
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



“Responding Creatively” as a Kind of Activism (and Coming Through Perfect Storms)

Ever wonder just what you can do, contribute, in the face of what often seems overwhelming odds, too much tragedy and suffering, and powerful pot-stirrers who seem to jones on and profit from the mess? I know I've mused and... Continue Reading →

There’s a Reason It’s Called ‘Golden’

Generally, when something's "golden" it's considered good, optimal, desirable, refined, auspicious. A golden opportunity. The Golden Rule. The Golden Mean. Someone who's able to turn straw into gold -- creating something valuable, that benefits others, from humble origins or 'raw... Continue Reading →

Retrospective: Free Your Heart. Be As You Are.

Happy Protomagia, as my Greek friend Marinela says, a.k.a. Beltane or May Day (a traditional "thank God we survived the long Winter" celebratory and abundance-appreciating reference before 'May Day' got co-opted for martial purposes! Also connected with Persephone and her... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Fire in the Head, and Other Water-to-Fire Musings

Have you noticed a bit of a change in (inner and outer) atmosphere in recent days? For several weeks, we enjoyed (or not) a concentration of those flowing (or snowing) Piscean energies in the macro-sphere, as Venus and Mercury joined... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Receive, Reflect, Restore … Love

In Dark-of-the-Moon-esque times, we rest into and align with the very Lunar, receptive, reflective energy of the coming New Moon in the very waters ruled by Luna. And then some. Tending, nurturing, slowing, receiving, rejuvenating, listening, dreaming, visioning, flowing, loving.... Continue Reading →

Discerning Vocation and Purpose

Early this morning, Bernard of Clairvaux popped into my awareness. It's said that he would wake up each morning and, as he rose from his pallet, would ask, “Bernard, Bernard, why have you come here?” In that spirit, it seemed... Continue Reading →

MuseWorthy Quotations: Callings, Purpose and Meaning

“The life I am living is not the same as the life that wants to live in me … Trying to live someone else’s life, or to live by an abstract norm, will invariably fail … True self, when violated,... Continue Reading →

Reclaiming Our Gifts and the Golden Thread of Destiny

“Our destiny is the golden thread that holds together the hearts of humanity and the heart of the world. We carry the heart of the world within our own heart, and through living our destiny we nourish the heart of... Continue Reading →

Transformation Fatigue and Keeping Heart

For many horizon-edge walkers and vision-seeders, transformation agents, and similar culture-shifters, or just people trying to be decent and kind in a culture and world that seems too-often indecent and insane, transformation fatigue, apathy, and burnout are occupational hazards, ever... Continue Reading →

Effortless Creativity and Uncompetitive Purposefulness

It's no secret now that we're at a bit of a craggy crossroads, we humans? It seems that Life herself is more urgently stirring up the recollection, resurrection, and/or Phoenixing of whole areas of innate and indigenous-soul genius that were... Continue Reading →

MuseWorthy Insights: Decolonizing Imagination and Soul

I share the following from Alastair McIntosh's 2015 Sunderland P. Gardner Lecture (Canadian Quaker Learning Series #7), with Mr. McIntosh's permission. This reflection is also very much aligned with some of the archetypal macro-themes of the current Saturn-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto... Continue Reading →

Mars: Power, Purpose and Shadow-Stuff

I wrote recently about Mars coming out of its retrograde, cave time, and vision quest (June 29). With Mars in the archetypal Scorpion-or-Phoenix zone just the now, additional key shadow possibilities include the hoarding-witholding typical of the Taurus-Scorpio shadow. With... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: Mars Forward, Energy Resurfaces

Mars, the planet and archetypal energy of raw life-force, brash Yang, passion, and momentum stationed direct after its retrograde vision-quest cave-time that started in mid-April. In mythology, the only time Mars did cave time was when he was with his... Continue Reading →

Energies of Now: The Golden Thread, Ikigai, and Raison d’etre

The symbol and metaphor of The Golden Thread resurfaces for me every once in awhile. It's a lovely image, and a beautiful reflection to work with. Though this is always a powerful and helpful metaphor when we need it, it's... Continue Reading →

Life-force Rising: Spring and the Re-Emerging Feminine

"Whom should I turn to, if not the one whose darkness is darker than night, the only one who keeps vigil with no candle and is not afraid— the deep one, whose being I trust, for it breaks through the... Continue Reading →

Jung, Astrology and Synchronicity

“My evenings are taken up largely with astrology. I make horoscopic calculations in order to find a clue to the core of psychological truth. Some remarkable things have turned up which will certainly appear incredible to you. "I dare say... Continue Reading →

Leaning Into Your Strengths – Empaths and Sensitives Series

Here's the latest article in the Empaths & Sensitives Series here at Sophia's Children. This one takes a look at a couple of ways that Empath-Sensitives can "live into their strengths" and gain more mastery over the gifts, while being more aware and skillful in the face of the challenges of being an Empathic-Sensitive in a loud and often bully- and Narcipath-favoring culture.

