
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Chiron in Pisces

Energies of Now: Venus Earthing (and a Potent Activation Portal)

Happy Friday the 13th, and New Moon in Luna's Cancerian waters. Feeling the catalyzing energy streams flowing (or whirling) in and around and, maybe, beneath you? There are some shifts and fine-tunings occurring in the Symphony of the Spheres (aka... Continue Reading →

Are You Experiencing a Life-Milestone Cycle or “EPE”?

Every one of us experiences various life milestones, some of which are reflected in one's astrological natal and transits chart -- the first Saturn Return (and second), the Uranus Oppositions and Squares, the Chiron Return, Progressed Lunar Return, and a... Continue Reading →

Chiron Quest and Sensitivity to ‘Energy Gunk’

Though I'm writing about sensitivity to 'energy gunk' and why that's important, I'll start with Chiron, since I mention him, too. This insight from Brad Keeney speaks well to our Chirotic Quest, as it's sometimes called: “This is where the... Continue Reading →

Phoenixing Update: Jupiter and the Shapeshifting Wave

The momentum resumes. Or some of it, anyway, with Jupiter leading the way. Here's a fresh update on the 'great benefic', the Keepers of the Flame, and the Phoenixing Mission ... for those who choose to dive in and rise... Continue Reading →

Phoenixing Update: Jupiter and the Shapeshifting Wave

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." ~ Gospel of Thomas, Saying 70... Continue Reading →

Chiron and A Shaman’s View of Sensitivity, ‘Mental Illness’, and Spirit-Gifts

“So this is how the healers who are attempting to be born are treated in this culture." "What a loss that a person who is finally being aligned with a power from the other world is just being wasted.” ~... Continue Reading →

The Heart, Core, and Magic of the Feminine

I originally wrote a version of this post in May 2012, about the Virgoan qualities of the Feminine, and had a strong intuitive nudge that it was time for an update. She speaks. Her medicine must be needed even more right... Continue Reading →

Empaths, Energy Hazards, and Restorative Practices

[I wrote and published the original post way back on August 28, 2012, and have updated it several times a year since, including late-September 2015 ... because yes, it's a timeless "new normal" topic in our wild-energy times!] The energies... Continue Reading →

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