
Sophia's Children

Living and Leading the Transformation.



A Holy Days, Seasons of Lights Message for you

“Take off your shoes, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5) It's always nice (and sometimes sanity saving!) to remember that, breathe more deeply, and gather back the energy that's overly dispersed through fear, anxiety,... Continue Reading →

Is it Better to Enlighten Than to Shine?

" is better to enlighten than merely to shine." ~ St. Thomas Aquinas, O.P., Summa Theologica,  II-II, q. 188, a. 6. That bit of wisdom from St. Thomas Aquinas caught my attention a few days ago, when I came across... Continue Reading →

New Moon: Deep Feminine Wisdom (aka Medusa) Back to Earth.

Are you tuning in at this Medusa-flavored new moon to receive Wisdom from the depths? For those with a two-second attention span, at this new moon you're invited to call Wisdom and heartfulness 'down to Earth' to illuminate and guide... Continue Reading →

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