What Makes You Come Alive? #Blesstival-2016

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." So advised Howard Thurman, the philosopher and theologian who was... Continue Reading →

The Singer’s Voice and The Well

“Tyranny cuts off the singer’s head but the voice from the bottom of the well returns to the secret springs of the Earth and rises out of nowhere through the mouths of the people.” ~ Pablo Neruda, trans. by Alistair... Continue Reading →

Creativity, Vision, Renewal, and Deep-Yin Time

Wherever we are, whether we're moving into the season of shorter days and longer nights, or easing from daylight to the dark of night, we move into the Deep Yin cycle of Nature. Ancient wise ones -- and some of... Continue Reading →

A Season of Focused Vision-Tending

Ahhhh, yes, we enter anew into the Season of Vision-Tending and renewal. It's always a fine time to renew, revitalize, regenerate, and re-vision, of course. But there are also times that are potent in their adding support to just that.... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: Allowing Our ‘Authentic Swing’ to Find Us

The Legend of Bagger Vance is one of several films that are on my 'movie medicine' list for when I need just that bit of inspiration and perceptual-shift. With its inspiring depression-era 'Hero's Journey' story, a wise spirit ally who... Continue Reading →

QuoteWorthy: Pilgrim, Gypsy, Wanderer Soul

"In each of us dwells a wanderer, a gypsy, a pilgrim. The purpose here is to call forth that spirit. What matters most on your journey is how deeply you see, how attentively you hear, how richly the encounters are... Continue Reading →

There’s A New Story Being Born

"Another world is not only possible, she's on the way and, on a quiet day, if you listen very carefully you can hear her breathe." ~ Arundhati Roy* There's something compelling about being reminded that a new story is trying... Continue Reading →

Quoteworthy: This is Your Time

“Many were born for a world that is just coming to be. If you have felt lost before and been frustrated in realizing your purpose here, this is your time.” ~ Steve Nelson, Gaiastrology, August 2014 It is a time... Continue Reading →

Visioning: Delve Into the Waters of Inspiration

"What do you yearn for? What vision stirs and beckons you from your inner depths?" At this point, it's no secret: Constant, frantic, frenzied 'busy' gets you more of the same, along with the stress and burnout that go with... Continue Reading →

The Power of Taking a Stand

"The power of taking a stand centers us in something larger than our own life starring us. We start to realize that we have been “given” life and that it’s a gift. When we use our life as an instrument... Continue Reading →

Discerning Vocation and Purpose

"What a long time it can take to become the person one has always been. How often in the process we mask ourselves in faces that are not our own? How much dissolving and shaking of ego we must endure... Continue Reading →

A Season of Focused Vision-Tending

It's the perfect time for checking in with the deepest stirrings of heart-and-soul ... a Season of Vision-Stirring, Vision-Seed Planting, and Vision-Tending. I've got a Vision-Stirring feature-page on the Sophia's Children work-table, but for right now, here's some Vision-Season inspiration.... Continue Reading →

Who are you? Merton On ‘Identity’ and the Way

"One of the characteristics of "mass society" is precisely that it tends to keep man from fully achieving his identity ..." "To have identity is not merely to have a face and a name, a recognizable physical presence." "Identity in... Continue Reading →

Living Lyrically and Remembering Your Song

"Nothing is more commendable than to live lyrically, to make our lives a continuous song of experience." ~ Charles "Tom" Brown, quoted in The Friends of Silence newsletter, April 2014. "I see dance being used as communication between body and soul... Continue Reading →

Out of the Water-Stable in the Year of the Horse

There is a concentrated energy of new beginnings at the moment, with the five-element theme making a big shift from water to fire. Regeneration is one of several key 'fire themes' of this coming year -- think 'Phoenix', the beautiful... Continue Reading →

The Time of Creative Vision, Renewal, and the Deep Feminine

ma-laise "A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify. "a society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise"*   burnout "Physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress."* Wherever we are, whether we're... Continue Reading →

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