
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.


transformed nonconformists

3 Museworthy Quotations: Invoking Humanity … and Courage

Here's a trio of Museworthy quotations or excerpts from one eloquent and visionary leader, and two inspired writers of different generations, but all "born into interesting times." Two were born in the mid to late 1920s, and the third was... Continue Reading →

MuseWorthy Quote: Ripples of Energy and Daring

“Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of... Continue Reading →

The Rebel and Mystic Sell

Earth Energy Reader (in The Shift Has Hit the Fan blog) shares an interesting comparison from Chris Hedges, on the similarities between mystics and rebels, and a few related musings. In a time and culture of Spiritual Entertainment and commoditized,... Continue Reading →

Gary ‘Z’ McGee ~ Turning the Tables on Unsustainable Systems

This is a powerful perspective from Gary ‘Z’ McGee, shared by Laura Bruno. Gary Z's article includes some of my own favorite themes and insights, like the fierce-and-fiery wisdom of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King when he spoke of... Continue Reading →

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