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May Day and Beltane: Clear, Cleanse, ‘Green’ and Aim

The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)
The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)

Happy May Day. Happy Beltane.

We’re mid-way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, and the theme of Now is fertility and emerging growth.

With the arrival of Spring, we see, hear, and sense the spirit of greening (and thus fertile Life Force) gathering momentum.

It’s also a time of clearing; cleansing; setting (or refreshing) energetic and psychic protections or boundaries; greening, and refreshing and orienting our focus and our aim towards that which we’d gladly see growing in our Life Garden (and drawing energy away from that which we’d rather not have in our garden!).

Our more Life-connected ancestors (of pretty much every lineage) knew that — whatever our religious or spiritual tradition (or lack thereof) — life is enriched when we’re in sync with the rhythms and energies of the Natural cycle (a.k.a. Life).

For those in Northern climates in particular, the return of green and Spring after a long, cold, dark, hard Winter was indeed something to celebrate.

Wherever we may live, and no matter the degree of modern conveniences we enjoy, we all still see these seasons in our own life cycles as well:

Flora, by John William Waterhouse

Perhaps you’re in a Winter season now, where life has seemingly become fallow and barren?

Or maybe you’re in a full-bloom Summer season, and enjoying the harvest?

Or you may be waiting (or wishing) for the delicate blooms of new growth after a time of drought or fallowness?

Or seeing the existing growth in your life begin to decay and fall away?

Though we have become increasingly disconnected and distracted (and thus often more distraught and despairing), the pathway and ways to re-connection are always near.

I created this Sophia’s Children blog to share ideas on just these themes from my own experiences of navigating Now by weaving the best of modern blessings and ancient, timeless wisdom (that which we draw from ancestral lineages often suits us best).

If you’d like to attune with the blessings, to stir the fertile greening, and aim your focus and energy towards your truest values, deepest priorities, and most heart-felt visions, I’ve shared a few links below to help you align with the energies of now.

Vision of Rachel and Leah (1855), by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

[If you’re into Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, you’re celebrating and attuning to the spirit of Lughnasa, the cross-quarter that prefaces Winter; follow the link for inspiration on making sacred at Lughnasa.)

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere and thus celebrating Spring and Beltane now, enjoy these offerings from the Sophia’s Children treasure trove:

Ideas for Celebrating Beltane (and What Beltane Is)

Celebrating Life and Love at Beltane

Clear and Cleanse the Funk (preparing your space for new greening)

Energy Hazards & Hygiene (a.k.a. tracking and clearing energy ‘funk’)

Energy for Empaths & Sensitives: Working With Water

Focus Your Aim With Your Sophia and Artemis Gifts

We all have particular gifts with which we are endowed, whether we’re aware of them or not. It’s not unusual, as we navigate the different life cycles and seasons, that we need to be reminded of our gifts, or have our connection with them sparked with new life.

You might explore you Artemis Gifts, or explore your Sophia Gifts. Better yet, reclaim, renew, and own whichever of your gifts are aligned with your purpose right now.

You can do these things any time, of course, and it’s wise to check in now and again.

Right now you’ve got the energies of Spring supporting you, so not why clear out the funk and renew your inspiration?

If you’d like an ally to help you reconnect with your gifts and the energies of now, send me an email and we’ll explore the possibilities.

Big Love,



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