-poems: I have a feeling that my boat has struck, down there in the depths, against a great thing. And nothing happens! Nothing...Silence...Waves... -- Nothing happens? Or has everything happened, and are we standing now, quietly,... Continue Reading →

Love, Spring, and the Golden Rule

"A compassionate or loving consciousness has ancient roots, but it is taking on a new importance as our world becomes integrated ecologically, economically, and culturally." "Because we now share one another’s fate, it is increasingly clear that promoting the well-being... Continue Reading →

Focus, Energy, and Shifting Stories

It's more challenging than it sounds, isn't it? This work of shifting dominant stories, whether personal or cultural stories (and for most of us it's both)? The shifting, the uprooting from false ground, has tested me mightily, I admit, and brought... Continue Reading →

There’s A New Story Being Born

"Another world is not only possible, she's on the way and, on a quiet day, if you listen very carefully you can hear her breathe." ~ Arundhati Roy* There's something compelling about being reminded that a new story is trying... Continue Reading →

Black Moon and the Black Madonna

New Moon. Black Moon. Black Madonna. Here's the story. When I saw the 'black moon' reference for the 18 February Aquarius New Moon at, the Black Madonna arose in my awareness. She's been surfacing for me again anyway in... Continue Reading →

The Magic of Gratitude

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a... Continue Reading →

The Hidden Beauty (and Spirit) in Relationships

This is an 'evergreen', timeless update from the Sophia's Children archives. Is there a deeper purpose and beauty in relationship than what we might have been conditioned to see? A deeper beauty and richness of possibility that has been obscured... Continue Reading →

A Time for Courageous Dreaming

Here's a theme that's been growing in strength: the importance of reclaiming the power of our focus from the myriad bling-bling distractions, reclaiming the power of our dreaming, so that we can direct more and more of it towards desirable... Continue Reading →

Artists Envisioning the Divine Feminine

"We are indeed at a critical juncture in human history. Our collective initiation from the love of power to the power of love is the motto of our time. In this time of global transformation, it is essential that we... Continue Reading →

When Life Shakes and Breaks You…

“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on... Continue Reading →

In-Between: Behind the Scenes with ‘Not Yet’

This theme just keeps coming up -- navigating the uncertainties and other quirks and curiosities of the In-Between, when one cycle has ended but the next hasn't yet taken shape and gotten traction. Or maybe you've experienced some epic change in your... Continue Reading →

Is New Age Greed Subverting Spirituality?

"The law of attraction is a wildly-popular modern mystical belief hyped as the secret to fulfilling your every desire. It has big celebrity endorsements, and commercial products rehashing its claims sell in abundance. But beneath the glossy façade there's often... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day – Rediscovering Life’s Magic

"We can rediscover the wisdom of Cerridwen's Cauldron, or the underlying support of the Stone of Destiny, if we are ready to venture beyond the confines of this frantic world into the silence of past realms. If we enter the... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Creativity – A courageous and ancient gesture…

"The creative act is a courageous, ancient gesture, a dynamic exploration of the dark mystery that is human existence." ~ Adriana Diaz, as quoted in Roderick MacIver's Art As A Way of Life. The creative gesture means many things. Yes,... Continue Reading →

The Return: Becoming a source and ambassador

In Mysticism, Evelyn Underhill gives another perspective on the Withdrawal and Return stages of the Hero's Journey through which all heroines and heroes, all spiritual initiates and sages, must trek. We've just forgotten what many of our ancestors and the... Continue Reading →

Hero’s Journey: The Return – Seeker Becomes the Knower

Now that we're in retrospective mode, seeing 2020 in the rearview mirror while integrating all of the many experiences and perspective-shifters (or at least, perspective challengers) that the last year included, The Hero/Heroine's Journey yet again renews its relevance. The... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Radical Discontinuity. No Maps.

"We are living in an age of radical discontinuity. The lessons come faster and faster as our souls and the universe push us into new growth. Familiar waters seem suddenly perilous, alive with uncharted shoals and shifting sandbars. The old... Continue Reading →

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