
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



The Via Feminina: The Sophia Quest and Sophia Gifts

In her book, Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God*, Caitlin Matthews writes: "There is a need for an essential gathering of what we have scattered ... When we each become part of this quest, which is nothing less than... Continue Reading →

In-Between: Behind the Scenes with ‘Not Yet’

When? That's a question I hear from quite a few people. "When will this craziness stop?" "When will my efforts bear fruit?" "When will the money start flowing in again?" "When will it get easier?" "When will things go back... Continue Reading →

Solstice Reflections and the Season of Lights

I love this time of the year, with its juxtaposition of light and yinny dark and lots of little sparkly lights and candles everywhere. The sparkly lights shining into the dark of night make me happy, and pretty well symbolize... Continue Reading →

You’re in Scorpio Season Now ~ Going Deep

Just in case Super-Storm Sandy is all it's projected to be, I'm posting an earlier version of a blog post on my list for this week. A super-juicy Taurus full moon, a super cocktail of a storm, and the cross-quarter... Continue Reading →

Zap Zone Alert: Be Cool, Honey Bunny

Remember that line from Quentin Tarantino's movie, Pulp Fiction? Be cool, honey bunny. Well, it's pretty good advice right about now, too. Have you noticed that people around you are a bit (or a lot) testier or more short-tempered and... Continue Reading →

Epic Shift and Merton’s Advice on ‘Problem-Solving’

How have the past few weeks been for you? Or months? Years? We're dancing through our days amidst a bevy of high-frequency Energies of Now: The ongoing Uranus-Pluto square (Sixties, Part 2 ... the next rung on that spiral); plus... Continue Reading →

Free Your Heart (and Mind). Be as You Are.

I've been quite introspective over the last month or so, even more than usual (see my previous post, Hail to the Hermit). Those who aren't introvert-contemplative types (most people, seemingly), can't grok the need for periods of deep introspection, quiet,... Continue Reading →

Is June a ‘Portal of the Feminine’?

Happy Solstice! June is a busy month in astro-energetic terms, featuring a flurry of not-so-usual activity. Like the eclipse full moon, the 2nd of two Gemini new moons, Neptune stationing retro, Venus and Saturn stationing forward, and the much-anticipated, "Sixties... Continue Reading →

Calling Home Your Exiled Selves

I've been reflecting deeply on the topics and experiences of home and exile for several years now, and probably longer. Since I hear from so many who feel uprooted and unmoored in this 'plugged in' yet too often disconnected culture, I'll continue... Continue Reading →

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