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Chiron Quest and Sensitivity to ‘Energy Gunk’

Divers descending into Blue Hole, Palau Islands, Micronesia. PD image courtesy of Wikimedia.
Divers descending into the main cavern of Blue Hole, Palau_Islands, Micronesia. PD image courtesy of Wikimedia.

Though I’m writing about sensitivity to ‘energy gunk’ and why that’s important, I’ll start with Chiron, since I mention him, too.

This insight from Brad Keeney speaks well to our Chirotic Quest, as it’s sometimes called:

“This is where the heart becomes an instrument of alchemy and transforms noxious odors into nectars of the gods. Here darkness is turned into the golden rainbow body of luminous wisdom.” ~ Brad Keeney, Shamanic Christianity

Chiron is one of the clues about where and how we turn poison into remedy or ‘good medicine’.

The Dagara wise woman, Sobonfu Somé, could be talking about the Chiron archetype when she said, “The wound is where the gift is.”

Circe the Priestess (detail), 1911-1915, from a trinity of images created by John William Waterhouse. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

I’ve written before about Chiron being one of the major ‘purpose clues’ in our astro-natal chart, and I’ll be sharing additional musings on more recent insights about Chiron in these whackasaurus times we live in.

We all live our Chiron story, and we can find specific insight and affirmation in the sign and house of our natal Chiron, along with how it relates to other Planetary Peeps and the cosmic imprint we embody.

Since Chiron is now in sensitive Pisces, and Chiron in Pisces peeps have been in the life-milestone Chiron Return passage, it’s relevant as an example of ‘sensitivity to energy gunk’.

I’ve also written before about Generation X — the so-called ‘Lost Generation’ — who were born when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in Virgo, Chiron was in Pisces opposite Virgo, and Neptune was in Scorpio.

The Druidess, Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1890). PD-US. Wikimedia.

This is the very embodiment of transformative dynamics, and most have seen that in the highly transformative, not all that ‘secure’ nature of their life experience.

With Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio — and with other highly sensitive constitutions — we have a combination that creates an innate and super-heightened sensitivity to the energies that swirl around us.

This heightened empathy and ability to discern and sense other energies makes for both innately gifted healers and a definite disposition towards getting cluttered up with astral energies, or what I’ll call ‘energy gunk’.

The link is the archetype and energy symbolized by Neptune in astrology.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, and with Neptune in the transformative, psychic, and empathically sensitive water sign of Scorpio, there is both a purpose of bringing in awareness of how to work with and help ‘bring to Earth’ (and thus into the collective field) Neptune’s diffuse, unitive essence, and also the possibility of getting slammed by the energetic and psychic garbage that fills the ‘psychic soup’ we live and breathe in.

Mary Magdalene with the Alabaster Jar, by Anthony Frederick Sandys.

Even with awareness of how energy works, and how to work more consciously and skillfully with it, the sensitivity to all that floats in the shared pool remains.

So it’s essential for those with Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio (and other uber-sensitives) to become aware of it, learn to work with it, and cultivate a ‘magic backpack’ of practices that help to:

• stay afloat,

• clear the gunk, and

• cultivate the gift of access to and ability to work with these energies in a way that’s healing for ourselves, others, and the whole.

No small task, and no easy, instant-gratification-pill feat.

Taking care what we empathize with…

One thing I’ve noticed over recent years is that we have a great need to take care and be mindful about what we focus on, give our attention to, and identify or empathize deeply with.

Il Barbagianni, The Owl, by 1862, Valentine Cameron Prinsep.

Florence Scovill Shinn said, “You combine with what you notice.”

This is particularly true for those with Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio — and others who have a very psychic-empathic-sensitive constitution (you’ll see clues in your astro chart).

So bringing greater mindfulness and consciousness to what we notice, what we focus on, give our attention to, and empathize or identify with, is an important strategy for those with the heightened sensitivity to ambient energies and thus the energy muck in the psychic soup.

But there’s another layer to this insight.

What we ‘combine with’ and what we take into our energy field will affect how we feel, what we think, and horror of all horrors, what we manifest … or have challenge manifesting no matter the other external efforts.

That can be extremely frustrating, yes?

Learning to work more consciously and skillfully with energy in the various ways available to us is vital if we’re to bring our ‘good medicine’ into the world rather than be perpetually inundated with and manifesting from the ‘psychic and energy gunk’ or ‘mal-juju’ that’s routinely wafting around and purposely stirred up even more.

Boreas, by John William Waterhouse (1903), Image courtesy of WikiCommons.

With Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio, the level of heightened sensitivity woven into the constitution makes this challenging, and also makes it important for our own health, wellbeing, and expression.

The same would be true for others with very watery astro-charts (and thus constitutions and one’s purpose on the planet). Those with other element balances that don’t include so much water would have other needs and soul imperatives in order to bring their ‘good medicine’ and live into purpose.

There are many ways to increase awareness and work with and ‘cultivate’ a healthier energy and thus psychic state, including those which are aligned with any specific spiritual or religious tradition, so our personal approach and ‘magic backpack’ or practices-repertoire can be aligned accordingly.

I’ve written quite a bit about some of the practices for working more skillfully with energy here at Sophia’s Children, and I share practices through the Feminine Mojo and Wisdom Ways programs, and in personal work with clients as well.

The Priestess of Bacchus (1889), by John Collier.

This is also something I’m always in deep and ongoing practice with, always tweaking and learning, for the same reasons I’ve shared above — because we’re living in a swirling and often toxic ‘psychic soup’ that we don’t and can’t control, and we are very much affected by that, for better and for worse.

I mused on this in a recent Sophia’s Children article:

Empaths & Psychic Pollution, which you’ll find here.

Feel free to send along an email if you have questions related to your own experience, or schedule a Sophiastrology or Golden Thread coaching consultation to delve in more specifically and personally.

Current special offerings on readings, coachings & FeminineMojo here.

Big Love and Good Juju,

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