
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


spiritual awakening

An Update, and A Dark Night of the Soul Musing.

Greetings, my friends! I hope you're well. I've been more quiet in recent months where posting here at Sophia's Children is concerned, but I've not been absent. Far from it. Life's had me sharing gifts and presence a bit more... Continue Reading →

Seeking the Divine in Unexpected Ways – Russell Brand

“There’s a famous quote: ‘Every man who knocks on a brothel door, he’s looking for God,’” he says. “Crack houses and these dens of suffering and illicit activity, they’re all people trying to feel good, trying to feel connected. People... Continue Reading →

Depression and Spiritual Awakening – TED Talk, Lisa Miller

Thanks to Persephone Rose for sharing this on her Spirit Garden blog. Lisa Miller's story and message will resonate with many who've walked the challenging yet hallowed ground of initiation, graceful messages, and spiritual awakening that shifts perspective and our... Continue Reading →

Strong at the Broken Places

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong at the broken places." Ernest Hemingway (This is an update and re-feature of a post I wrote in 2008, in my previous Engaged Spirituality, Mystic Activism blog. It seemed ripe for... Continue Reading →

Mystic Activists and Phoenixes Rising

It's always something of a wonder to me the things that spiral back around to be seen, engaged, and expressed anew, fertilized by the richness of experience and 'rigorous initiations' between one arising and the next. Back in 2005, in... Continue Reading →

Quoteworthy: Those Who’ve Stepped Beyond Ego

“This shift of consciousness is so profound it will take time to engage. But we can no longer afford to focus on our personal wellbeing. Those who have experienced a reality beyond the ego need to lead the way, for... Continue Reading →

Grace, Uncertainty and the Transformer’s ‘Reality’

Yesterday, given Mars' energy-tide shifting from low-ebb to returning tide, we had the Fire element. Today, in honor of all that Water juju working its wavy, tidal, dissolution-magic in our shared field, not to mention the waves of Galactic Center... Continue Reading →

New Transformative Experiences Series at Sophia’s Children

You'll find a new content series birthing here at Sophia's Children, joining the Black Madonna & Divine Feminine Mysteries and Empaths & Sensitives Series -- all on the nav-bar above. The Transformative Experiences Series has been gestating for a long... Continue Reading →

Your Odyssey and Neptune’s (and Pals) Magic

Odyssey noun od·ys·sey \ˈä-də-sē\ : a long journey full of adventures : a series of experiences that give knowledge or understanding to someone 1:  a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune 2:  an intellectual or... Continue Reading →

Getting Neptuned – When Life as You Know it Dissolves (or Melts Down)

There are some cycles, passages, or even life-purposes that fly (or flow) in direct opposition to the more Saturnine, Capricornian, structured, hierarchical, "Puritan work ethic" oriented norm that is  celebrated in much of Western culture, and certainly in the U.S.... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Radical Discontinuity. No Maps.

"We are living in an age of radical discontinuity. The lessons come faster and faster as our souls and the universe push us into new growth. Familiar waters seem suddenly perilous, alive with uncharted shoals and shifting sandbars. The old... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Musing: Creativity and Wilderness

"Creative people don’t follow the crowds; they seek out the blank spots on the map. Creative people wander through faraway and forgotten traditions and then integrate marginal perspectives back to the mainstream. Instead of being fastest around the tracks everybody... Continue Reading →

Empaths, Energy Hazards, and Restorative Practices

[I wrote and published the original post way back on August 28, 2012, and have updated it several times a year since, including late-September 2015 ... because yes, it's a timeless "new normal" topic in our wild-energy times!] The energies... Continue Reading →

“You’re too sensitive!” Not.

"You're too sensitive!" I heard that all the time while I was growing up, and have heard it on occasion since. I've heard it said to others, too, and know peeps who heard it as well. Like many who are... Continue Reading →

If it’s difficult, is it the wrong path?

"A vocation is only possible under conditions that also block it or make it impossible." John Caputo in What Would Jesus Deconstruct That perspective flies straight in the face of the more contemporary notion that if you're experiencing obstacles on... Continue Reading →

Shining Headlights Into Complacency

I came across Ken Wilber's book, One Taste, more than a decade ago, and his "A Spirituality That Transforms" (What Is Enlightenment), among other writings. The following excerpt resonated strongly with me then -- I found it both a compelling invitation... Continue Reading →

MLK on Creative Maladjustment and Transformed Nonconformists

Today is the anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s epic "I Have a Dream" speech. In another of his powerfully challenging and inspiring speeches from 1967, he talked about when we might want to adopt a bit... Continue Reading →

Anam Cara, Believing Mirrors, and Allies on the Path

"In your Anam-cara you discovered the Other with whom your heart could be at home." ~ John O'Donohue, The Confessions of St. Patrick (Introduction) On this notion of our soul-deep yearning for our anam cara, our true soul friends and believing mirrors,  Carla... Continue Reading →

Shamanic Activism and Shamanic Caveat

Two very different articles on shamanic practice came into my email inbox in the same morning. I'll share both of them here in the Sophia's Children blog, since many multi-tradition Indigenous Wisdom paths have so much in common with the... Continue Reading →

The creative adventure of ‘uprooting from false ground’

"As far as you can, hold your confidence. Do not allow confusion to squander This call which is loosening Your roots in false ground, That you might come free From all you have outgrown." ~  'For the Interim Time' by... Continue Reading →

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