
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


spiritual practice

Practice Proves Itself. And Flow Like Water.

There's that old saying, "The proof is in the pudding." Riffing on that folk-wisdom saying, my own experience has shown me that "the proof is in the practice," as well. Anyone who has practiced anything for any period of time,... Continue Reading →

A Fullness of Joy – #Blesstival-2016

"You are the Ground I have built on and the beauty that rejoices my heart. I give thanks to you at all times for lifting me from my confusion, for teaching me in the dark and showing me the path... Continue Reading →

Are You on the Con-Some-Damn-Thing Treadmill?

"The compulsion to acquire possessions has often been compared to an addiction. Just as addicts need more and more of their drug to get the same level of pleasure, Americans buy more and more stuff to maintain the same level... Continue Reading →

Uncertainty, Courage, and Some Fear-Calming Practices

"In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty … in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field... Continue Reading →

“A Listening Life …” ~ a reflection from Adam McHugh

Okay, raise your hand if you resonate with this in your very heart and core (if you're a fellow introvert, the chances are excellent that your hand will be raised): "But in truth, there is no glory in listening. There is... Continue Reading →

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