Be the Light, Help Illuminate the Way ... [Image shared in an e-message from the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism]
Be the Light, Help Illuminate the Way … [Image shared in an e-message from the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism]

“When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home.” ~ Rumi

Yeah, I definitely “left home,” as Rumi’s saying goes.

And as we may have heard: “We were born for these times.”

But how do we bring — or even identify — the  unique gifts and ‘remedy’ that’s suited to meet the needs of the times?

The Exploration …

– How do you find the resolve and inspiration — and maps — to find your way through bone-deep challenge passages or Life Milestones?

– How might you explore what you’re called to create, live into, and affect in the coming months or year?

– How can you feel more at home in your body, with your own gifts (just as they are in THIS moment, and just as they’re evolving and emerging), regardless of what’s swirling around you?

Exploring these kinds of questions helps.

Working with an experienced mentor can make a big difference, too.

Current Featured Offerings — check out the options below.

We can create personalized or hybrid consultations to meet your unique needs, too.

“Sometimes everything
has to be
inscribed across
the heavens

so you can find
the one line
already written
inside you.”

~ the Poet David Whyte

Featured Offering #1:

SophiAstrology Consultations – Laser Focus Inquiry or Indepth

“I honestly don’t think I would have found

a road-map like the one you have given

me anywhere else. The Sophiastrology consultations have

given me so much validation for myself!”

~ Carolyn, Florida

This is a more laser-focused — and budget-friendly — inquiry into your astro-maps and the most important soul clues and current cycles.

Your Sophiastrology Laser-Focus Consultation includes:

  • Natal Chart review, and any super-timely transit activations;
  • The most important themes, cycles, and purpose-clues reflected through your chart for now, based on your key question and desired areas of focus.

Fee: $125

First come, first served!

(For a more detailed, nuanced, and even more personalized consultation, see the next couple of options.)

Want to begin with the Laser-Focus Sophiastrology consultation option?

PayPal me $125 and we’ll get started!

Buy Now

You’ll receive an email from Jamie about next steps to get you started.

Featured Offering #2:

SophiAstrology In-Depth Consultation

“I leave our sessions with upliftment, inspiration, greater clarity, a personal sense of empowerment, and a lot of good new thoughts percolating. I find myself feeling buoyed up and moved to new heights.”

~ Lawrence, Change Leader and Executive Consultant, San Francisco Bay Area, CA

With the more In-depth Sophiastrology consultation, we delve more deeply and I focus a lot more time exploring your astro-maps for the clues, story lines, themes, and timely reminders that are most important for you at this time.

— What are your unique gifts and pearls of experience, and how might that purpose or calling want to express in and through you now?

— Are you in a cycle where “the old” is dissolving and you can’t yet see the clue-trail to what’s being born in and through you?

— How can you best ‘dance’ and more gracefully work with the Energies of Now and your own emergent Self?

– What questions are arising for you at this time?

Deep down, some part of you already knows. That knowing has just been ‘paved over’ by cultural conditioning (etc.).

This focused Sophiastrology In-Depth reading/consultation shines a light on the gift-clues woven into your very fabric. It’ll help orient, fortify, and guide you in (and through) these wild times we’re living in.

I spend quite a bit of time for each consultation — several hours over the course of a week or often several weeks, if that’s what it takes, looking at several different types of charts.

The result is a personalized, attentive, and intuitive consultation that really focuses in on what’s arising for you now and what clues are most important now.

It’s much more than an ‘out of the can’ (or astro-software), one-size-fits-all astro-reading.

Your In-Depth Sophiastrology Consultation includes:

  • Natal and Transits charts, and I may look at Progressions or run additional types of charts if that helps uncover the most timely guidance or hunt down the more elusive — but important — clues;
  • The most important themes, cycles, and purpose-clues reflected through your chart for now (and a few others, if they’re shining bright);
  • The ‘archetypes’ — or key themes and ways of being — that can help guide and stir your personal Mojo-remembering and sense of Purpose;
  • Tips for working with these essences and energies of your own everyday life.


  • Your astrological chart(s) (.jpg),
  • A personalized Sophiastrology consultation report (PDF), and
  • BONUS WHEN YOU BOOK NOW: an audio MP3/4 of the key clues, themes, and tips from Jamie’s reading of your chart (plus intuitive guidance that arises for you).

Fee: $225 – below

Buy Now

You’ll receive an email from Jamie about next steps to get you started.

Questions: Email me at info “at” sophias-children “dot” com.

