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Mystic Activists and Phoenixes Rising

Fiery Lantern. Photo courtesy of Myriams Fotos, Pixabay.

Spiral in Nature. Image from WallpaperAwesome.

It’s always something of a wonder to me the things that spiral back around to be seen, engaged, and expressed anew, fertilized by the richness of experience and ‘rigorous initiations’ between one arising and the next.

Back in 2005, in the early days of online social networks, I created and facilitated two forums on Ryze – one for ‘Conscious Enterprise‘, and the other called Engaged Spirituality, Mystic Activism, a.k.a. ESMA.

I migrated the ESMA forum to a blog, merged it with my Sophia’s Children blog not long after, and that planting has grown and ripened ever since.

If you did an internet search for ‘mystic activism’ (and related terms) in 2005, you’d not have found much, if anything at all.

Spirals in Nature. PD-CC image courtesy of Schrista.

Fresh Spiraling

In recent weeks, or months, the themes of ‘subtle activism‘ and ‘mystic activism‘ have been spiraling back around.

When I googled ‘mystic activism‘ a couple of weeks ago, lo and behold, the original Engaged Spirituality, Mystic Activism blog topped the list. That surprised me; I wasn’t expecting it.

But these themes of engaged spirituality, subtle activism, mystic activism, Shambhala Warriors, and their kindreds, are potently spiraling back around now as ‘antidote‘ to the amplifying mean-spiritedness, intentional conflict-stirring, bullying, and Narci-normality.

It’s not like ‘mystic activists’ and their kindred-spirits went anywhere between then and now — such ‘activists’ have been in our midst for ages and ages, sometimes ‘above ground’, and sometimes traveling more hidden, careful, and/or subtle byways when the times required it.

Once again, Life sounds the clarion call, because these times require it.

In his book The Conscious Activist: Where Activism Meets Mysticism, released in December 2014, James O’Dea writes:

“Activists and mystics are pioneers and adventurers. They leave the safer territory of comforting spirituality and charitable service and venture to the edges of personal and social transformation. They have a degree of longing and passion that makes some people uncomfortable. They have an unsettling degree of intensity. They ache for breakthroughs. They destabilize normality. They rock the boat of acceptability. They go off the radar screen of life’s prescribed trajectories only to return bursting with ecstatic insight, fiery conscience and new codes to rouse us from a sleepy moral conformity.”

“Both mystics and activists let their imagination catch fire. Rather than experiencing vision as an abstraction they join with it as active participants. Vision enters into them and courses their veins until it is fully embodied.

They are relentlessly called to step into the cauldron of real-life verification in order to bring airy concepts into flesh and blood reality. The path of enactment can be clumsy, painful and dangerous but there is no other way for those who want to live the reality others conceptualize but hesitate to incarnate.”

~ James O’Dea – preface from The Conscious Activist: Where Activism Meets Mysticism

Skellig Michael, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Image courtesy of World Heritage Ireland.

In addition to the relentless call to step into the cauldron — which isn’t an option, as that particular wording suggests — O’Dea also emphasizes “the many rigorous initiations needed before the power of the activist can become one with the power of the mystic.”

In a time and culture in which ‘urgency‘ and ‘instant gratification‘ — not to mention the power of adept self-promotion that isn’t always (or even often) supported by substance and actual experience (gnosis) — those traveling the paths of “rigorous initiations” may face even more than the usual challenges than they might have in cultures and/or times when those born and called to those roles were recognized, respected, and honored (if sometimes feared as well).

I’ve written before about the mid-Sixties-born Phoenixes (from what’s now ironically being called “the invisible generation”) who have been ‘called to Phoenixing’ during the recent Uranus-Pluto cycle (2011-2017) and our Chiron Returns (Chiron in Pisces).

There are others culled and called to this “narrow path,” too, from other soul groups, because it takes more than a few scattered around the world to create the needed alchemy in both the macro- and micro/local shared energy/consciousness fields (M-fields).

The Sower of the System, 1902, by George Frederic Watts.

What’s more, we’re living into it and expressing, presencing, and otherwise sharing what we learn along the way … all at the same time.

As the saying goes, we’re “building the plane while we’re flying it.”

Neat, right?

While individual resilience is likely ‘part and parcel’ of our being — and the ‘rigorous initiations’ will ensure that it gets a workout — every bit of believing mirror encouragement, wisdom, inspiration, and mentoring helps.

I honor and deeply appreciate my own truest and wisest teachers and mentors for just that reason, thus my ‘paying it forward’ … sharing and passing it along.

Are the “rigorous initiations” you’ve been experiencing calling you to step into your mojo in these wild changing times as one who leads the transformation by living it?

Explore and benefit from mentor-coaching to get a sense of where you are on the ‘map’ of this path and calling, as well as experience-brewed mentoring for navigating the initiations and bringing your unique ‘medicine’ into expression in the ways that are right for you.

Check out a few current mentor-coaching options here.

For more customized options, let’s put our heads together. Send me an email (jamie ‘at’ sophias-children ‘dot’ com) and we’ll explore the ‘best fit’.

Big Love and Heartful Expression,



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