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Retrospective: Free Your Heart. Be As You Are.

Trochilidae, Hummingbird, a traditional symbol of joy and whole-heartedness, by Ernst Haeckle.

Happy Protomagia, as my Greek friend Marinela says, a.k.a. Beltane or May Day (a traditional “thank God we survived the long Winter” celebratory and abundance-appreciating reference before ‘May Day’ got co-opted for martial purposes! Also connected with Persephone and her return from the Underworld as an Initiated Wise Woman).

With the recent and current astro-retrograde waves, a retrospective dive into the Sophia’s Children treasure vaults stirred up this still very timely (and recently updated) musing.

Written early in the recent Uranus-Pluto Square cycle, it’s one of my first posts after I switched to the WordPress platform, and one of my ‘evergreen’ favorites.

It may be more timely for the Energies of Now than it was when I originally wrote it.

Meditating Monk and Light. PD image: Pixabay.

Here you go … See what it stirs in and for you.

I’ve been quite introspective over the last month or so, even more than usual (see my previous post, Hail to the Hermit).

Those who aren’t introvertcontemplative types (most people, seemingly), can’t grok the need for periods of deep introspection, quiet, restoration, and listening-sensing.

But for the true (vs. plastic) “walkers between the worlds,” the artists, the writers, the contemplatives, thoughtful nonconformists … the transformation catalysts … these non-structured (or less-structured) periods of introspection, quiet, listening, sensing are essential to the wisdom, the insight, the healing, the art that depends on them.

As always of late, I sense into and watch what arises, and then track the patterns for themes, ideas, synchronicities, and guidance.

Light in the Crypt of St. Wystan Church, Repton, U.K. [Photo via TripAdvisor]
I’ll be writing and sharing more of the ‘gems’ from this most recent deep-sea, deep-consciousness expedition in coming weeks and onward — it has a lot to do with the role of true (by calling, nature, and initiation path) “walkers between the world,” by artists, ‘creative nonconformists, subtle yet powerful activists, and contemplatives in a world rocking and roiling with the forces of transformation, including those ‘transformation agents and catalysts’, and those who would actively (and sometimes violently) guard the status quo.

Two key archetypes — and these are just two of a ‘council’ of them right now — are Uranus and Pluto, the Promethean awakener and the ‘resistance is futile’ transformer of the status quo. A lot more people have been, and are being, introduced to The Narrow Path.

We’ve been, and are being, shaken and stirred, and that’s only going to intensify – not because of planets in the sky, but because the status quo has become psychopathic and unsustainable.

Plus, we’re being called to Be. Who. We. Truly. Are.

Faking it, serving superficial or toxic ‘values’ feels more and more intolerable, and becomes more and more of a noticeable energy drain.

Historically, much arises in the wake of the Uranus-Pluto meetups, even as most astrology focuses on the exact conjunctions or squares.Think about the late 1930s and the 1960s to have a sense of it.

We’re in the wake of their most recent meetup now.

For those born and imprinted with the energetics of this Uranus-Pluto dynamic in the mid-Sixties, when the two last met in this particular way, it may feel very familiar (I an my Uranus-Pluto Conjunction in Virgo peeps understand this very well — see Jem Neal’s article on the Uranus-Pluto Magi at his Chirotic Journal).

(See the Sophia’s Children article on this Phoenixing mid-60s, original/core Generation-X group (and a few others facing key Life Milestone passages) here.)

For now …

Jim Morrison
of The Doors

As I contemplated these various clues and puzzle pieces that have arisen into new clarity, and pattern-tracked for guidance on purpose and mission, a friend with whom I was in conversation on these things sent a quote from Jim Morrison, the very Scorpionic-Aquarian, Venusian lead singer for The Doors in The Sixties — when Uranus and Pluto, that famous duo, were conjunct in Virgo.

And here again these very same themes have been reflected, having seeded and roiled for a stretch of years in The Sixties (and perhaps the 1930s before that), and stirred up once more for a revisitation, deepening, expansion, and extension in recent years.

Key themes? A few of them, anyway …

Those were the themes in the 1930s and the 1960s, amidst this Uranus-Pluto backdrop, and lo-and-behold, those are the very issues this time around, amidst the Uranus-Pluto and Emerging, Re-Membered Feminine backdrop.

Here is just a snippet of what mystic, shaman, poet, and artist Jim Morrison shared in an interview with Lizzie James back then (link below to full interview):

“I think people resist freedom because they’re afraid of the unknown. But that unknown was once very well known – its where our souls belong. The only solution is to confront them – confront yourself – with the greatest fear imaginable. Expose yourself to your deepest fear. After that, fear has no power, and fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You ARE free.”

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade your senses for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.”

“But we can only open the doors – we can’t drag people through. I can’t free them unless they want to be free – more than anything else….Maybe primitive people have less bullshit to let go of, to give up. A person has to be willing to give up everything – not just wealth. All the bullshit he’s been taught – all society’s brainwashing. You have to let go of all that to get to the other side. Most people aren’t willing to do that.”

“The most important freedom is to be what you really are.”

The Mirror, 1896. An exquisitely beautiful painting by Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee. [Image Courtesy of WikiMedia]
For most people, remembering exactly who that is, is an epic mission in personal archeology. But there are clues, and bread crumbs pointing the way.

Are you one of the mystics, shaman, artists, writers, or other version of transformation agent who is called to be what you really are?

From the strength with which this theme has arisen again, I’d guess that continuing to live into the question, and experiment with being that is important for these next few defining years.

You’ll find lots of other inspiration on this and related topics; just link-surf through Sophia’s Children, check the categories for what tweaks your heart-and-soul strings, or start with this heartful musing:

Restoring the World’s Lost Heart

It’s easier said than done, so kindred spirits, mentors, and seasoned guides are key to navigating the Way during these epically uncertainty-filled and transformative times.

For an inspiration partner and navigation guide as you navigate your own LIfe Milestone (or generational sub-group/soul-group) passages:

See a few Current Special Offerings here.

Big Love,


Read the full interview with Lizzie James and Jim Morrison — there is more insight that very much pertains to now.

Featured Image Credit: Trochilidae, Hummingbird, a traditional symbol of joy and whole-heartedness, by Ernst Haeckle.

Dancing in the Rain. PD Pics.

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Lots of love,


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