Featured Offering #3: Combo-Pack – SophiAstrology Consultation + Coaching Session

Combine a Sophiastrology Consultation with personalized coaching to help you access your unique Mojo and move forward more confidently.

After our sessions, there has been much movement happening …

freeing up creativity, and a new clarity of purpose.”

I felt wonderful, centered and full … it was great!

I am so grateful for the sessions with you.”

~ Jill, Vancouver, British Columbia

The Sophiastrology Consultation + Mentor-Coaching Session help you stir a sense of confidence, grounding, progress and momentum that’s more difficult to do alone.

Your Sophiastrology Consultation + Mentor-Coaching Combo Includes:

(1) Sophiastrology Consultation (Indepth, see above)

– The most important clues in your chart for right now;
– The key themes and ways of being that can guide you best right now.
– Intuitive Guidance that arises as Jamie does the consultation for you.
– Tips for working in the day-to-day with these essences and energies of your own everyday life.

+ PLUS +

– One ‘generous hour’ (60-75 minutes) of tele/Hangouts mentor-coaching session with Jamie — OR — you can choose 1 month of coaching via email that begins when we start emailing with one another.

Regular fee for this Sophiastrology Consultation + Mentor-Coaching Duo would be $500+)

Reserve Yours Now for $350 via

Buy Now

Wise Guides Mentorship / Apprenticeship

I designed the Wise Wo/men, Wise Guides Mentor-Apprenticeship based on my own experience, as well as my work with Transformation-Catalyst clients who are getting activated, pressed, and called to a new level of awareness and expression.

This more indepth mentor-coaching isn’t for everyone, though it may be right for you if …

• You want to really make a difference.

• You feel it deeply that you’re here to make a healing, meaningful contribution.

• You may be in an epic-change cycle, or true Dark Night of the Soul, Underworld cycle, experiencing the loss of orienting and navigation focal points.

• You feel that mojo shifting and/or building inside of you … but don’t quite know where to go from here — or want to ensure you continue to make progress (rather than giving up and sliding back into the same old, same old).

• You prefer the advantage of a mentor-coach with real-deal lived experience as well as plentiful third-party research and professional experience.

Here’s a uniquely personalized approach to reflect your greater commitment to being who you’re here to be and more skillfully navigating the transformation trail along the way.

Who’s it for?

Committed ‘remedy bringers’ and transformation leaders & agents, whose gifts and healing presence is needed in these times.

We can create a personalized approach together that supports you in more skillfully navigating the transformation and emergence, while bringing your best along the way.

To explore, send me an email to jamie ‘at’ sophias-children ‘dot’ com to begin our conversation.

“Jamie’s coaching has made a very substantial impact on me. The things that she recommended for me have become part of my practice, and it has made all of the difference in my life. One very powerful phone-session prepared me for a very important meeting, and it made a huge difference in the outcome.”

~ Ashley, Yoga Studio Owner & Teacher, Costa Rica

Spiral Path in Stained Glass. Public domain image courtesy of Pixabay.
Spiral Path in Stained Glass. Public domain image courtesy of Pixabay.

“We did well in a very challenging economy, most of which can be traced back to my work with Jamie. Her comprehensive understanding of my passion for excellence, the structure of my business, and the areas where we were stuck produced immediate and lasting results.”

~ Patrick, Founder & Managing Partner, Los Angeles, CA

Circe the Seer, 1911-1914, sketch by John William Waterhouse. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.
Circe the Seer, 1911-1914, sketch by John William Waterhouse. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

Indepth Coaching & Consultations.

For many years, I’ve worked with transformation leaders and change agents on strategy for elevated communication, change and transformation-leadership mindset and self-care, and what’s now known as ‘content’.

These require a different approach from the coaching options above, and I’d be delighted to speak with you about how to best meet your vision or needs in that regard.

Send me an email — jamie ‘at’ sophias-children ‘dot’ com — and we’ll have a personal conversation.

“In my experience working with Jamie over the years, there is such a great energy and a wonderful flow.”

“I leave our sessions with upliftment, inspiration, greater clarity, a personal sense of empowerment, and a lot of good new thoughts percolating. I find myself feeling buoyed up and moved to new heights.”

~ Lawrence., Change Leader and Executive Consultant, San Francisco Bay Area, CA

The Blue Spiral of Ivy Sea.


If you need a more in-depth consultation or a more customized program, let’s explore which options best support your purpose and progress.

I welcome your email — jamie ‘at’ sophias-children ‘dot’ com.

Big Love,
