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Vision-Seed Fishing at Dark of the Moon

Dark Side of the Moon as Bella Luna Passes In Front of Earth. Photo by NASA.
Dark Side of the Moon as Bella Luna Passes In Front of Earth. Photo by NASA.

Are you aware of them yet?

The Vision seeds and soul-and-heart yearnings that stir, beckon, and nudge you into new awareness and adventures, and towards new horizons?

I write this on a Monday (the day named for the Moon), in the Dark of the Moon days leading to this week’s New Moon Thursday morning, the 7th (at 11:24 AM UTC, 7:24 AM ET).

Despite the fiery energy in the mix now, it’s very much a Deep-Yin time at the Dark of the Moon and the very end of a Zodiac year. Do you feel it?

Thursday’s Aries “Super New Moon arrives (18 degrees, 24 minutes Aries) and begins a new year on the Zodiac Wheel.

Have a look at where that degree falls in your astro-chart to see where the energies of rebirth will stir themselves alive, wanting to emanate outward from within your being and into your life.

Thursday’s New Moon is a Super New Moon, too, the good folks at tell us, because it’s the closest new moon of the year. Though being a New Moon, it’s not visible … just felt.

In the Dark of the Moon days, when the Moon wanes to invisible, then new, then the first slender visible crescent, the Deep Yin is a fine time for Yin activities.

And what, pray tell, are Yin activities, for which times such as this are optimal?

Meditation, visioning, dreaming, resting, rejuvenating, daydreaming, going with the flow (as guided by intuition and body wisdom), being receptive to the Muses and their music, arts, and visions.

Things like that.

And the Yin is intensified even more with the bold if watery presence of Neptune and Chiron in Pisces (see the recent Energies of Now, Your Odyssey and Neptune’s Magic post for more on that).

If you’re in sync with the more natural rhythms, rather than mangineered calendar-enslaved alarm-clock rhythms, you’ll feel the tidal pull of Deep Yin.

The first of the Voyage of Life paintings by my fellow Imbolc-born Aquarian Thomas Cole (1801- 1848). Public domain image courtesy of WikiMedia.

And that’s what makes them ideal times to open to and fish for Vision Quest snippets, seeds, intuitions, dream-bits, and visions that can guide you in the year ahead.

As the old saying goes, the Vision that pulls is likely more preferable than the pain that pushes, though both are effective in their ways, yes?

What Vision seeds and clues, whispers from heart-and-soul yearnings, swim just below the surface, waiting for your receptivity?

Go still and receptive with the tides Yin of Dark Moon and the very end of the Zodiac year and see what beckons.

Big Love and Dark Moon Blessings,


In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

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Lots of love,


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