
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


Ancestral Spiritual Lineage

Are You on the Con-Some-Damn-Thing Treadmill?

"The compulsion to acquire possessions has often been compared to an addiction. Just as addicts need more and more of their drug to get the same level of pleasure, Americans buy more and more stuff to maintain the same level... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day – Rediscovering Life’s Magic

"We can rediscover the wisdom of Cerridwen's Cauldron, or the underlying support of the Stone of Destiny, if we are ready to venture beyond the confines of this frantic world into the silence of past realms. If we enter the... Continue Reading →

Uncertainty, Courage, and Some Fear-Calming Practices

"In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty … in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field... Continue Reading →

Home and Exile: Uprooted and Growing New Roots – May Sarton

“I too have known the inward disturbance of exile, The great peril of being at home nowhere, The dispersed center, the dividing love; Not here, nor there ..." – May Sarton, From All Our Journeys In Plant Dreaming Deep, Sarton... Continue Reading →

Your Sense of Mystery and Curiosity

“This rich tapestry of the Guardian, of the Ancestor, that says “I am here, but I’m here to awaken your sense of Mystery, that is what life seeks from you because your Mystery will elicit your curiosity and from your... Continue Reading →

Lilith, Changing Stories, and Our Seed-Task

"If you don’t know the trees you may be lost in the forest, but if you don’t know the stories you may be lost in life." ~ A Siberian Elder's Proverb "Those who do not have power over the story that... Continue Reading →

Hero’s Journey: The Return – Seeker Becomes the Knower

Now that we're in retrospective mode, seeing 2020 in the rearview mirror while integrating all of the many experiences and perspective-shifters (or at least, perspective challengers) that the last year included, The Hero/Heroine's Journey yet again renews its relevance. The... Continue Reading →

Venus and Iris – the Shamanic Diplomat

Our Venusian selves have just gone Mercurial. Are you sensitive and attuned enough to feel it yet? If not, you'll be able to if you wish. Read on for tips, so you'll be able to create more skillfully with this energy in... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Radical Discontinuity. No Maps.

"We are living in an age of radical discontinuity. The lessons come faster and faster as our souls and the universe push us into new growth. Familiar waters seem suddenly perilous, alive with uncharted shoals and shifting sandbars. The old... Continue Reading →

Why Wasn’t Wisdom Taught, and Why is She Needed?

When we wander off the well-traveled path and begin to do a bit of deeper-digging, we realize pretty quickly that the foundational stories we've been taught and told are either incomplete -- key bits left out, you might say --... Continue Reading →

Reclaim Your Mind, and Your Ancestral Wisdom Legacy

“You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying... Continue Reading →

The Via Feminina: The Garden of the Senses

Continuing on the very Venusian-Taurean theme of coming to our senses... The Garden has long been a metaphor for wholeness, for the mystical Heart, and for the Divine Feminine. In a mechanized, techno-distracted age, the Garden (and all that comes... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Uncommon Skills

"As we accept what is, we become people who stand in contrast to what is, freed from the aggression, grasping, and confusion of this time. With that clarity, we can contribute things of eternal importance no matter what's going on... Continue Reading →

On Story, Women, and Humanity – Chris Abani

Freyja Day Musing: Authenticity and Magic Words

"When we use language that fits into the established framework of the culture, when we try to make our ideas respectable, we limit what we can say and think." "But when we use a term like "magic," when we leap... Continue Reading →

Making Honey Out of Old Failures (and Other Honey Wonders)

"Last night as I was sleeping, I dreamt -- marvelous error! -- that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden bees were making white combs and sweet honey from my old failures." ~ From "Last Night... Continue Reading →

Reclaiming Our ‘Word’ Power

  With the passing of each day, it seems more and more vital not to get caught up in the swirling vortex and mass-hallucination of what's gone -- and what is going -- horribly wrong. Recently I noticed what seemed... Continue Reading →

