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Energies of Now: Zap-Zone HoliDaze and Handy Reminders

Spiral Eyes, from Team Pixie U.K.
Spiral Eyes, from Team Pixie U.K.

Uh-yup, it’s a doozy of a week, a dilly of a pickle, and the bees knees of energetic swirling dervishes … and likely a few Tantrum Yogis and Hissy Fit Artists, too, doin’ their thing.

Super sweet, but also typical of Transformation-Times.

Cranky, tetchy, touchy, intense energy soup just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., and for the ‘Black Friday‘ start of the often manic, angst-stirring holiday ‘shopping season’ common to the more consumer-driven cultures … when a lot of good folks are hangin’ from their last dangling nerve.

Woo hoo!

But remember that in chaos and seeming crisis there’s great potential and creative juice, too.

So here’s a bit of energy weather reporting and Rx suggestions for all of us who know that awareness is our friend, or as the folk proverb has it, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

In a wee nutshell:

We have some highly sensitizing, electrifying, zap-zone energy dynamics afoot this week, increasing the tantrum-yoga, hissy fit, outburst, psychic-vomit potential.

Empath-sensitives get a heads-up to stay aware and honor self-care needs to be most skillful.

Rudyard Kipling’s poem, If, is wise guidance for these transformation-time energetics afoot:

“If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too…” … etc.

So, in the spirit of “keeping our heads” and being islands of calm in the midst of the storm …

Time-lapse photography of a lightning storm in Norman, Oklahoma. Public domain image courtesy of

Here are the deets for more awareness-minded folks:

I’ll share a bit of astro-lingo and the gist about the current energy soup we’re swimming together in.

Tomorrow’s Full Moon is at 4 (degrees) Gemini … fairly jittery energy by itself … directly opposes Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Sagittarius, creating a ‘t-square’ with Neptune in Pisces.

That means three or more energy dynamics clash to create a crucible or creative friction and ideally liberate higher possibility or less ideally trigger shadow-activity.

As always, archetypal-energies zap us right where we are, individually and collectively, to trigger, awaken, challenge, or test particular things in and around us.

This week sees the first exact square between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces.

Illustration from the Garden of Kama, 1914, by John Byam Liston Shaw. Public domain image courtesy of WikiMedia.

This Saturn-Neptune meetup is a year-long ‘in the news’ dynamic … asking (among other things):

• What is REAL, really? What is reality, really?

• Is this REALLY the best dream or vision of ‘reality’ we can come up with?

• Which of these stories are real, really? and

• Which of these stories mask an agenda that wants to delude us, glamour us, ensorcel us, or lead us astray?

… and other explorations of what’s real, what’s not real, what do we wish, pray, envision, or dream to be real.

I have Saturn-Neptune square in my natal chart, so understand its tidal-reality push-and-pull, ebb-and-flow, create-and-dissolve dynamic.

Though that’s plenty activating for everyone this week, anyone who has natal planets in early (first decan or 0-10 degrees-ish) Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces (as I do), it’ll be extra activating because it’s a lot more ‘juice’ flowing through what’s called the Mutable Cross that those four archetype-signs represent.

That means that early 60s-born Generation-X shapeshifting Phoenixers with first-decan natal placements in early Virgo (like Uranus and Pluto) and early Pisces (like Chiron) are additionally activated by this one.

AND there’s more …. Mars and Venus are flying together in Libran airspace, adding a shorter-burst activation to the Uranus-Pluto Square.

(This hits the charts of 70s-born friends, who likely have both Uranus and Pluto in Libra, and have been or are in the Uranus Return zone and the Uranus-Pluto Square zone).

Mars brings fire energy or shakti-fire, and tends to breathe fire and then think about consequences like what it’s just reduced to a smoking ash heap.

Venus, as in myth, is the one presence (or part of us) who can (1) tolerate Mars fiery brashness, and (2) calm and more consciously direct that Marsian-energy to where it can do more good than harm.

So, in short … a great time to be the healing, centered, aware, middle-Way presence while many around us could well be in full-on provocateur, ‘tantrum yoga’, fundamentalist, ‘psychic vomit’ mode.

And at the very time we may be feeling fairly sensitive to the very same energetics rippling through the shared field.

The Love Potion, 1903, by Evelyn Pickering De Morgan. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

Sounds like ‘business as usual’ for transformation catalysts and horizon-edge vision-seeders and energy alchemists. 😉

So there you have it … energy weather snapshot of the archetypal energies of now.

How does this affect you?

How do the longer term energy dynamics like Saturn-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto or other ‘key milestones’ — Uranus Opposition, Chiron Returns — affect you this coming year?

How can you work more effectively and gracefully with that?

What self-care, mastery, and energy hygiene practices can be of greatest help to you?

How can you better and more skillfully navigate those ‘difficult personalities’ and interactions?

Schedule an astro reading and/or coaching consultation to find out.

Take a look at the current Holiday Specials for readings, sessions, and Feminine Mojo courses.

Or you can email me directly at info ‘at’ ivysea ‘dot’ com and we’ll explore the best options and possibilities together.

Also, check out the Empath-Sensitives Series for more on dealing with Narcipaths, Tantrum Yogis or Yoginis, Psychic Vomiters, or similar “difficult people‘ — AND — find Soothing Remedies there, too.

Big Love and Happy Swimming (watch those live wires!),

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