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Epiphany and the Power of Your Presence

Sunrise in Space from Apollo 11 (Photo image from U.S. NASA)


To reveal. Shine. Manifest Revelation.

An Illuminating Realization or Discovery Resulting in Elation, Awe, Wonder.

It’s Epiphany, or the first of eight days of Epiphany … well, it’s more than that.

This year, Epiphany follows close on the heels of a potent New Moon (plus Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in the Sign of the Initiate), a recent Galactic Center activation, Venus and Jupiter in the sign of “Take Aim and Release the Arrow” Sagittarius, and an Epiphany-sparking Uranus shift.

That’s a lot of energy shifting, but what does it mean (or what could it mean)?

Read on. Plus …

Who among us wouldn’t welcome one or several epiphanies to renew inspiration as we begin a new calendar year?

After all, cultivating Epiphany (among other things) is an antidote to the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity and the toxic-normal of our times.

So let’s observe and cultivate the spirit of Epiphany

“So many people are frightened by the wonder of their own presence. They are dying to tie themselves into a system, a role, or to an image, or to a predetermined identity that other people have actually settled on for them.” ~ John O’Donohue (1)

Epiphany; a fresh New moon in Capricorn; recent Galactic Center activation; Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury in Capricorn; Jupiter in Sagittarius; Promethean Uranus stationing stationing forward, all stir the yearning to Quest and step back into the Wonder and Reflection of Our Own Presence, gathering inspiration and energy to express and manifest that in the world.

Read on …

By Yann Caradec. CC via Wikimedia.

Like my birthday totem, the Groundhog, I tend to feel the Siren Call beckoning towards hibernation — restoration and rejuvenation, Slow-Down time — during the coldest, darkest part of Winter.

Groundhog appreciating a flower-bud buffet. Pic from zazzlepics.

Since I’m not a groundhog which I bet surprises you — I’d call my version more of a call towards semi-hibernation, with an intention to honor my body’s innate and ancient call of the uber-Yin, Dark Feminine, Winter season to conserve and cultivate energy; and reflect, review, and gather vision, ideas, and insights to seed and birth in the coming year.

Given the general busyness of my usual week, it’d be easy to blow it off — to make excuses why I don’t “have time,” and to go against the body’s wisdom and deep need for Yin-restoration, to push, push, push (and then have stillness come looking for us in less desirable ways).

Years ago, while still masked in what Human Design calls our “not self,” I hit that wall going a thousand miles an hour, so I know that heeding the call to slow down, allow some restoration and rejuvenation time, honor the spirit of the season, has a wisdom that supports wellness and the next cycle of activity and growth.

Even then, hitting that wall going a thousand miles an hour — the Deep-Yin, Deep-Feminine came looking for me, since I’d been long-conditioned to avoid them, and began to shatter that not-self mask and armor.

In hindsight, I see the amazing Wisdom of that. In my astrology charts, I see the wondrous pattern of that wake-up call (and what followed). In my experience, hindsight with present-perception, I see what flowed forth as a result of that.

Why it’s smart to honor Slow Down milestones

Seasonal and spiritual milestones and holy days can offer welcome inspiration and a renewal of meaning and fuel for momentum.

Spirit of the Night, 1879 by John Atkinson Grimshaw. PD via Wikimedia.

Epiphany is a beautiful theme, actually, and one of my favorites (part of the Season of Lights from Solstice to February cross-quarter day), so I’m grateful that by some standards and calendars, we who choose to savor it have a bit more wiggle room. Phew!

Plus, why be miserly with heart-light-stirring and soul-light-sharing … just ‘cuz culture-and-calendar tells you to, and the world’s in such a ridiculous rush to cram a celebration into one calendar day?

Just say ‘No’ to that ridiculousness, and ‘Yes’ to a renewal and infusion of fresh inspiration and meaning as you gather momentum in this new calendar year.

One potent Capricorn facet and theme is Coming Home to Your Self … and your truest Roots — welcoming those exiled or severed self/root-facets back home.

What might that mean for you, for us, and as ‘good medicine’ for these times?

Follow (and activate) the inspiration…

Capricorn Mysteries: Shamanic Retrieval in the Sign of the Initiate

A Time to Cultivate Epiphany Inspiration

Are You a Galactic Center Transmitter?

Home and Exile: Uprooted and Growing New Roots

Calling Home Your Exiled Selves

Energy Hygiene: Spread Too Thin? Gather Your Energy Back.

Big Love and Bountiful Epiphany,


Featured Image Credit: Sunrise in Space from Apollo 11 (Photo image from U.S. NASA)

Phoenix Rising. Image courtesy of All Day 2.

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Lots of love,






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