Freyja Day Reflection: Water Teacher – Faith and Flow

"Let the stream follow its course, it will know the way among the mountains. Watch, and it will lead you to the ocean with gentle certainty -- unforced. Have faith in your direction." David M. Bell, Spirit of Nature: The... Continue Reading →

To see clearly, let the murk settle …

"We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see." - Taoist Proverb I've always found calm, and sometimes clarity, too, in these very Taoist, natural-element bits of wisdom, especially water-related ones.... Continue Reading →

The Heart, Core, and Magic of the Feminine

I originally wrote a version of this post in May 2012, about the Virgoan qualities of the Feminine, and had a strong intuitive nudge that it was time for an update. She speaks. Her medicine must be needed even more right... Continue Reading →

May Day and Beltane: Clear, Cleanse, ‘Green’ and Aim

Happy May Day. Happy Beltane. We're mid-way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, and the theme of Now is fertility and emerging growth. With the arrival of Spring, we see, hear, and sense the spirit of greening (and thus fertile... Continue Reading →

Out of Fear-Spin and Into the Heart, Illuminated

"Listen and attend with the ear of your heart." ~ St. Benedict Who doesn't want to step out of the perpetual spin-cycle of fear, dread, and anxiety? Heart- and Spirit centering practices come in many shapes and sizes, and have... Continue Reading →

Everything we do now: The Power of small actions

"The forces of love and greed are contesting with one another, and both are immensely strong -- so strong that almost anything could tip the balance. Everything we do now is vitally important. Each act of healing is a weight... Continue Reading →

Creative Awakening: Your Forgotten Wealth

"When you cease to fear your solitude, a new creativity awakens in you. Your forgotten or neglected inner wealth begins to reveal itself. You come home to yourself and learn to rest within." "That which is scattered has no unity,... Continue Reading →

Vision and Your Wild Divinity

"Your vision is your home, and your home should have many mansions to shelter your wild divinity." ~ John O'Donohue, Anam Cara Vision, not to mention ways we cultivate and reclaim our precious 'wild divinity', are among our Sophia and Artemis... Continue Reading →

The Essential Adventure of Our Time

"Along with the Great Turning, the Great Unraveling is happening too, and there is no way to tell how the larger story will end. So we learn again that hardest and most rewarding of lessons: how to make friends with... Continue Reading →

Wild Geese: Your Place in the Family of Things

"Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting -- over and over announcing your place in the family of things." ~ From "Wild Geese"... Continue Reading →

Living Lyrically and Remembering Your Song

"Nothing is more commendable than to live lyrically, to make our lives a continuous song of experience." ~ Charles "Tom" Brown, quoted in The Friends of Silence newsletter, April 2014. "I see dance being used as communication between body and soul... Continue Reading →

The Magdalene Quality of Friendship

"The Magdalene quality of friendship is the ability to know everything there is to know about a person, to celebrate their fortunes, to weather their straits, to chance their enemies, to accompany them in their pain and to be faithful... Continue Reading →

Chariklo: More Than Meets the Eye

What do astronomy, Grace, Greek mythology, and April have in common? Last week, astronomers shared news of their discovery that Chariklo, an asteroid (or possibly dwarf planet), has rings around it -- something thought to occur only in larger planetary bodies,... Continue Reading →

The Essence of Spring and Bringer of Plenty

Happy Spring Equinox, to those in the Northern hemisphere (and Autumn Equinox, to those in the Southern 'sphere). Here's a little Spring-time reflection food for you, to help tap into or attune with the essence of Spring, wherever you may... Continue Reading →

Purpose-Clues and Sophia’s Mission for Us

Perhaps you're one of many who feels  called to greater authenticity, purpose, and heart-and-soul-aligned meaning for your own life and for the collective dream? What clues might be find about our Big Purpose, our dharma, if we clue-hunt and pattern-track in... Continue Reading →

Reaping Wisdom out of Hell – o – Operator

Sometimes it's good to shake up stuck notions, when they get so calcified they become toxic. That's when we need to 'go all Hafiz', and turn it upside down to shake the nonsense out and reveal the original Wisdom of it.... Continue Reading →

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